Saturday, July 30, 2005

sian.. yesterday went back hm.. got another kor msg... alamak... ANOTHER break up for this week!!!! hai~~~ called him and chit chat... erm.... he got my ex bf number.. wow.. power..... erm......... he asked me wants or not... i stunned... if we never break up.. i will never know him.. i duno whether i should thanks him or not.. haha..... no matter wat happened, life still have to goes on.. maybe we still can be friends... next time we can meet up to go for a drink.. but OF COS is HE treat.. wahaha.. one thing for sure.. he very gentleman.. and nice guy... he treats his gf very good wor... still remember last time.. i went chalet with xinzhi, weeling and peggy on the first day.. can u imagine we bought how many bottles of vodka, hooch n others??? WE BOUGHT A TOTAL OF 21 BOTTLES!! wahahah.. :P i drank abt 11 bottles.. alamak.. tat day a bit drunk... haha.. hurt my head... then.. he knew abt it.. cos i told kor.. then... NAG N NAG N NAG... he even want to come down and bring me hm.. cos i promised him i won't drink... lolo.. :P ended up he msg my friend.. cos tat time M1 still dun have free incoming calls mah... of cos my good buddies help me lied lor.. bleh... :P considered as sweet memories ba.. watever i wants.. he will get for me.. TAT's WAS IN THE PAST!!! kor been asking me.. why last time u want to break up with him?? Reason?? I DUNNO...

today damn sleepy.... had bad day after work.. hai~~ ard 7 plus.. went back office to get my key.. and took 36 back hm... BUT DAMN... the bus was already damn pack.. the bus driver still asked us to squeeze.. i was like a victim sia.. at amber garden there.. there were pple alighting.. and pple coming up.. tat auntie.. dun want to move away.. then no choose... i had to move backwards to let them go down.. irritating sia.. wah piang.. got one guy step on my toes sia... after wearing high heels for one day ... leg damn painful liao..still step on me.. eat SHIT!!! at parkway more worst.. pple was like scare to miss the bus-stop.. pushing here and there.. the auntie again.. stand there like a stature...sian.. again me be the victim... after tat......... i should be alighting at the next bus stop.. but... the bell spoilt.. miss my bus-stop.. wah biang.. i tot i already avoid taking 36 at peak hours.. how come still so packed?? i suggest tat hor... should have double-decked 36 mah.. during peak hours.. arbo... everyday very jialat.. got to squeeze until siao.. or some short services lah.. u know wat i saw just now.. I SAW AN OLD MAN.. WAS STANDING WHEN THE BUS WAS PACKED.. HE WAS CARRYING AN UMBERALLA WITH HIM... ERM.. IF THE BUS DRIVER SUDDENLY BRAKE.. I GUESS HE WILL FALL DOWN.. BUT NOBODY OFFERING TO HIM SEAT!!!! WAH PIANG.. HEARTLESS CREATURE SIA!!! EVEN THOSE PPLE SITTING AT THE GREEN SEATS.. STILL YA YA PAPAYA.. SLEEPING OR LOOKING ELSEWHERE!!! HAI~~~ sad sia..

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