Sunday, July 24, 2005

today i went to tat zpop concert.. hehe.. not bad.. quite enjoyed myself.. ard 12... i met km... hehe.. went for a walk at east coast.. cos i was finding place to drink.. after tat call k.. but he was outside with his friends.. .then asked leo too.. hehe.. then... leo said he tired.. lazy to come out.. then ended up i went to 7-11 to buy.. after drinking for 2 cans.. l called km again.. asked where are we know.. in the end.. we went out together and drink.. haha.. met h too (l's friend)... we went to interworld which is near everyone's house.. dun need to drive.. tat's good.. they ordered SKYJUICE for me... wat!!! no choice.. stick with my skyjuice lor.. they went to play pool.. then i sit there alone.. sad sia.. but... later they ordered ANOTHER jug... hehe.. a bit tempting... i drank too... bleah... :P btw..when we sat there not long after tat.. there are girls sitting beside the guys wor... .hahha.. .:P but.... they asked them to go away... are they consider nice guys? tat is for u to find out.. bleah.........know a girl called ann... she tot tat KM was my bf or someone going after me... haha... is tat the truth.. i duno leh.. i know we are friends only.. hehe..