Friday, July 29, 2005

yohoo!!! finally my graduation day le... i got my diploma le... YESH!!! i did it liao!! finally completed another phase of my life... now got to proceed on to next step le.. wat should i do nexT?? work for the rest of my life?? or contiune my studies... erm.. seriously.. i hope one day i will throw my hat high and celebrate i got my degree le.. should i take it?? Give me one year to think carefully ba.. seriously... i dunno wat should i do next time.. i am like aimless.. just want to make a living now.. nothing much..

today went back school... erm.. so long never go back le.. hehe.. have the craving to eat ban mian.. but miss it... too busy today.. got my cert liao.. follow by went to collect a USB hub from my mentor who is my fav lecturer.. thanks him for the 3 years.. he helped me a lot.. he is very kind wor.. just like MR ONG.. can u still remember who is MR ONG??? We went for the buffet.. but the food was only so-so.. wow.. today didn't take much photos in school... miss a chance to take with Carina and Xinzhi... but took some secret pics wor.. sh... secret.. it will not be display out.. haha... guess who??? bleh.. nt saying out.. BUT I TOOK PIC WITH MY SHIFU.. hehe... BOTAK KING!!! bleah... :P

After tat we went to suntec.. and have NYDC.. actually didn't want to join in.. ah-fen pursue us to go.. hehe.. cos after tat meeting kor mah.. so.. tot of going back home and changed first but.. ended never go hm... met my colleague at city link.. hehe.. she congras me.. lalala.. saw my yandao colleague at suntec too wor.. really surprise.. guess i got a crush on him.. but i duno which country he come from.. lalalaa.... i order iced irsh cream..... erm.. very BIG cup.. stunned... first taste nt sweet at all.. but dunno hw come after coming back from the ladies.. it taste so SWEET!! guess maybe shufen or shifu or duno who else added sugar in.. hehe.. :P we ordered two pizzas... wow... taste delicious.. so CHEESY... SHIOK ARH... but POOR SHIFU.. going to die of COUGH SOON.. HAHA.. guess he going to have a SICK BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOR!!! bleah :P Ard 6 plus i went off with them.. hehe.. never join ester, jol and others to take pic and shop shop around..

Ard my workplace.. kor called me.. so went to tower records to find him.. walked straight to carrefour.. haha.. wanted to get sushi but ended up we had polar.. GUESS where we go???? We went KBOX.. haha.. i am a lousy singer.. hehe. .just go there for fun.. took some pics over there too.. even record how kor sing.. wahaha.. keke... :P erm.. at first ok lah.. but slowly... something happened.. i guess he sense tat.. trying his best to make me smile.. try to act strong in front him.. and swallow away all my tears.. haha.. can u sense it?? i dunno leh.. but i can tell you something KOR IS A GOOD SINGER!!!

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