Sunday, July 17, 2005

Thursday... nthing much happened also.. actually ester asked me to meet them to go for a talk at tanjong pagar.. but due to i got to work OT.. therefore i didn't go.. sian.. nowadays.. need to work OT often due to a lot of changes to be done.. no choice.. everything is still not finialise.. i hate testing sia.. is so boring... on my way back to take 36.. i met an auntie.. she asked me "Xiao jie, where is Concrad hotel"? i was stunned for a while.. and started to look ard.. i realised something i lose touch liao.. no longer a street directory liao.. sad sia.. In the end, i still managed to brought her there.. but i missed 4 36s... alamak.. two 36s come at the same time for twice.. sian.. ard 10.. i went to meet my friend.. to pass him the cds.. dunno where to go... or wat to do.. we called out another two friends out.. he went back hm to take keys.. while another one taking a bath.. i also went hm to take bath.. haha..he had to travel tro and fro to pick us up.. lolo.. :P at first we went to hongkong cafe at katong there while waiting for another friend ... erm. .maybe it was unbelievable.. i actually had a dreamt abt it... but it really bcome a reality.. erm.. !!!! ard 12.. went to pick up lao ah-pek.. hehe.. :P he bcame a teacher le.. wahaha..i guess the students are suffereing.. bleah...

friday.. really cannot concentrate on work. .due to slept too late for the past two days.. sian.. after worked when to meet Carina, Kim and their friends.. sort of i am the only extra one there.. but tried to make myself comfortable ba.. diao.. Carina keep suaning me.. hai`~~ she a bit very permissitive... about her FYP.. i ..... maybe provoke her ba.. i only said tat report nt very thick.. she........... i really duno.. she keep saying i got a very good life.. erm.... i dun dare to denied abt it.. when i am down... my friends all very on.. ask them out.. all will be out.. hehe.. thanks pals.. hehe.. tat 3 might be an idiot.. but they always accompany me thru late nite.. got jiefu always hear my sorrows.. got korkor accompany me thru my darkest period.. so.. ok lah.. we went to pastamania for dinner.. she wanted to treat us.. but we put money inside her bag.. then i realise something. she always treat pple eat.. she reminds me of xinzhi.. last time we go eat .. xinzhi always said dun need..she treated us very good.. but very ke xi.. she no longer tat close with me.. she was a very nice friend... but in secondary times.. there were lots of things happening tat were being disclose.. only 3 of us knows abt it.. hai~~

sat.. went out with banana they all.. alamak.. i was LATE for an HOUR.. due to massive traffic jam plus i met an accident.. luckily.. i am ok.. otherwise.. i met be in the hospital now..we went to bugis and walked to doby ghaut.. seriously i dun remember tat i got tell winston tat i dun want to go orchard... hai~~ maybe i too forgetful.. he inisited i said abt tat.. i LL lor...

sun... spent a day with my parents.. hehe.. :P anyway.. now i am broke...