Monday, October 03, 2005

erm.. these few days been out so terribly tat my pocket got a big hole without realising. i realise one thing these two weeks.. i guess everyone got feed by him till we gain a few kgs... can u imagine tat?? it is only two weeks before he going ns... we been enjoying ourselves so much.. wahaha.. last wednesday, we went to watched movies and after tat we went to play pool.. AGAIN i had to remind everyone abt my chalet on the 22nd of OCT.. lol..we had tons of chocolate tat day.. but missymouse didn't even have a bite?? why?? i tot she like chocolate a lot... maybe she dun like dark chocolate ba...

monday feelings was like heavy rain and thunder...... cos..... nothings seems to be right happening.. hai~~~ something happened at home.. plus.. got a sms from my friend's ex bf telling me tat she admitted hospital.. hai~~~ feeling really down.. cos.. we used to be such close friends.. but now.. such things happened.. she sms me and tell me.. dun worry, i won't die so early.. i still want to sing birthday song with u........ hai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

tuesday, i went out with my friend which i met at a project.. hehe.. we went shopping but i couldn't grab anything tat i like.. maybe bcos my mood wasn't tat good.....she promised she will accompany me to get my 21th birthday clothes.. wahahaa... :P

wednesday, we went to ps to watch movies.. sort of like a small gathering.. i enjoyed myself.. thanks missymouse, yy, anton and kelvin..

thursday, yeah~!! one week of break before my classes starts.. so wen out with yy n kelvin.. this time round..we went to marina again........... this time round i didn't eat much.. after tat we went to starbucks to chat for a while.. but i am glad tat we all kept our promises.. sms each other when we reached home.. =)

friday.. went to meet my cousin.. but gt a surprise when i saw my rejected giro application form....... hai~~~ will explain it in another post ba...

sat.. went down to settle my stuffs.. and after tat at nite.. i met the guys for dinner.. thanks to kelvin's mum for tat treat.. after tat we went over to geylang and had bean curd... erm.. i felt so bloated tat day.. now i starting to lose my voice.. i saw a watch tat i liked a lot tat day.. my aunt wanted to buy for me but i rejected her offer.. maybe i shall buy tat watch to give to myself as my 21th birthday.. :)

sun.. met carina for dinner at parkway.. bought 2 pairs of earing.. 1 ring.. so....
btw i met anton and his friend at parkway..

today had a lunch with my boss and my colleague.. tmr.. got to start to do my programming.. hai~~~ next two weeks.. i will be going course for two days at microsoft.. hai~~ i scare later i dun understand anything they said.. i am so touched today.. ah-fen told me she bought something for me.. and will pass it to me when she come to my chalet.. i tot she forget me already.. but i am glad.. our friendship are still lasting.. it really had been a long long long long time i ever met her and joy joy.. i miss them so much... use to hang out tat often... now.. once in a bluemoon... :'(

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