Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hai~~~ these few mths been falling sick tat often.. hw come?? why my immune system getting more and more weak.. even the doctor asked me to take care.. he asked me to go back to see him if my temperature keeps remain at tat high.. he even gave me two days mc.. but i guess tomorrow i will be going back to office.. need to do some stuffs and it was urgent.. so die die also must go back office.. today my colleague suppose to coach me.. but due to i fall sick.. he never came back office today.. so paiseh.. how can i delay the work...

supposely to meet yy they all on thursday to go changi airport to have swensen and chit-chatting session.. but i guess it will be cancel.. cos i got a course to attend on thursday.. i guess i most likely won't attend, i will be quite busy lately.. got to handle a new project... hopefully i can do well...

friday... hai~~~ i got to make up my mind.. my friend jio me go chiong.. but my health like getting worst.. should i go chiong with her??? erm.. or should i accompany my cousin.. hai~~~ how?? wat should i do??

yesterday her student ran off from school... hai~~~ it makes her feel so lethargic after rushing here and there.. but luckily.. the police managed found her at ard 9..

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