Monday, October 10, 2005

thursday.. really skipped my lesson and stay in office trying my best to finish up my stuffs which was supposed to be finish by friday.. but when the moment i open the other two forms.. i wanted to faint.. it was in the mess.. i spend almost one and half hour to finish up one of the form then started to do coding.. tears also want to drip down liao.. i know busy was fun.. but.. nt at that moment when my body haven really recovering.. reaching 2am... my eyes can't take it.. koonz......... went to bed.. the next day, really bad.. can't wake up on time. sob sob.. :'(

friday... finally finish my work at 5pm.. hai~~ quite late.. luckily.. customer did not complaint.. after tat went out with ah-jie to her favourite place to help her to release her stress.. then sort of plan a bit for my birthday..

sat... went out with my mum to get my phone repair.. then went down to bugis to buy stuffs.. erm.. bought 2 tops... alamak.. spent money again... oh.. i bought 1 bag too.. hehe.. at nite went to meet kim and carina for dinner.. and i bought another pair of earings..... die.. spent too much money this week...

sun... Carina accompany me to go supermarkets to buy some stuffs for my birthday.. then i went to library to check my email. in case there were some changes from my client.. lucky... dun have.. then i dun need to work.. :P we went to starbucks to loiter a while... then head back home..

this week been very shagged for me.. guess my body immune system is getting weaker... just recovered nt long ago.. now virus back again.. antibotics too strong for me.. causing my gastric very pain.. tat makes me to stop all my medicine.. hai~~~ today.. eyes like closing soon.. plus.. received a phone call from .............. makes me more puzzled..

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