Wednesday, October 05, 2005

hai~~` today should had listen to my parents to stay at home and rest. Instead of staying at home to rest, i went to work.. erm... sort of tons of work waiting for me to complete.. alamak.. this is my second project.. hope i won't ruin it.. to me, it is quite a big project.. i hope i won't ruin it.. but actually i got something urgent to do... the deadline is on friday.. can i finish it?? i guess cannot.. tmr got to skip tat session.. and do my stuffs... then i can start my project.. i can't focus.. then next monday going for a course.. (should be confirm ba!!) i guess after tat gt to go back to office to do my stuffs again.. hai~~~

something which i am nt sure was.. this coming friday.. how?? wat should i do?? xuer ask me to go to her chalet..... after seeing her and jil....... i .............. sometimes things won't last for forever.. maybe let the memories flow thru your life will be better.. at least u won't feel tat painful.. cos it was in the past.. and of cos u will find someone better and said thanks to your past.. otherwise u won't had such a gd future partner.. am i right to say tat? or maybe i am being too emotional... or i let emotion to lead my life??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who are u?