Monday, October 31, 2005

erm... due to under friend's influence... nowadays i join a forum.. haha..:P today met up with a few of his friends.. they had a party over at gallery hotel.. erm.. we will like trying very hard to reach there plus... quite a number of ma lu things happened.. lol.. got is quite fun to knoe this two pple.. seriously when km wore out that uniform.. i was laughing out so loud.. forgotten watever is in my mind.. in the end.. i still choose to leave.. and head home alone.. why? at nite km going to send me back home.. but why i still choose to leave.. the reason might bcos it was such a big crowd.. plus dun really know everyone inside.. guess it should be part of my fear doing me a favour of not going in.. plus.. wat if later i really get drunk how?? i know i won't control my limits.. so sad.. i still left the party.. the guy over at the receptionist so cute sia.. still smile at me.. haha.. guess customer service did improve already.. yesterday i went to espirt with ester.. tat lady damn kind... she seems like no customer liao.. kept serving us.. ask us this and ask tat.. even tat "girl" who promoting red earth products.. also ask me whether is she my auntie?? ...........

let me contiue with my trip to gallery hotel ba... i passby a bridge where i use to walk with louis.. yesterday i had a nitemare abt something had happened to him.. while today i walk to a place where both of us came before... let me recall back a lot of memories.. seriously, in life i did met a lot of kind souls ard me.. quite fortunate... wat am i asking now.. i guess wat i want now.. maybe is a stable relationship.. dun ask me who wor?? cos... my feelings now are like red and green beans mixing up together.. yesterday... i tot was zen's birthday.. msg him happy birthday... but ended up kana sabo by him.. sian.. :'( he asked me why i never gave tat guy(who bought me roses on my birthday) a chance? guess he treat me as gd friend ba.. but wat did for me for the past week.. really make my heart starting to melt..

half a year... had i forgotten someone who was used to be so impt in my life? guess slowly i had forget abt the feelings i had for him... we are just very good friends... he promised me tat he will help me to take things from jil.. guess he won't be tat good... he won't go and collect for me... he rather stay at home and sleep or played game.. hai~~~ when will my fairy tale story landed on me?

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