Sunday, October 16, 2005

yesterday nite had a nightmare.. tears been rolling down my cheeks... wat does tat means?? kor is leaving me.. he won't be celebrating my birthday with me.. kinda miss him when he leaves.. normally is he who pamper me.. and take care of me.. but i also hope tat within tat half a year he is away... i will have some changes in me.. really miss the times tat i had my black forest cake downstairs.. when i was celebrating my 18th birthday.. now... the fact is he will be leaving soon.. sob sob.. :'(

thursday..sort of had things to handle.. left office late.. reached there late.. then when i reached home.. was already quite late.. but had to finish stuffs tat i had brought back.. should express my thanks to kk.. cos he helped me a lot tat day.. thanks buddy.. next week or the week following will meet up with u and treat u... :P since tat was wat i promised... maybe on my birthday tat day hor..

friday.. sort of body immune system getting worst.. or maybe i haven really recovered.. and again i stay up late night.. so body system abt haywire.. went back to see doctor and complaint abt the antibotics.. 2 tablets 3 times a day. imagine 6 tablets for a day which led to my gastric pain.. therefore i had to stop it and changed the medicine.. if i contiune to get mc.. i guess my boss will kill me... although i might change job...

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