Wednesday, October 12, 2005

sian... got a terrible day today... went back to school early in the morning but i am late.. luckily tat lecturer was sitting over there waiting for me.. she was very considerate, in a sense tat she meet me at mac.. therefore i dun need to walk to so far to the mrt station.. but.... daddy sent me to work.. lol.. got stuck at the expressway for quite some time.. today everything been haywire.. hai~~~ sob sob.. sit there 3 hours to solve one stupid question.. "unable to get file from the asp server." what the ****** is this.......... hai~~~~~~ sian.. hopefully i can get it solve by today.. hardly got the mood to start to do programming.. now.. first step already got into deep trouble..

later at nite.. still got to attend my forum.. hai~~~~

yesterday went to watch red shoes.. erm.. still ok lah.. but anton told us not nice.. overall the conclusion was the ending really sucky... my friend asked me whether i want to join his "forum club".. haha.. tat's was a pretty good idea.. cos got someone to accompany me to............ (fill in the blanks yourself ba.. ) but.....................

my leader called me last nite.. told him tat situation i am in now.. he will help me later.. we shall see wat will happen...

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