Sunday, November 27, 2005

I realised tat in my life, there are a lot of turning points. Whether is it happy or unhappy, i still had to face it. What i can said now is, i am happy who i am now and what i had now. Whether will i cherish these moments, it will be unpredictable. Whether i had a make of decision of staying or leaving, i will normally use a reason to support myself. This is sort of a childish and selfish way of doing things.

At my turning point of 21... i had experience some different stuffs.

1) communication with pple...
  • as for me, i am a poor at communication but when u know me longer.. u will think i am nt tat shy..

2) attend DND

  • tat was my first DND in my entire life... sort of... never expect tat i got a chance to go to such grand place for my first DND.... and it was fun... learn a bit more on socialising..

3) attend wedding

  • this coming sat, i will be attending my ex-colleague wedding over at Yishun(i guess)
  • I missed Wenting's wedding last year but this time round, i am attending my friend's wedding... wow.... first time..

4) going to an outing with my colleagues

  • my team leader had organise an event on this coming friday to celebrate the closure of part of this project... and my parents had actually approved me to go... the outing will be last for 12 hours... can i tahan???

Monday, November 21, 2005

Time passes really fast, it had been a week since i ever post something in my blog. Maybe i shall just do a summary about wat had happened to me during this whole week.

Tuesday, was my second day of work. I joined kim and her friends for lunch. Sort of i swop my seat with my colleague which we "MUSICAL CHAIR".

Wednesday, i went to watch Just Like Heaven with km. hehe.. That movie was considered not bad but i just dun understand how come i drop my tears at the very last moment. I felt a bit guilty towards km bcos i let waited for almost an hour. I wanted to go over to suntec after work. When i was on my way, my ex-colleague rang me asking me to do a favour for him. Of cos, i agreed to that. Therefore, i went back home trying to access to the email, too bad that account had already cancelled. I tried Ben & Jerry ice cream over at suntec, it was pretty not bad. :)

while as for work, i had my first meeting with users at late afternoon. It was pretty scarely, as i do not know anything about my job scope, yet i had to introduce myself to them. On their forehead, it state "Don't mess with me!". hehe.. They don't look friendly at all.. Does all the user had same the attitudes?

Thursday, had been a very shagged day for me. I guess i only had less than 5 hours of sleep and i need to get up for work. I had been yawning ever since morning. I had a second round of meeting, it was pretty much more worst than on wednesday. This meeting involve more than 150 pple. Wah piang!!! Still need to introduce ourselves, but as usual i hide at a corner without letting other pple realising.. hahaha.. :P

At nite, i went to attend my last section of LIFA. It was pretty fun but this mischevious min, took a long journey to reach bukit merah. It starts at 7pm, i reached almost 8pm. I felt so tiring, due to being pressurize by my leader and my forum coach. I had to be there since i don't want to break my promise towards them.

Friday, i really felt very shagged but i am excited to attend **** asia pacific annual DND.. Hehehe... I had been counting down ever since i stepped into office. It was very fun, they got a good host, Eddy. This malay guy knows how to speak in many languages and know how to react. We really had a great time. And i did drunk quite a lot of red wine and white wine. It tastes really good sia. After tat, i met km for supper.. hahaha.. but he said i am quite drunk... though supposely, we should be meeting nad and cherlyn for supper too.. Due to next day i got to work, i choose to go somewhere nearer.. sorry arh...

Saturday, got scolding due to friday came back home a bit late plus did not pick the calls from home. Sort of kana condemn by my parents, ended up i stayed at home to be a good girl. I went to Orchard to collect my ipod nano and exchange my cable vision setup box. Never joined either bunch of them for drinking session/shopping/movies/pool.....

Sunday, my cousin brought my granny to my house. After tat, we went to cycle at east coast. I realised that it changes a lot. Pple were so inconsideration. I know it is weekend, pple tend to go dating. BUT the track is already tat small, u had to prevent knocking towards pesdestrain and LOVERS!!!!! ONE couple actually hold their hands to cycle. !@#$%!!!!!! sigh.... guess weekend, is nt a good timing for me to cycle. Otherwise, i really got to train my patient to stand this kind of inconsideration pple.

Monday, November 14, 2005


This is how i felt at my first day of work... i walked alone to united square... trying to be independent, telling them tat i know my way there.. once i reached there, i am lost... seriously, i had never saw so many pple in an office before.. this is scarely... trying to act steady.. manage to find my team leader...then she trying to find a small place for me to squeeze in.. and i felt tat my life is very miserable from tat moment onwards.. i had been reading the powerpoint slides from 10plus till i knock off at 6plus..except my lunch break... feel so restless to go back to work tomorrow.. hopefully, i can make my day better tomorrow.. hai~~ a bit regret why i had left my old boss.. :'(

at the evening time, i met my friend for dinner.. saw her dnd clothes.. not bad.. now i trying to make sure i am not totally black tat day.. but when i was at her home.. i start to felt my backache is coming... erm.. i did not carry any heavy things using my back force.. how come i felt tat sharp pain again.. let's me pray hard tat tomorrow i can walk.... otherwise.. u all might had to come to hospital to visit me...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

hai~~~ these two days been very moody and f33ling terrible.. he still the one who understand me the most... haha.. just told him a sentence, he know wat's wrong with me.. there isn't any past nor future for us.. lol.. tat's the truth... i accept the truth and move on with my life... but i realise tat i couldn't really let go as easy as wat i said... if i had put down and walk off, i won't had lie to him abt my leaving. Seriously, i did got the urge to leave this place and go to another place for some time. maybe i am a coward, i dun want to let go wat i had now. my family and my friends n .......... or maybe the time is not right yet...

after knowing wat happened to my grandfather, things had been changing dramatically. most of us spent our time at home, rather than going out often.. maybe tat's wat called human. when it is time for pple to leave, we will tend to cherish him/her at the very last moment.

is time to pack up my feeling and prepare myself to go for my new change of environment.

today feel quite happy, received sms from a friend who is now in oversea. at least, he never neglect me. thanks.. ;) but today received weird msg from someone... she seems like going to end her life in any moment.. hai~~~~~~~

Friday, November 11, 2005

erm... guess i going to start work soon le... 2 more days to g0... supposely to meet jiefu to take vodka from him... but never msg or call him...

Last tuesday, i went to Thomson Medical Centre for my check-up. I guess it should be pretty fine. But i don't know why i got the urge to settle down soon. hahaa... :P Over there, you will see a lot of expression of how parents felt. Some husbands are sweet to accompany their wife to do medical checkup while others were sitting alone there. After that, i went to orchard with mummy. I brought her to try ding tai feng, pretty not bad but my wallet got a hole to amend. sob sob.. :'( heheee...

Wednesday, went to buy my dinner and dance dress.. erm.. in actual fact, i wasn't feeling very well but insisted to go and get my dress. otherwise i dun even know wat to wear tat day. Should i get time off my superior?

give myself two weeks break before starting a new job, was to give myself sufficent time to think what i want in life? what should i do? but ended, i stepped into my messy life instead of pulling myself out. Seriously, i am starting to scare of the arrival of monday. Everything going to be brand new again. Will i adapt to the new environment or will i backoff at the very last minutes. Pple who knows me well, should know i am someone who are not good at words. sian... will i be able to meet new friends or ended up i meet m0re enemies than friends??

Monday, November 07, 2005

last friday, went over to jiejie's house... we went for a swim. after tat back to her house for dinner and borrow a few cds from her... told ah-ma tat i am jobless now.. she looks worried for me... in the end, i told her.. i m changing my job.. then she felt more relieved.. sian.. when i reached orchard, i missed my last bus.. knowing tat i will take cab home.. i disturbed my friend by asking him to send me home.. erm.. this friend hor.. very good sia.. when i reached home..then he replyed me.. hai~~~ maybe i should walked to far east to try my luck to wait for 16A.. but after last week experience....... i changed my mine.. took a bus to suntec then took cab home.. wah piang.. is almost the same price as taking cab from orchard lor... i am such a fool....

saturday, brought mummy out... supposely to meet jiejie at orchard to take back my sweater.. tot of maybe brought mummy will be a good idea.. since she was at home.. plus daddy won't be back home so early... after so many things happened over at my granny's house.. he got to look after tat shop.... tot of bringing her to ding tai feng to eat "xiao long bao" but the queue was too long.. crystal jade... again.. too crowded... haha.. i brought her n my cousin to ZARA.. hehe.. tat skirt again.. my cousin wanted to sponsor me a bit.. but i rejected... i am still waiting.. anyone wants to chip :P maybe i will get it when i get my first month salary...
hahaha... been thinking about these few days whether should i blog/wat should i life???

Seriously in my life... it had a lot of ups and downs.. which i dun even know.. and most of time.. there will be someone guiding me or lend me a lending hand to pull me up.. whether is tat a good choice or bad choice.. since secondary days, i got a very protective korkor... but now he is in indonesia.. got a shifu.. who will always help me in my studies.. hehe.. plus sometimes when i got problems.. he might be a good person to seek for advice.. got another da huan dan.. haha... :P sometimes he accompany me to drink and chat... lalala... i got two gfs.. who are sweet at moments... who will always be there... ;) actually, there will still two sweet guys appear in my life.. tat was ........ and my "jiefu" during my poly life... jiefu.. always hear me cried.. lol.... while ............ push me to be stronger... and he was the one who give me the nickname "min"...

for those who been to my birthday chalet.. must had saw how sweet my cousins were.. seriously they are really very sweet and nice pple tat i ever had.. really very grateful for wat they had done during my chalet plus my childhood life.. they painted my life with colours.. ;)

while the other side of my life.. is darkness... now nt to be mention... my life is in a mess now..

> Different people have different perception. One
> man's meat could be
> another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from
> the market. On the
> way home,a boy commented, "Very stupid. Why neither
> of them ride on the
> donkey?"Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife
> ride on the donkey.
> He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and
> commented, "The
> husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride
> on the donkey while
> the husband is on foot?" Hearing this, the wife
> quickly got down and let
> the husband ride on the donkey.
> Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She
> commented, "How can
> the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He
> is no gentleman."
> The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him
> on the donkey. Then,
> they met a young man. He commented, "Poor donkey,
> how can you hold up
> the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you."
> Hearing that, the
> husband and wife immediately climbed down from the
> donkey and carried it
> on their shoulders.
> It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a
> narrow bridge, the
> donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their
> balance and fell
> into the river. You can never have everyone praise
> you, nor will
> everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at
> present, and never will
> be in the future.

Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our
conscience is clear..

> This is a true story which happened in the States. A
> man came out of his
> home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his
> three-year-old son
> was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of
> the truck. The man
> ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the
> little boy's hands into
> pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he
> rushed his son to
> the hospital.
> Although the doctor tried desperately to save the
> crushed bones, he
> finally had to amputate the fingers from both the
> boy's hands. When the
> boy woke up from the surgery & saw his bandaged
> stubs, he innocently
> said, " Daddy,I'm sorry about your truck." Then he
> asked, "but when are
> my fingers going to grow back?" The father went home
> & committed
> suicide.
> Think about this story the next time someone steps
> on your feet or u
> wish to take revenge. Think first before u lose your
> patience with
> someone u love. Trucks can be repaired.. Broken
> bones & hurt feelings
> often can't. Too often we fail to recognize the
> difference between the
> person and the performance. We forget that
> forgiveness is greater than
> revenge.
> People make mistakes. We are allowed to make
> mistakes. But the actions
> we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

Friday, November 04, 2005

erm.... wednesday... MR sweet and nice gary waited for us at expo for one hour... hehe.. luckily he never killed me and yy... therefore we gave him a treat... plus tat day... i am too blur... the food fair is at next week... ended up.. we went in to metro sales... erm.. nothing much also.. after tat.. we went to geylang serai.. manage to squeeze thru the crowds.. but nothing much to buy... therefore we walked to geylang to eat durians.. worst still $19 for A DURIAN... but we went to buy packet durian.. guess i bcome more and more auntie.. bargian and compare prices here and there...

thursday... i went to wala wala with km.. erm.. i think for sure is tat the band was good.. quite enjoyed my stay there.. but sort of my "shyness" make me feel scare and nervous.. duno wat to say.. dunno wat to do.. erm... there were so many pple who i dunno.. plus something is worst............................ hai~~~ but at least met a few nice pple...