Monday, November 07, 2005

> Different people have different perception. One
> man's meat could be
> another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from
> the market. On the
> way home,a boy commented, "Very stupid. Why neither
> of them ride on the
> donkey?"Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife
> ride on the donkey.
> He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and
> commented, "The
> husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride
> on the donkey while
> the husband is on foot?" Hearing this, the wife
> quickly got down and let
> the husband ride on the donkey.
> Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She
> commented, "How can
> the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He
> is no gentleman."
> The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him
> on the donkey. Then,
> they met a young man. He commented, "Poor donkey,
> how can you hold up
> the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you."
> Hearing that, the
> husband and wife immediately climbed down from the
> donkey and carried it
> on their shoulders.
> It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a
> narrow bridge, the
> donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their
> balance and fell
> into the river. You can never have everyone praise
> you, nor will
> everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at
> present, and never will
> be in the future.

Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our
conscience is clear..

> This is a true story which happened in the States. A
> man came out of his
> home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his
> three-year-old son
> was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of
> the truck. The man
> ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the
> little boy's hands into
> pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he
> rushed his son to
> the hospital.
> Although the doctor tried desperately to save the
> crushed bones, he
> finally had to amputate the fingers from both the
> boy's hands. When the
> boy woke up from the surgery & saw his bandaged
> stubs, he innocently
> said, " Daddy,I'm sorry about your truck." Then he
> asked, "but when are
> my fingers going to grow back?" The father went home
> & committed
> suicide.
> Think about this story the next time someone steps
> on your feet or u
> wish to take revenge. Think first before u lose your
> patience with
> someone u love. Trucks can be repaired.. Broken
> bones & hurt feelings
> often can't. Too often we fail to recognize the
> difference between the
> person and the performance. We forget that
> forgiveness is greater than
> revenge.
> People make mistakes. We are allowed to make
> mistakes. But the actions
> we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

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