Sunday, November 27, 2005

I realised tat in my life, there are a lot of turning points. Whether is it happy or unhappy, i still had to face it. What i can said now is, i am happy who i am now and what i had now. Whether will i cherish these moments, it will be unpredictable. Whether i had a make of decision of staying or leaving, i will normally use a reason to support myself. This is sort of a childish and selfish way of doing things.

At my turning point of 21... i had experience some different stuffs.

1) communication with pple...
  • as for me, i am a poor at communication but when u know me longer.. u will think i am nt tat shy..

2) attend DND

  • tat was my first DND in my entire life... sort of... never expect tat i got a chance to go to such grand place for my first DND.... and it was fun... learn a bit more on socialising..

3) attend wedding

  • this coming sat, i will be attending my ex-colleague wedding over at Yishun(i guess)
  • I missed Wenting's wedding last year but this time round, i am attending my friend's wedding... wow.... first time..

4) going to an outing with my colleagues

  • my team leader had organise an event on this coming friday to celebrate the closure of part of this project... and my parents had actually approved me to go... the outing will be last for 12 hours... can i tahan???

1 comment:

sista said...

hey limin, ur life seems busy but fun hehe.. im sure ur enjoying it hehe :D
now i know that ur busy haha.. too bad i couldnt see u last sat on redha's wed. maybe we can go out sometime later ok? i really miss being together with u n esther hehe :D