Monday, November 07, 2005

hahaha... been thinking about these few days whether should i blog/wat should i life???

Seriously in my life... it had a lot of ups and downs.. which i dun even know.. and most of time.. there will be someone guiding me or lend me a lending hand to pull me up.. whether is tat a good choice or bad choice.. since secondary days, i got a very protective korkor... but now he is in indonesia.. got a shifu.. who will always help me in my studies.. hehe.. plus sometimes when i got problems.. he might be a good person to seek for advice.. got another da huan dan.. haha... :P sometimes he accompany me to drink and chat... lalala... i got two gfs.. who are sweet at moments... who will always be there... ;) actually, there will still two sweet guys appear in my life.. tat was ........ and my "jiefu" during my poly life... jiefu.. always hear me cried.. lol.... while ............ push me to be stronger... and he was the one who give me the nickname "min"...

for those who been to my birthday chalet.. must had saw how sweet my cousins were.. seriously they are really very sweet and nice pple tat i ever had.. really very grateful for wat they had done during my chalet plus my childhood life.. they painted my life with colours.. ;)

while the other side of my life.. is darkness... now nt to be mention... my life is in a mess now..

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