Friday, November 11, 2005

erm... guess i going to start work soon le... 2 more days to g0... supposely to meet jiefu to take vodka from him... but never msg or call him...

Last tuesday, i went to Thomson Medical Centre for my check-up. I guess it should be pretty fine. But i don't know why i got the urge to settle down soon. hahaa... :P Over there, you will see a lot of expression of how parents felt. Some husbands are sweet to accompany their wife to do medical checkup while others were sitting alone there. After that, i went to orchard with mummy. I brought her to try ding tai feng, pretty not bad but my wallet got a hole to amend. sob sob.. :'( heheee...

Wednesday, went to buy my dinner and dance dress.. erm.. in actual fact, i wasn't feeling very well but insisted to go and get my dress. otherwise i dun even know wat to wear tat day. Should i get time off my superior?

give myself two weeks break before starting a new job, was to give myself sufficent time to think what i want in life? what should i do? but ended, i stepped into my messy life instead of pulling myself out. Seriously, i am starting to scare of the arrival of monday. Everything going to be brand new again. Will i adapt to the new environment or will i backoff at the very last minutes. Pple who knows me well, should know i am someone who are not good at words. sian... will i be able to meet new friends or ended up i meet m0re enemies than friends??

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