Monday, November 07, 2005

last friday, went over to jiejie's house... we went for a swim. after tat back to her house for dinner and borrow a few cds from her... told ah-ma tat i am jobless now.. she looks worried for me... in the end, i told her.. i m changing my job.. then she felt more relieved.. sian.. when i reached orchard, i missed my last bus.. knowing tat i will take cab home.. i disturbed my friend by asking him to send me home.. erm.. this friend hor.. very good sia.. when i reached home..then he replyed me.. hai~~~ maybe i should walked to far east to try my luck to wait for 16A.. but after last week experience....... i changed my mine.. took a bus to suntec then took cab home.. wah piang.. is almost the same price as taking cab from orchard lor... i am such a fool....

saturday, brought mummy out... supposely to meet jiejie at orchard to take back my sweater.. tot of maybe brought mummy will be a good idea.. since she was at home.. plus daddy won't be back home so early... after so many things happened over at my granny's house.. he got to look after tat shop.... tot of bringing her to ding tai feng to eat "xiao long bao" but the queue was too long.. crystal jade... again.. too crowded... haha.. i brought her n my cousin to ZARA.. hehe.. tat skirt again.. my cousin wanted to sponsor me a bit.. but i rejected... i am still waiting.. anyone wants to chip :P maybe i will get it when i get my first month salary...

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