Monday, November 21, 2005

Time passes really fast, it had been a week since i ever post something in my blog. Maybe i shall just do a summary about wat had happened to me during this whole week.

Tuesday, was my second day of work. I joined kim and her friends for lunch. Sort of i swop my seat with my colleague which we "MUSICAL CHAIR".

Wednesday, i went to watch Just Like Heaven with km. hehe.. That movie was considered not bad but i just dun understand how come i drop my tears at the very last moment. I felt a bit guilty towards km bcos i let waited for almost an hour. I wanted to go over to suntec after work. When i was on my way, my ex-colleague rang me asking me to do a favour for him. Of cos, i agreed to that. Therefore, i went back home trying to access to the email, too bad that account had already cancelled. I tried Ben & Jerry ice cream over at suntec, it was pretty not bad. :)

while as for work, i had my first meeting with users at late afternoon. It was pretty scarely, as i do not know anything about my job scope, yet i had to introduce myself to them. On their forehead, it state "Don't mess with me!". hehe.. They don't look friendly at all.. Does all the user had same the attitudes?

Thursday, had been a very shagged day for me. I guess i only had less than 5 hours of sleep and i need to get up for work. I had been yawning ever since morning. I had a second round of meeting, it was pretty much more worst than on wednesday. This meeting involve more than 150 pple. Wah piang!!! Still need to introduce ourselves, but as usual i hide at a corner without letting other pple realising.. hahaha.. :P

At nite, i went to attend my last section of LIFA. It was pretty fun but this mischevious min, took a long journey to reach bukit merah. It starts at 7pm, i reached almost 8pm. I felt so tiring, due to being pressurize by my leader and my forum coach. I had to be there since i don't want to break my promise towards them.

Friday, i really felt very shagged but i am excited to attend **** asia pacific annual DND.. Hehehe... I had been counting down ever since i stepped into office. It was very fun, they got a good host, Eddy. This malay guy knows how to speak in many languages and know how to react. We really had a great time. And i did drunk quite a lot of red wine and white wine. It tastes really good sia. After tat, i met km for supper.. hahaha.. but he said i am quite drunk... though supposely, we should be meeting nad and cherlyn for supper too.. Due to next day i got to work, i choose to go somewhere nearer.. sorry arh...

Saturday, got scolding due to friday came back home a bit late plus did not pick the calls from home. Sort of kana condemn by my parents, ended up i stayed at home to be a good girl. I went to Orchard to collect my ipod nano and exchange my cable vision setup box. Never joined either bunch of them for drinking session/shopping/movies/pool.....

Sunday, my cousin brought my granny to my house. After tat, we went to cycle at east coast. I realised that it changes a lot. Pple were so inconsideration. I know it is weekend, pple tend to go dating. BUT the track is already tat small, u had to prevent knocking towards pesdestrain and LOVERS!!!!! ONE couple actually hold their hands to cycle. !@#$%!!!!!! sigh.... guess weekend, is nt a good timing for me to cycle. Otherwise, i really got to train my patient to stand this kind of inconsideration pple.

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