Monday, November 14, 2005


This is how i felt at my first day of work... i walked alone to united square... trying to be independent, telling them tat i know my way there.. once i reached there, i am lost... seriously, i had never saw so many pple in an office before.. this is scarely... trying to act steady.. manage to find my team leader...then she trying to find a small place for me to squeeze in.. and i felt tat my life is very miserable from tat moment onwards.. i had been reading the powerpoint slides from 10plus till i knock off at 6plus..except my lunch break... feel so restless to go back to work tomorrow.. hopefully, i can make my day better tomorrow.. hai~~ a bit regret why i had left my old boss.. :'(

at the evening time, i met my friend for dinner.. saw her dnd clothes.. not bad.. now i trying to make sure i am not totally black tat day.. but when i was at her home.. i start to felt my backache is coming... erm.. i did not carry any heavy things using my back force.. how come i felt tat sharp pain again.. let's me pray hard tat tomorrow i can walk.... otherwise.. u all might had to come to hospital to visit me...

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