Sunday, November 13, 2005

hai~~~ these two days been very moody and f33ling terrible.. he still the one who understand me the most... haha.. just told him a sentence, he know wat's wrong with me.. there isn't any past nor future for us.. lol.. tat's the truth... i accept the truth and move on with my life... but i realise tat i couldn't really let go as easy as wat i said... if i had put down and walk off, i won't had lie to him abt my leaving. Seriously, i did got the urge to leave this place and go to another place for some time. maybe i am a coward, i dun want to let go wat i had now. my family and my friends n .......... or maybe the time is not right yet...

after knowing wat happened to my grandfather, things had been changing dramatically. most of us spent our time at home, rather than going out often.. maybe tat's wat called human. when it is time for pple to leave, we will tend to cherish him/her at the very last moment.

is time to pack up my feeling and prepare myself to go for my new change of environment.

today feel quite happy, received sms from a friend who is now in oversea. at least, he never neglect me. thanks.. ;) but today received weird msg from someone... she seems like going to end her life in any moment.. hai~~~~~~~

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