Saturday, August 25, 2007

9 bird days~~

hahaa.. never imagine i will have so many birthdays within the next three weeks~~tml, celebrating four of my buddies birthday~ tat already costing me a bomb le~~

sunday~~ another poly friend birthday~~ luckily nt i buy present de~~ cos no time plus no money~~~

actually nanny's birthday passed a few days ago~~ wahaaha.. see him so madly in love.. dun need to buy present also can le.. save money~~ whaha.. a bit envy sia~~~ haha.. when i told brother yy getting married soon ...he shoot me~~ u jealous arh~~i told him.. no lah.. just a bit envy~~ wahaha~~~ pple ard me all getting love and being loved.. while me.. still in the circle of love~~ haiz~~~guess love doesn't suit me~~

jil~~~birthday coming le~~ wahaha~~ should i get something for him~~ wahaha.. see hw first ba~~ a bit broke~~ :P

da jie da's birthday coming soon~~~ haiz~ another hole to be fill up~~~

my best friend's birthday on the 11th~~ opps.. again before pay day~~

2 colleagues birthday's coming on the 5th and 8th.. oppss..

a total of 11 birthdays for the next three weeks... omg~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Need present...who say no need. :P