Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Attention : Chalet at Sept

Erm.. brother got a chalet in sept.. most likely confirm le.. hahaaa.. but my leave got rejected.. yy.. u let me know whether u can go mah.. :)

On 17/8/07
opps.. we had cancelled it~~ my leave nt going to approve on the 17-18th of sept.. cos currently still my peak period.. Therefore brother said cancelled ba~~~ he will try again in Oct~~ hahaaaa..

If it is in oct, i will pay for the chalet~~ then u guys bring the food ba~~ Erm.. otherwise we will have a trip~~ to celebrate my birthday~~ wahaahahaa.. sweet sia~~ right~~~`!~! After my phone incident.. i complained to so many pple... then i also asked brother for birthday present. hahaa a bit too early liao right~~!! he said N95~!~!~! tmd.. like jil pattern sia~~!!~!!~ if i didn't remember wrongly, jil said that on one of my birthday also.. haiz~~~ why the pple ard me all like that.. whahaaa.. but ok lah... nw i still enjoying except EVERYDAY WORK OT UNTIL MIDNIGHT~!!~!~!~ !~#!@#@@$!@@$@$@@@!!@#1

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