Thursday, August 23, 2007

Re: Fwd: Abt mE~!!!

An email dd in 2002~~~ hahahaa..... jil did it for me~~ haha.. dunno why when i am reading it, my tears start to roll down again~~ is it bcos i think of him again? i ended up in a dilenma situation again~~ i very scare the same thing will happen again~ i must tell myself~~ i must go thru this round, i will not make the same mistake tat i did 5 years ago~~ watever is the past, let it be the past. dun let it occur again~~ then min~~ u will once again collaspe down le~~ now hardly see u crying at nite~~ dun do tat le~~ jiefu~~ cannot always lend u a ear le~~ he everyday have to go prison to report~~ no freedom~~ only once a while~~ can sms take care of u wor~~ jil~~i miss the period when he is with me~~ but i know i can't hold on to it anymore~~

> >>>Hey, fill this out about me!!!! *BUT FIRST* Send a blank copy to
all of
> >>>your friends (including me) so they can fill it out about you!
>Fun! >>>:) hahah~.. guess some of the questions are pretty lame,but do
>me >>>how u really think abt me yah? hmm.. dont worry abt the answers,
>wont >>>take them to heart.. Thanks for playing along.. =) >>> >>> >DO
>THINK I'M: >>> >>> > > 1. Quiet or Loud?: loud
> >>> >>> > > 2. Short or Tall?: dunno.. normal i suppose since abt 160
> >>> >>> > > 3. Weird or Original?: got crispy? keke
> >>> >>> > > 4. Nice or Mean?: both
> >>> >>> > > 5. Friendly or Selfish?: friendly?
> >>> >>> > > 6. Normal or "Special"?: wad special?? :P
> >>> >>> > > 7. Smart or Stupid?: both.. keke
> >>> >>> > > 8. Boring or Fun?: fun~
> >>> >>> > > 9. Hater or Lover?: i dun love you.. but i think you love someone..keke
> >>> >>> > > 11. Player or Playlette?: huh huh?
> >>> >>> > > 12. Heartbreaker or heartbreaky?: heartbreaky? >>> >>>
>------------------------------------------------------- >>> >>> > >

>>> >>> > > 1. What do u think I'll be when I grow up?: relations personal
> >>> >>> > 2. (a.) Do u think I'll get married?: arboh.. keke
> >>> >>> > > (b.) If u do ... Who do you think I'll marry?: ur hubbie loh.. keke
> >>> >>> > > 3. When is my birthday?: 26/10
>>> >>> > > 4. Who is my best >friend?: dunno.. maybe ******? :D (cannot be mention, is already in the past)
> >>> >>> > > 5. What song (if any) reminds u of me?: none that i can
>remember of
> >>> >>> > > 6. Do I remind u of any characters on TV?: i dun watch tv liao..
> >>> >>> > > 7. If u could rename me, what would my name be?: li min is nice enough :P
> >>> >>> > > 8. Have u ever had a dream about me?: dream of you? eh..
dun think so..
>>> >>> > > 9. If u could give me anything, what would it be?: a listening ear :)
> >>> >>> > > 10. If u could promise me anything, what would it be?: help
you find a bf
> >>> >>> > > 11. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?:
>stronger in the will..
> >>> >>> > >

>>> >>> > > 1. Am I physically ugly, average,decent, good-looking, >>>beautiful,hot?:
heard you >average.. keke
> >>> >>> > > 2. Would u ever kiss me?: cannot.. someone will beat me..
> >>> >>> > > 3. Would u ever consider being my boy/girl friend?: eh.. refer
>to qn 2
> >>> >>> > > 4. Do u ever think about me off-line?: yah lah~ whether
you crying or not..
>>> >>> > > 5. If we spent a day together...where would we go and what would we >>> >do?: go arcade den i see you play para para or dance revolution.. keke
> >>> >>> > > 6. If u could describe me in one word, what would that
word >be?: girlish? :)
> >>> >>> > > 7. Do u or have u ever had a crush on me?: EH... yah..
maybe becoz ur character very similiar to my ex..
> >>> >>> > > 8. Would you go out with me as of right now?: can go
out.. but muz tell someone first :)
> >>> >>> > >

>>> >>> > > 1. Do u wish we were closer?: >er.. dunno :P
> >>> >>> > > 2. What's your favorite thing about me?: ur character
> >>> >>> > > 3. State here your completely honest opinion of me?: wah, "very noisy leh" keke.. :X
> >>> >>> > > 4.If you were to think about me,wad would be the first thing
>that >>>comes >to mind about me? you crying.. :/

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