Thursday, January 06, 2005

wow.. how can i write like this.. later pple misunderstand.. how.. but i decided to write out.. mistaken lor.. nthing big deal.. justin fong aka my ah-kor.. been with me quite a number of years.. to him, i am still a small kid who dunno how to handles my relationship or friendship problems.. while he is like a consultant always guide me thru my way.. there are times we quarrelled bcos of misunderstanding but there are also happy times we share.. i feel very guilty bcos i did not be there with him when he need me to most.. i runaway and hide at a cornert to be a coward.. sorry.. i couldn't conquer my fear...

pple around me, almost everyone know abt this special guy... This is how our story begin... i know him when i am sec 1 thru my best friend... tat time when the first time i saw him, he a bit like gay but whenever i go over to broadbrick and have my technical classes... i will go and look for them.. being with them was quite fun... slowly i went out with him and my best friend.. at tat time i realise he is going after my best friend.. this had drift us nearer, i also duno why.. when i am in sec 2, he waited for me after school, after tat we went to parkway and exchange cd to listen. slowly, we always chit-chat and went out together... but whenever we went out.. i will drag someone along.. suddenly one day he asked me:"you scare i no gf arh.. want to intro me arh.. " erm.. no lah.. the fact is tat.. maybe i am only child.. i seldom interact with guys.. i duno wat to says.. so quite shy abt it.. but as time grows longer.. i no longer tat shy le.. bcos he had bcome my ah-kor who i can tell him almost everything abt my life... tat year when i am having my o level, i had encountered some friendship problems n some family problems.. but he was the one who pull me up.. there was once tat i am down, i cried until very jialet.. he rushed down all the way to find me, although the next day he got geography exams.. he dun mind n sat down, accompany me thru tat moment... before he went home.. he pat on my shoulder and tell me "you can do it.. dun worry... Jia You" and he handled me a packet of sweets.. but i did not eat.. i cherish tat packet of sweets.. it was an encouragement from him.. when o level was round the corner... he always asked me out to study.. when i duno, he will teach me.. i still can remember the day before i having chemistry.. we revised thru phone almost the whole nite.. after o level.. he went to work part-time.. but when he was free.. he will definite ask me out.. he would wish to know how is his cry baby xiao mei mei.. he always had a strong and stern face...trying to hide away from everything... till in poly.. we still the same.. sometimes i can says he is really sweet and a caring ah-kor.. i dun ask for too much.. i never did my part well..

today i received a call from him.. tears rolled down... i promise you i will take care of myself.. i dun want you to worry for me.. ah-kor... no matter wat happened.. i will be there for you.. i swear... u walked thru your life with so many obstacles, i believe u can make it thru again.. i dun want to lose u forever.. i know i couldn't afford to lose you.. bcos our friendship bond when thru a a lot of thick and thin, i want to tell u something... it is very strong.. but i never says it out... so no matter how far u going or how long u dun want to see us.. i will wait for u till the day u want to see me.. i swear... ah-kor, i miss you.. and sorry.........

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