Monday, January 31, 2005

saturday was my last day for my attachment.. after that went back home instead of chalet... feel so tiring.. maybe bcos everyday i slept ard 1 plus and gt to wake up early in the morning... went out with mum to parkway.. and bcome fillial girl by giving mummy money to buy chinese goodies... after tat met him ard 11 plus... didn't went where also... only went to changi village there.. haha... only stayed there a while.. after tat we went back hm... bcos both of us were too tired.. actually wanted to go chinatown.. but i guessed i really dun have the energy to squeeze inside the crowds...

sunday morning ard 9 plus... winston called me.. haha.. but actually should be morning call.. bcos i meeting them to attend NTU talk at bugis... on the train, we were still discussing how come we are meeting so early.. The talk starts at 11am... we meet at 10.30am at bugis mrt station.. hai~~~ when we reached there, omg..... so crowded.. luckily manage to get a seat... but the talk really haywire.. the power slides were so much faster than wat the lecturers trying to cover.. wat she can do was kept apologizing to us abt the technical problems.. erm.. i wondering how come.. she study IT... ended up her powerpoint skills ................. hai~~~~ anyway NTU is nt my cup of tea.. i don't fit into the admission criteria.. my results also nt tat gd.. hai~~~after tat had my lunch at FJ with them... they walked ard looking for clothes.. but ended we went to chinatown... hahaha.. we went into the pasa malam... it was so warm.... so we went over to chinatown OG... they bought their new year clothes, after tat we went back home... my second outing starts when i reached home.. i went cycling with my cousin... went to return him his mp3 player...otherwise he will scream at me if i didn't return him.. bcos he won't be at home for the next week and he need it.. shiong... 1 and half hours of cycling... alamak... tiring... so shag....

Saturday, January 29, 2005

sob sob.. how come nobody believe i no friends.. erm.. serious lah.. i no friends... hai~~~who is my close friends.. who is my zhi ji?? hai~~~ everytime i saw my cousin.. she will comment on me.. hai~~ she told my other cousins.. i got a lot of guy friends... i diam diam... they are my secondary friends lor... i admit.. my gf are d*** pitiful... pls.. help me find more gf and friends... thanks a lot...

Tomorrow going to be my last day of attachment.. erm.. maybe meeting carina and going to chalet instead of meeting two ba po .. hai~~ we shall see how...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

erm.. yesterday went to watch aviation.. what i can says was a very boring show, seems like no ending... in the end, i am stuck in the theatre for 3 hours... alamak. .why no pple inform me about that... if someone tells me.. i won't go and watch that movie..

today so busy... but hai~~ took back more than 10 packets of chocolate biscuits.. so fattening.. alamak.. hai~~ asked mum to go distribute to her friends.... left some for tat three greedy pigs.. hehe.. next week school starts liao.. can treat them as snacks... save money.. lolo.. :P I already planning not to go back school on CNY's eve.. lalalaaa.. very naughty hor.. no choice.. no boring... must well stay at home and sleep.. and finding a target to accompany me to chinatown during the eve's nite... 2 years ago was korkor accompany me go.. but now he....... last year was ying... but i guessed she will think tat it is very boring to accompany me go... bcos i left at 1 plus... due to i going hm to talk on phone with my friend.. hahaa (luckily she duno abt it or else i guess she will kill me)... alamak.. this year who is going to accompany me there????? sob sob ^-^

Last announment to make for the day is... I AGREE MY BOSS TO WORK FOR HER TILL SHE FOUND A FULL TIME.. seems like i not going to have anytime for myself.. anyone looking for tuition teacher??? i want to work as a part-time tuition teacher also.. hahaa..

Sunday, January 23, 2005

erm.. today morning, boss asked me dun need to go back to do stock-take.. heng arh.. i was so scared i overslept... so even though i drink yesterday nite, i still couldn't sleep well.. erm.. understand myself better.... still enjoying the moment spending with friends.. wanted to forget the crush i had so long ago.. it had been dragging for so long.. making myself so miserable.. wat for.. i should enjoy the life i had now.. and not holding the memories i had with him.. Everythings was in the past.. I can only says thank you... Without him last few years, i might not learn to be a bit independent.. I MUST TELL MYSELF.... ME n HIM FOREVER R FRIENDS.. nothing will go over this point..

I will look for my happiness instead clutching on the memories i had... haha... slowly see whether i can find my happiness or not... lalaa.. wish my g00d luck wor...
wow.. today after my work.. i went down to orchard to meet ester n ah-ying... after our dnn3r, 3st3r w3nt t0 m33t her b0ss.. while me and ah-ying went to cinel3isur3 to tak3 n3oprint.. not long later ... ester called us and ask us to go down to clarke quay to join them ... we says okie.. ended up.. we went to MS there to chiong... haha.. it has been such a long time i ever chiong... but really shiok.. .this is my first time step into the dacing floor to dance.. really enjoy myself a lot.. but not very drunk.. not like previously went to fisherman village.. try chevias(duno spell correct or not).. not bad... quite nice...

on friday, i went to porthsdown road.. erm.. it seems very special.. and uique.. totally different from the city area.. it is like a high class pulau ubin... quite interesting for that outing.. after that i went over to holland village there, to have my dinner.. this was also my first time been to holland village.. country bumpkin hor.. but nvm.. at least i went there once.. When to tea & esscential.. actually we wanted to sit at second level but was fully booked... The food over there really nice.. especially the lemongrass tiger prawns.. i like it so much... hehe.. maybe next time i will go and try out other resturant or cafes over there... After the dinner, we went over to orchard to shop around... I had been controlling myself.. and ask myself not to spend too much.. Actually i wanted to buy a t-shirt and nail polish but ended i spend the money on food.. When to the bistro at pacific plaza again.. the food there are not bad...

overall, i can says i had been exploring singapore for the past 2 days... btw i try tequlia shot yesterday .. erm.. i duno arh.. i finish the shot immediately.. wow.. very strong.. hehe.. but not drunk...

Friday, January 21, 2005

yesterday my boss opened her mouth... she asked me whether i am still working at cineleisure cartel or not?? Will i will be working part-time? She asking me whether i want to go back to work on weekend ?? If i going back, i got to work wake everyday early in the morning... So i am still considering... She will be giving me the same pay as wat cartel gives me lor... My parents says not bad... but i still thinking.. maybe tomorrow or tuesday, i will give her a reply.. nowadays keep working.. hardly got time to meet out with friends.. bcos of working.. canot celebrate joanna's birthday with her... cannot meet friends for movies, bowling and etc...... most imptly cannot celebrate korkor's 21 birthday with him.. erm... feel that i a neglect my friends quite a lot... it is been such a long time i ever met joyce n chuifen.. really miss the time we had in secondary school... there was a time, i should be meeting them to watch shrek2 but bcos i need to work OT... ended up... no time to meet them for dinner... hai~~~~ work took away a lot of my time.. during december... aunt n my cousin came back to sg... therefore, i spent more time with them and cousin... been always going out with them... one of my friend asked me, "why u always go out with your cousin?" i diam diam.. maybe bcos i have lost one... now i hope i dun wish to lose anyone.. i MUST learn how to cherish family ties and friendship...

Sorry, if i had hurt you... You blame me that i had no time for you.. but luckily we broke up.. Now.. i hope to spend more time with friends... i know your request isn't that too much.. but i really hardly had time for myself to take a breath... how to had time for you.. In Feb, i had to go back school for my FYP.... If i going to work part-time for my boss... i think i will hardly go out in the weekend...Maybe now is better that we are still friends..

thanx pals n friends... nowadays keep receiving msgs asking how am i.. i am fine.. thanks for the concern.. i believe i can stand up asap.. bcos i still got tons of things waiting for me to do... and looking for my happiness.. when i wanted to give up.. u let me had the courage to carry on.. but now... you leave me again.. i really speechless.. this also let me realize.. u are my gd friend or buddy... not someone who i like...

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

hehe.. yesterday went to eat sakae buffet with ah-kor.. quite shiok... ate quite a lot of sushi and fried tofu.. luckily sunday never went to sakura international buffet.. or else sure broke...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

sian.. calculate how much i spent during that past one month.. i wondering how come i will spend that high.. i guess it really breaks my record.. i spent away my busary.. yet i didn't even get a new phone.. one word to says gone.... this month eat grass... my bank now is zero.. hai~~~ wat had i spent.. only bought a jacket... do a new spectacles plus... bought 1 pair of slipper and 1 pair of high heels... plus a few pieces of clothes... a wallet... a bag... tat's all.... sian..start to eat grass liao... had to stop all my weekend activites... stop all my shopping spree.... and my cafe... erm.. did i ate anyting nice during december.. erm.. couldn't remember where i went.. oh... i remember i been to johor for abt 3 times... alamak...... must MIA for a period liao... still owe..... christmas present.. hehe.. but i dun think he will mind right hor... must pity me leh.. now broke liao.. sob sob.. :'(

Sunday, January 09, 2005

today went to tao nan but surprise there wasn't any speech for this year ceremony..although it was jus a simple ceremony, there were lots of police officers... need to check through your belongs before u entered the hall.. worried that i brought the wrong stuffs... i checked my bag before i enter.. hehe.. the ceremony started at 2.30pm and it ended at 3.15.. amazing... it was so short.. i went to attend the ceremony myself.. i think should be the first step that i going to learn independent.. luckily.. the lady sat beside talk to me.. otherwise i will bored to death... thru the conversion knew that she worked in SIA last time but now she is studying nursing in my school... i wondering where would i land onto in this coming april... carry on my studies or come out to work.. before i leave the stage.. i remembered wat he says... most imptly.. is to get yourself a job.. pple ard him start to pounding why he said so.. he explained... i agreed with him... i can graduate but i might a hard time looking for a job..

1 month had passed, yesterday aunt n sue went back to aus already... i had completed my mission.. try to be with family n relatives.. whenever i had time.. maybe now is time to replenish some energy before i going back school to suffer..but there are still things ard me to handle.. today stepped into G2000.. erm... first thought tat comes into my mind was.... he worked there before..i knew the pple over there too.. he intro me to them... as his sister.. 20 years of life.. i sense tat i losing more and more friends.. i hope to drift the distance nearer instead further.. maybe now is the time to find more time to spend with old friends.. been so long.. i ever met them.. miss them so much.. wondering when will they be free to meet me.. still miss the time i went to eat KFC with him..

Friday, January 07, 2005

today went over to dajie's house.. suppose to go in the morning but due to sick...cannot manage to wake up tat early.. ended up, i reached there was already noon.. all the relatives were waiting for the arrival of bride.. this year is very special.. bcos it is really a family gathering.. last time er-jie's wedding.. my aunt n her family were not in sg.. today her whole family was here but a shortage of one.. but tat special person will leave inside our heart.. ard 3 plus.. i went to jurong point with er-jie and her friends to set hair.. can u imagine how would i look like.. hehe.. i think not bad.. quite pretty.. lolo.. :P bhb hor.. but too bad.. i really think it is pretty... i show my nails to Michelle (aka my cousin).. she thought tat i went for manicure but the fact is sue(also my cousin) helped me to polish.. lolo.. :P today i am very fortunate.. there is someone who helped me to take of my nails.. while another one take care of my make-up.. too bad... i am a tom-boy.. duno how to make-up... lalala.. :P after tat went over to er-jie's house to wait my cousin-in-law to come over and fetch us to the resturant.. erm.. although i am down with flu , sore throat and cough.. i still cannot stand the tempation of cold drinks and chocolate.. i drank quite a number of soft drinks.. and ate a lot of chocolate.. hehe.. my aunt says.. sick canot eat chocolate.. but in the end, i still eat.. lolo.. sorry... food is more impt than my health.. today is also my first time to take a group photos of my cousin.. hehe.. really amazing... i enjoyed myself a lot tonite.. hehe.. :P wondering.. who will be the next one to get married... i dun want to be a receptionist liao.. hahhaa.. bcos i sotong sotong.. put me there is a totally waste of seats... hahaha.. :P i will post out the photos when it is out.. hahha :P

Thursday, January 06, 2005

wow.. how can i write like this.. later pple misunderstand.. how.. but i decided to write out.. mistaken lor.. nthing big deal.. justin fong aka my ah-kor.. been with me quite a number of years.. to him, i am still a small kid who dunno how to handles my relationship or friendship problems.. while he is like a consultant always guide me thru my way.. there are times we quarrelled bcos of misunderstanding but there are also happy times we share.. i feel very guilty bcos i did not be there with him when he need me to most.. i runaway and hide at a cornert to be a coward.. sorry.. i couldn't conquer my fear...

pple around me, almost everyone know abt this special guy... This is how our story begin... i know him when i am sec 1 thru my best friend... tat time when the first time i saw him, he a bit like gay but whenever i go over to broadbrick and have my technical classes... i will go and look for them.. being with them was quite fun... slowly i went out with him and my best friend.. at tat time i realise he is going after my best friend.. this had drift us nearer, i also duno why.. when i am in sec 2, he waited for me after school, after tat we went to parkway and exchange cd to listen. slowly, we always chit-chat and went out together... but whenever we went out.. i will drag someone along.. suddenly one day he asked me:"you scare i no gf arh.. want to intro me arh.. " erm.. no lah.. the fact is tat.. maybe i am only child.. i seldom interact with guys.. i duno wat to says.. so quite shy abt it.. but as time grows longer.. i no longer tat shy le.. bcos he had bcome my ah-kor who i can tell him almost everything abt my life... tat year when i am having my o level, i had encountered some friendship problems n some family problems.. but he was the one who pull me up.. there was once tat i am down, i cried until very jialet.. he rushed down all the way to find me, although the next day he got geography exams.. he dun mind n sat down, accompany me thru tat moment... before he went home.. he pat on my shoulder and tell me "you can do it.. dun worry... Jia You" and he handled me a packet of sweets.. but i did not eat.. i cherish tat packet of sweets.. it was an encouragement from him.. when o level was round the corner... he always asked me out to study.. when i duno, he will teach me.. i still can remember the day before i having chemistry.. we revised thru phone almost the whole nite.. after o level.. he went to work part-time.. but when he was free.. he will definite ask me out.. he would wish to know how is his cry baby xiao mei mei.. he always had a strong and stern face...trying to hide away from everything... till in poly.. we still the same.. sometimes i can says he is really sweet and a caring ah-kor.. i dun ask for too much.. i never did my part well..

today i received a call from him.. tears rolled down... i promise you i will take care of myself.. i dun want you to worry for me.. ah-kor... no matter wat happened.. i will be there for you.. i swear... u walked thru your life with so many obstacles, i believe u can make it thru again.. i dun want to lose u forever.. i know i couldn't afford to lose you.. bcos our friendship bond when thru a a lot of thick and thin, i want to tell u something... it is very strong.. but i never says it out... so no matter how far u going or how long u dun want to see us.. i will wait for u till the day u want to see me.. i swear... ah-kor, i miss you.. and sorry.........