Monday, January 31, 2005

saturday was my last day for my attachment.. after that went back home instead of chalet... feel so tiring.. maybe bcos everyday i slept ard 1 plus and gt to wake up early in the morning... went out with mum to parkway.. and bcome fillial girl by giving mummy money to buy chinese goodies... after tat met him ard 11 plus... didn't went where also... only went to changi village there.. haha... only stayed there a while.. after tat we went back hm... bcos both of us were too tired.. actually wanted to go chinatown.. but i guessed i really dun have the energy to squeeze inside the crowds...

sunday morning ard 9 plus... winston called me.. haha.. but actually should be morning call.. bcos i meeting them to attend NTU talk at bugis... on the train, we were still discussing how come we are meeting so early.. The talk starts at 11am... we meet at 10.30am at bugis mrt station.. hai~~~ when we reached there, omg..... so crowded.. luckily manage to get a seat... but the talk really haywire.. the power slides were so much faster than wat the lecturers trying to cover.. wat she can do was kept apologizing to us abt the technical problems.. erm.. i wondering how come.. she study IT... ended up her powerpoint skills ................. hai~~~~ anyway NTU is nt my cup of tea.. i don't fit into the admission criteria.. my results also nt tat gd.. hai~~~after tat had my lunch at FJ with them... they walked ard looking for clothes.. but ended we went to chinatown... hahaha.. we went into the pasa malam... it was so warm.... so we went over to chinatown OG... they bought their new year clothes, after tat we went back home... my second outing starts when i reached home.. i went cycling with my cousin... went to return him his mp3 player...otherwise he will scream at me if i didn't return him.. bcos he won't be at home for the next week and he need it.. shiong... 1 and half hours of cycling... alamak... tiring... so shag....