Tuesday, January 25, 2005

erm.. yesterday went to watch aviation.. what i can says was a very boring show, seems like no ending... in the end, i am stuck in the theatre for 3 hours... alamak. .why no pple inform me about that... if someone tells me.. i won't go and watch that movie..

today so busy... but hai~~ took back more than 10 packets of chocolate biscuits.. so fattening.. alamak.. hai~~ asked mum to go distribute to her friends.... left some for tat three greedy pigs.. hehe.. next week school starts liao.. can treat them as snacks... save money.. lolo.. :P I already planning not to go back school on CNY's eve.. lalalaaa.. very naughty hor.. no choice.. no boring... must well stay at home and sleep.. and finding a target to accompany me to chinatown during the eve's nite... 2 years ago was korkor accompany me go.. but now he....... last year was ying... but i guessed she will think tat it is very boring to accompany me go... bcos i left at 1 plus... due to i going hm to talk on phone with my friend.. hahaa (luckily she duno abt it or else i guess she will kill me)... alamak.. this year who is going to accompany me there????? sob sob ^-^

Last announment to make for the day is... I AGREE MY BOSS TO WORK FOR HER TILL SHE FOUND A FULL TIME.. seems like i not going to have anytime for myself.. anyone looking for tuition teacher??? i want to work as a part-time tuition teacher also.. hahaa..