Sunday, January 23, 2005

erm.. today morning, boss asked me dun need to go back to do stock-take.. heng arh.. i was so scared i overslept... so even though i drink yesterday nite, i still couldn't sleep well.. erm.. understand myself better.... still enjoying the moment spending with friends.. wanted to forget the crush i had so long ago.. it had been dragging for so long.. making myself so miserable.. wat for.. i should enjoy the life i had now.. and not holding the memories i had with him.. Everythings was in the past.. I can only says thank you... Without him last few years, i might not learn to be a bit independent.. I MUST TELL MYSELF.... ME n HIM FOREVER R FRIENDS.. nothing will go over this point..

I will look for my happiness instead clutching on the memories i had... haha... slowly see whether i can find my happiness or not... lalaa.. wish my g00d luck wor...