Sunday, January 23, 2005

wow.. today after my work.. i went down to orchard to meet ester n ah-ying... after our dnn3r, 3st3r w3nt t0 m33t her b0ss.. while me and ah-ying went to cinel3isur3 to tak3 n3oprint.. not long later ... ester called us and ask us to go down to clarke quay to join them ... we says okie.. ended up.. we went to MS there to chiong... haha.. it has been such a long time i ever chiong... but really shiok.. .this is my first time step into the dacing floor to dance.. really enjoy myself a lot.. but not very drunk.. not like previously went to fisherman village.. try chevias(duno spell correct or not).. not bad... quite nice...

on friday, i went to porthsdown road.. erm.. it seems very special.. and uique.. totally different from the city area.. it is like a high class pulau ubin... quite interesting for that outing.. after that i went over to holland village there, to have my dinner.. this was also my first time been to holland village.. country bumpkin hor.. but nvm.. at least i went there once.. When to tea & esscential.. actually we wanted to sit at second level but was fully booked... The food over there really nice.. especially the lemongrass tiger prawns.. i like it so much... hehe.. maybe next time i will go and try out other resturant or cafes over there... After the dinner, we went over to orchard to shop around... I had been controlling myself.. and ask myself not to spend too much.. Actually i wanted to buy a t-shirt and nail polish but ended i spend the money on food.. When to the bistro at pacific plaza again.. the food there are not bad...

overall, i can says i had been exploring singapore for the past 2 days... btw i try tequlia shot yesterday .. erm.. i duno arh.. i finish the shot immediately.. wow.. very strong.. hehe.. but not drunk...