Friday, January 07, 2005

today went over to dajie's house.. suppose to go in the morning but due to sick...cannot manage to wake up tat early.. ended up, i reached there was already noon.. all the relatives were waiting for the arrival of bride.. this year is very special.. bcos it is really a family gathering.. last time er-jie's wedding.. my aunt n her family were not in sg.. today her whole family was here but a shortage of one.. but tat special person will leave inside our heart.. ard 3 plus.. i went to jurong point with er-jie and her friends to set hair.. can u imagine how would i look like.. hehe.. i think not bad.. quite pretty.. lolo.. :P bhb hor.. but too bad.. i really think it is pretty... i show my nails to Michelle (aka my cousin).. she thought tat i went for manicure but the fact is sue(also my cousin) helped me to polish.. lolo.. :P today i am very fortunate.. there is someone who helped me to take of my nails.. while another one take care of my make-up.. too bad... i am a tom-boy.. duno how to make-up... lalala.. :P after tat went over to er-jie's house to wait my cousin-in-law to come over and fetch us to the resturant.. erm.. although i am down with flu , sore throat and cough.. i still cannot stand the tempation of cold drinks and chocolate.. i drank quite a number of soft drinks.. and ate a lot of chocolate.. hehe.. my aunt says.. sick canot eat chocolate.. but in the end, i still eat.. lolo.. sorry... food is more impt than my health.. today is also my first time to take a group photos of my cousin.. hehe.. really amazing... i enjoyed myself a lot tonite.. hehe.. :P wondering.. who will be the next one to get married... i dun want to be a receptionist liao.. hahhaa.. bcos i sotong sotong.. put me there is a totally waste of seats... hahaha.. :P i will post out the photos when it is out.. hahha :P

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