Tuesday, January 11, 2005

sian.. calculate how much i spent during that past one month.. i wondering how come i will spend that high.. i guess it really breaks my record.. i spent away my busary.. yet i didn't even get a new phone.. one word to says gone.... this month eat grass... my bank now is zero.. hai~~~ wat had i spent.. only bought a jacket... do a new spectacles plus... bought 1 pair of slipper and 1 pair of high heels... plus a few pieces of clothes... a wallet... a bag... tat's all.... sian..start to eat grass liao... had to stop all my weekend activites... stop all my shopping spree.... and my cafe... erm.. did i ate anyting nice during december.. erm.. couldn't remember where i went.. oh... i remember i been to johor for abt 3 times... alamak...... must MIA for a period liao... still owe..... christmas present.. hehe.. but i dun think he will mind right hor... must pity me leh.. now broke liao.. sob sob.. :'(

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