Friday, January 21, 2005

yesterday my boss opened her mouth... she asked me whether i am still working at cineleisure cartel or not?? Will i will be working part-time? She asking me whether i want to go back to work on weekend ?? If i going back, i got to work wake everyday early in the morning... So i am still considering... She will be giving me the same pay as wat cartel gives me lor... My parents says not bad... but i still thinking.. maybe tomorrow or tuesday, i will give her a reply.. nowadays keep working.. hardly got time to meet out with friends.. bcos of working.. canot celebrate joanna's birthday with her... cannot meet friends for movies, bowling and etc...... most imptly cannot celebrate korkor's 21 birthday with him.. erm... feel that i a neglect my friends quite a lot... it is been such a long time i ever met joyce n chuifen.. really miss the time we had in secondary school... there was a time, i should be meeting them to watch shrek2 but bcos i need to work OT... ended up... no time to meet them for dinner... hai~~~~ work took away a lot of my time.. during december... aunt n my cousin came back to sg... therefore, i spent more time with them and cousin... been always going out with them... one of my friend asked me, "why u always go out with your cousin?" i diam diam.. maybe bcos i have lost one... now i hope i dun wish to lose anyone.. i MUST learn how to cherish family ties and friendship...

Sorry, if i had hurt you... You blame me that i had no time for you.. but luckily we broke up.. Now.. i hope to spend more time with friends... i know your request isn't that too much.. but i really hardly had time for myself to take a breath... how to had time for you.. In Feb, i had to go back school for my FYP.... If i going to work part-time for my boss... i think i will hardly go out in the weekend...Maybe now is better that we are still friends..

thanx pals n friends... nowadays keep receiving msgs asking how am i.. i am fine.. thanks for the concern.. i believe i can stand up asap.. bcos i still got tons of things waiting for me to do... and looking for my happiness.. when i wanted to give up.. u let me had the courage to carry on.. but now... you leave me again.. i really speechless.. this also let me realize.. u are my gd friend or buddy... not someone who i like...