Tuesday, September 14, 2004

35 Questions of your ideal partner.

[1] How well must he/she know u?
erm.. to be frank.. I dun like pple to know me too well especially my boiboi.. lololo.. :P
[2] Does looks counts?
as long as I dun mind lor..
[3] Must he/she have an X-Factor?
Maybe I too stupid liao.. dun understand wat it means..
[4] Drive a car/bike?
Same as my friend, if I really love him… take public transport I also dun mind..
[5] Go clubbing often?
He like to go… then go lor.. if I go with my friends.. he also cannot says anything..
[6] Feel secure with him/her?
Maybe I a bit possessive.. but I really want some secure.. somemore I am like a xiao mei mei.. always cry.. and avoid things..
[7] Good at cracking jokes?
lolo.. hope that he will cheer me up when I am down.. and will be at my side..
[8] Should he/she be always spending all his/her time with u?
he should not spend all his time to me.. bcos to me.. I will spend most of my time with my friends or cousins or family..
[9] Conservative towards you?
Hahaha.. I also dunno
[10] A quick thinker?
Of cos.. then he can knows wat I wants mah…
[11] Should he/she have a good sense of dressing?
As long as he feel comfortable can liao.. dun wish to force pple to do things tat they dun like
[12] Preferbably what kind of hairstyle? Including colour.
erm.. I dunno leh.. bcos I am like a sotong myself.. always let the person who cut my hair decide for me.. ;)
[13] Should he/she be the one making decisions all the time?
No.. if he always make decision.. makes that I had to listen to him all the time
[14] Romantic?
Yesh.. every girl also want their bf to be romantic…
[15] Shy?
erm.. towards me not shy can liao.. wahaha..
[16] Hot-Tempered?
Who wants a hot-tempered to be their bf/gf?
[17] Loud or Quiet?
Erm.. know when to be loud or quiet..
[18] Generous or Stingy?
Wow.. if can..generous better.. lololo.. but is up to him to decide lah..

[19] Kind or Heartless?
Can I ask for a king bf? Or am I being too greedy abt it?
[20] Cute or Sweet?
i want a sweet n caring guy..
[21] Vain or Casual?
Casual.. I want him to be back himself..
[22] Punk or Hipster?
[23] Smart or Stupid?
A smart guy.. but with me hor.. dun act to be too smart.. cos I very stupid..
[24] *For guys* Should she wear heavy makeup most of the time?
Hahaha.. dun need heavy make up lah..look very old sia..
[25] *For girls* Must he dress up all the time?
No lah.. why need to dress up all the time..so troublesome
[26] Should he/she pamper u?
of cos lah.. erm.. I am the only child at home.. mummy and daddy pamper me a lot.. or counted as I am very lucky.. a lot of pple pamper when i am young and now also. .hehee :P
[27] Should he/she be open minded when speaking to u?
I dun like guessing game..
[28] Should he/she be well-educated?
Ya lor….
[29] Good Looking+Dumb OR Ugly+Intelligent
Can ask for someone normal looking + not dumb..
[30] Possessive+faithful OR Freedom+unfaithful
I will give him freedom.. so he must give me too.. but also must faithful lah :P
[31] Childish+Caring OR Mature+Ignorant
When is time to be childish.. he must be childish.. when is time to be mature.. he must be mature…
[32] Should you be able to see a future ahead for u 2?
Erm.. I also dunno.. I very scare to says abt future.. bcos I dunno wat I wants..
[33] Do u think this kind of girl/guy exists?
Hahahaa.. I dunno.. if he is here.. I hope he will stays.. if he is not here.. then slowly come lor..
[34] If yes, have u met him/her? && [35] If no, do u think u will be able to meet him/her?
Hahaa.. if he is here.. I hope he will stays.. if he is not here.. then slowly come lor..

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