Saturday, September 18, 2004

erm.. just now aft school.. i went back home.. instead of going to tat t00pid bar tra|n|ng.. but anyway go there also no money take.. only go there get scolding.. wahhaaa.. the day before i am so shag.. i only slept thr33 hours.. i want to tell the whole world tat i bery sian arh.. and sleepy nowadays.. so a bit haywire.. if can dun stay too near me.. later i let u very paiseh.. dun blame me arh..ehehehe...
after work.. went out with my pig and dog friends again.. we went to eat pizzas at rocky master.. aft tat went to coffee club express at orchard.. wah lau.. my ah-jiejie arh.. wait for us for almost half an hour.. when we reached there... she almost want to kill us liao.. the worst thing tat happened today is tat hor.. today i went to work.. when i stepped into the kitchen.. my manager shouted at me liao.. hai~~ i am so sian.. but i still can laugh all the way thru i worked..lolo...:P

back to the topic arh.. erm.. maybe i had really forgotten wat i had really been thru this one month.. my aunt finally called back.. hehehe.. i am so happy... but i dunno wat is their conversation like.. she also sent something back.. i wanted to know wat is that.. but i dun dare to take a look.. cos mummy won't let me see.. hai~~~ no wonder today mummy whole day at home... i guess she is waiting for the postman.. tat's why she never went out.. erm.. i still wanted to go aus at the end of the year.. from young till now.. everyone dote and care for me.. my aunt treats me also very good.. whenever she comes back.. she definitely will buy something for me.. when we go out.. she will ask me wat i wants.. but now.. i cannot do anything.. only can pray for them.. i hope everything is fine for them.. and i leh.. trying my best to forget a friend who i dunno i can forget or not.. hai~~~

GAMBATTE!!! n|t3..

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