Thursday, September 09, 2004

finally i got the time to write my blog.. today worked from 11am to 11pm but in between got 2 hours break.. but very tired and shag.. my legs bcome so wobbly.. dun feel like walking anymore.. but luckily today dad went over to pick me up.. so tat's why i can reach home so early..

yesterday i went to watch cinderella story with ah-ying.. wahaha.. erm.. she seldom spend money sia.. she very shocked when she agreed to watch cinderella with me.. we went to CL but tickets are sold out.. PS also sold out.. in end we end up in Great World City.. luckily.. morning i went cheers to buy sweet and take one today.. or else i dun think i would want to catch it.. it is so tiring.. imagine from CL to PS and to Great world City again.. just to catch one movie... but overall i did enjoy myself a lot.. i like that movie.. erm.. i also want to be cinderella live happily ever after with my bf.. wahaha (it is impossible...) erm... korkor always ask me.. pls lah.. u how old liao..still believe this kind of fairy tales?? actually i did wish it will happen on me.. but i know it will never..i dun want to search for it liao bcos it is no longer impt for me.. i jus hope tat i can cope with my studies and work at the same time.. tat day, when we want to take 195 to marina.. tat bus driver dropped us halfway and went down to chit chat with the mama shop uncle sia.. the whole bus only got both us.. we laughed like crazy.. hahaa...

today is my second day cold war with him.. erm.. it might be very childish to do it in this way.. but.. i also dunno wat to do..been so tiring.. this year happens a lot of things.. i duno whether i should be happy or not.. but aft he had die.. i grown more mature.. i miss him a lot.. although he no longer survive liao.. i will still remember him.. i am not close to him at all.. he might be a stranger to me.. he is always so far from us.. but he is my cousin.. thanks.. i really grown much more stronger than las time.. me and .... friendship game over already.. i finally admitted i like him since the day i went over to aus.. i remember tat day when i was in the airport.. i was waiting for him to call, jus to says a good bye.. i will be very happy abt it.. but no.. he never called.. in the end, is my korkor called.. he helped me a lot in my life.. he pull me up.. he is really a gd friend.... korkor.. u may be shocked when i says i end up my friendship with him.. and might start to worry tat something will happen.. i am no longer tat xiao mei mei who are so weak.. jus end only.. so wat.. i dun want to carry on with him like this.. i really feel very tired.. maybe we should really take a break.. think whether should we be tat close.. or jus leave a gap in between it.. maybe a gap will help us a lot.. and i won't fall for him too.. i also dunno whether will i regret that monday i sms him the truth.. but thanks a lot, my friend.. u really leave me with very sweet memories...

btw.. i got smth to says.. thanks.. kong....... for letting me to dependent on you from now onwards.. haha.. u really can be my third kor.. no no... should be leo be my third korkor and kong be the fourth one.. lololo..
hahahaa... :P

2 days without him..

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