Saturday, September 04, 2004

today i went PS to watch movie... erm.. something very weird catches my attention.. me and my cousin are watching 4.40pm garfield... we took the life up to level 7... in between.. there is guy go out at level 6B... the five of us inside the lift were feeling chill when we recall about this.. furthermore this month is the hungry ghost month....... we were so scare about it...

the story starts from.. I went to PS to meet my cousin at 4pm.. after that we went to Long John Sliver for lunch... after that we went to carrefore to purchase some snacks.. then we decided to take the lift up bcos it is already 4.30pm.. and the show starts at 4.40pm... erm.. inside the lift.. there are still other people including the both of us.. when it reaches a Level6B, a guy pushes a trolley of orange jucies and went out.... erm.. i saw there are some shops opening too.... so i tot maybe is the LCD display screen in the lift is spolit... that's why, there is an additional B beside the 6... When the door close... the lift only left 5 of us... the uncle was mumbling how come there is a 6B... we didn't really notice that much.. and dun want to bother abt it... the lift stopped again... the door opened.. almost everyone wanted to get out of the life.. but i shouted out.. it is level 6... my cousin walked in again.. plus that two girls.... only that uncle went out the lift.. aft tat incident.. we will really very stunned abt wat had happened... i couldn't really believe my eyes... BTW, Garfield is really a nice movie.. i like it a lot.. but my mind doesn't seems to be with me today.. erm.. inside my mind is all about relationship.. haha.. my life really corked up now.. which i dunno how to handle.. and how am i going to survive it.... erm....... actually i had a crush on a guy for 2 years plus.. he dunno abt it or he acts blur abt it.. i also dun want to care liao.. today i told him that i got a bf.. and he suddenly tells me that he is busy.. and wanted to put down the phone.. then of cos i let him put down.. does it means he got any feelings towards me.. i guess nope ba.. i am jus a girl who looks below average.. how would a guy wants.. erm..i wanted to let go of my feelings.. dun wish to step into any relationship.... getting more n more tired.. i dun wish to return back to those times again.. i would wish to put that all behind and not to bring them with me.. i miss D and L.. but so wat.. they are not going to be in my life again..

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