Tuesday, September 07, 2004

wow.. i had not been updating for my blog for so many days.. hehe.. been busy working... erm.. i know i had been looking back at my past.. do i mind my past?? i also dunno.. today i wanted to go starbucks but in the end.. i went to changi airport.. i looked back at my past... wat i had did for the past few years.. from T1 took skytrain to T2.. and back to T1 again.. i think this is how i look at my life..for a moment.. i look at the future, for the next second i went back to my past.. erm.. i finally plucked out my courage to sms him.. maybe i had ruined my friendship with him.. erm.. i dunno whether it is good or not.. or even i had regret it? but maybe tat is one year ago... i like him for so long.. but finally everything had end... so currently.. dun decide to step into any relationship or put in any feelings except put my whole hearted to earn money + maintain my results..

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