Friday, September 24, 2004

so fast.. going to end of the week liao.. sian.. erm.. actually tat day i didn't drunk.. just tat i want to forget everythings.. so that's why i am drunk.. there are things that i want to forget forever and forever but just that i really dunno why.. it seems like a recorder keeps repeating the same tape again.. is that really hard to forget you.. i call you that day... you are still the same.. it seems like without me bugging you.. you seems to be much more happier.. you deserve a very BIG thank you... thanks, my friend.. u really help me to pull through a lot in my lifes.. but due to my stubborn i decide to let go of this friendship....... sorry.. hope tat you will forgive me for my childish acts and selfish ba.. i dun want to hurt myself deeper.. i had to stand much more stronger than anyone.. i promise my korkor.. i told him dun worry, i will help him to look aft everyone especially my grandma.. that's wat i can do for him.. and i know.. maybe he leave is good thing.. at least he won't be suffering so much.. i can sense that no matter how far he goes.. he is always at our side to help us.. bcos he love everyone of us..

i miss both of you a lot.. one is so far away from me.. one is so near to me.. yet i dun dare to step nearer to you.. maybe bcos i scare to get hurts and fall down again... do not wish to try the pain again..

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