Saturday, September 11, 2004

wow.. today i had a great day at sentosa although i caught the cold virus.. hehee.. i toook quite a number of pics.. i went to the skytower at sentosa.. it is 131m tall.. from the top there.. u can see whole of sentosa view and tajong pajar port.. lolo.. erm.. i can says it is definitely a great place... i went to silso and palawan beach.. erm.. btw.. when i going back to mainland i saw bulldog sia.. i a bit very stunned.. he came over and says hi to me.. i really blur sia.. somemore my flu really dann bad lor.. i also wondering how come he knows i am working.. he still ask me dun work lah.. i says i need money.. he says i also mah.. but i never work leh.. erm.. i super stunned sia.. when he bcome so good.. or how come nowadays pple ard me keep asking me dun work.. leo even ask me whether i can handle or not.. erm.. only got one person supporting me..

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