Monday, December 21, 2009

Last weekend

It had been ages that my aunty and my cousin came back to singapore for a
short trip. This time mainly bcos my auntie's mother-in-law condition consider quite bad. They came back to visit them
and my granny. This month, I bought a lot of Xmas gifts
mainly for family member. Tat include one for
my cousin. After he passed away, this is the first time his sister visits
sg. When I am young, auntie dotes everyone a lot. Mainly bcos of that or maybe bcos I am a crybaby, when I knew
he passed away. It affects me quite badly. Guess that blow is worst towards my auntie. Furthermore, we are not there together with her. She always wish us to go over an visits her. I was telling her if next year got chance, we will
go over there and visits them. Min arh min, must work hard, faster finish yr degree and earn more
money. I hopes they are happy with the shopping spree. Min dun really step in
the branded goods shop. Just accompany my cousin walked around. Hopes she likes the bag sher
bought. She leads a very simple life now.. Last time she still have a brother to bicker.. Actually life
is really short.. I wants them to be happy. Haha... Min trying to act
fillal or too sensitive towards things ard her?

Ytd I walked one whole day at orchard. Haha.. I gt a friend like a kid... Haha.. Seriously, I also dunno.. My feelings are very weird.. Haha.. Mainly bcos of an incident occurs a few years back.. I dun wish to enter one sided relationship again. At one moment, I really have tat kind of feelings toward him.. Haha.. But I know both of us will not be together. I still trying to match make him with someone else. Haha.. I really dun have the fate to meet the right or the correct one haven
appears ba.. Haha.. Ytd he really very nice to me.. Haha... But guess both of us knows our stand very well. He treats
me like a sis, futhermore he already gt someone in his heart. While
me, I also dunno.. I am quite sensitive to one word ks.. Haha... Dun mention him
in front of me. I wish to have a new beginning. Tat time is jus one sided love ba. Haha.. Maybe tat time I should head my friends's advice then I will
not hit so badly. Or maybe I am a person who dunno how to cherish things or I am very stupid. So next time relationship problems, pls be frank to me. Otherwise, I really dunno what it means.

Today, I wheel my granny to parkway to have lunch. She was very happy. Thanks for the people for giving me the seats. They quite considerate. There even gt one uncle walked over an offered us a seat.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

erm.. twlight part 2..

Erm.. Recently, i went to watch twlight part 2. Erm.. Seems like this movie was my cup of tea. Opps, i tot i like to watch romance movie? I guess only cartoon, horror and action pact movie suits me. That nite, i watched till i fall asleep for a while. Guess it is because, i was not feeling well too. That night, i went out with my good friends to celebrate their birthday. I went to my friend's gf house for dinner and played with their doggies.. :P kekee.. It had been ages that i ever touched with dogs. Haha.. Last time, i worked in a petshop wor. kekekekee.. =D

That movie let me think back of the past that i had.. Hahaha, i haven let go of the past? Erm, no lah.. I had let go of it. Just i hate myself that i am being so indecisive. Min arh Min, so long le, u still haven grown up.

Hahaha.. Guess, i very steady that nite wor, i was having gastric upset yet i still can tahan till 5 plus then reached home.. Hahaha.. Brother asked me to go home and rest.. Yet in the end, i choose to stay out for the movie. Hahaha.. I puked out all my dinner.. =x OMG!!! Erm.. i never drink at all lor.. haiz.. Ended up Sunday, i was on high fever.. Hahaha.. Monday, bo bian go work.. LL hor..

Erm.. Sad arh... My work recently not that good.. Sian.. Maybe i lost favour le.. hahaa.. guess my boss dislike me to the core.. haiz.. sian.. hopefully i can work well in the other project now.. and get a better grade.. hahaa.. maybe i am a bit greedy, i wished to get a 2 and promote next year.. Hahaha.. guess no chance le.. should be the girl who is coming back from aus have a chance to promote ba.. sad hor... study until now i still haven graduate.. work hard liming!!!! die die also must pass this time round..

As for love life, i am still single.. hahahaa.. teach me leh.. how to find the correct one.. =x

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hahaha.. Time for me to give up!!!!

I bought my tickets for next year April. Time to said byebye to you. Wahaha... =D 我决定忘了你。

Monday, November 23, 2009


Haha... It been so long ago, I dunno why my heart still so pain... Haha... I tot
I can let it go but it doesn't seems to be easy... When I make it my
mind, I still wants u as friend... Bcos u understand me the most.. Haha... Damn... Why I am so stupid? Always lose
it then regret it... Jus like my exams... Time to learn hw to cherish it... And choose

But hor.. He very shit.. I gt so scary ma? Why my block
me? Instead of still keep me as a contact yet we can't talk at all...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A nite to remember?

Hahaha.. Last Sat, i went to St James with my friends. I remembered what happened that day vividly.

Lunch, i had New York New York heavy lunch. Then at nite, i went to meet up with my friend to take a bag from her. Then ard evening time, i met up with friends to watch movie. Jennifer's Body wasn't that fantastic show as i tot. Haha.. You know when i am watching the movie. My mind actually wondering ard. Hahaha.. Maybe recently i been really moody? I also don't know what happen to me..

For entertaining me, my friends actually accompanied to St James to meet my gd friend there. Hahaha.. Luckily, i didn't said anything wrong out that day.. Maybe abt my friend's relationship that part.. i shouldn't said out.. =x erm.. u know at the moment, i am happy.. Hahaha.. not bcos i said out my friend's relationship.. Is that i know someone do place a seat in my heart. Hahaha.. I know is impossible.. Min arh Min, pls pull yourself out. You two can fool ard when he is single.. When he is attached, pls.. u know he will be attach sooner or later.. u will still feel that kind of feeling.. pull yrself out, pls.. i dun want to see myself drag for another few more years..

keeke.. yes.. i will listen to u once to go on diet.. haha.. although u never said wat u want me to listen to u.. hahaa.. but seems like everyone is challenging abt my determination.. i dunno whether i will success or not.. but i willing to try.. to save money and to bcome prettier..

i know both of us will not be together.. we will be gd pals.. but i believe the next coming year, we will have gaps in between us... we will slowly drift apart.. u will start to find yr happiness.. of cos u also wish that i can find someone who be there for me..

u know when i am waiting for first train.. a lot of memories are flown on mind.. haha.. I was telling myself.. i can fall in love with anyone except u..

cos i dun want to lose u.. =x

Sunday, November 01, 2009

如果我爱上我的好朋友, 又如何? 我对他有那么一点好感, 可是我好害怕我们两个人没有结果。我们绍 跟本没有结果, 为何我对他还有那种感觉

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

min 这次又失败了。。

haiz~~ 这次的考试可能又不能成功。。开始怀疑自己不能multi-tasking.. 我又多一次让父母伤心了。。haiz~~

Sunday, October 18, 2009


wahahaa.. the title seems like very weird hor... hahahaa.. 7 years ago... i am considered very happy xiao nu ren ba~~ cos ard me.. i gt 两个男人.. no matter whether i am happy or sad.. they will be there for me... haha.. but gradually i fall in love with one of them... and i lost him.. hahaa.. while the other one.. we no longer that close.. maybe as time passes.. things changed... slowly i learnt to be more independent.. knows that thing will not be with u forever.. must cherish them.. cos maybe next yr.. things will be different again.. u will lead yr life.. while if i keep looking backwards.. i will not be able to move forward.. maybe u already at the ending point... hahahaa.. Just like 7 yrs ago.. i am running together with you... 3 yrs later.. u left me and run faster or took a different path to reach the destination.. if i still carry on to stop at 4 yrs ago.. i will not be able to reach the destination.. and everyone behind me will jus overtake me.. hahaa.. blur blur le for so long.. finally wake up and carry on to run the marathon.. maybe we will nt met again on the journey to destination.. as long as anyone of us don't look backwards, i believe we will be happier... =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

8 years le...

不知不觉8年就这样的过去了。。 哈哈。。 如果真的在一起的话, 我们会不会在一起。。 还是我们还是会分开。。 还是我们还是会是好朋友。。 你还过的好吗?我现在过的还好,现在这分工作没有我以前的工作来的辛苦。。 没有那么难挨的日子。。 还是我也跟随时间的脚步,慢慢学的放开,不要那么冲动。。 哈哈。。 我猜你身边有了你深爱的老婆了吧!哈哈。。。 还是可能已经是爸爸了。。 哈哈。。 事情都过了那么旧,为何我还会偶尔想起你。。 这不是应为我放不下你。 只是你跟korkor给我的影响太过深,在我最彷徨无助的时候,你们会在ah min身边给她依靠。。 这份人情会陪我到老。。。 谢谢你。。 你真的帮了我很多。。 有些时候,你就是那么傻。。在我最穷的时候, 是你伸出你的手帮助我。。你从来都没有向我讨回。。。 只会在我身边唠叨的叫我不要那么会花钱。。 还是学生的我却喜欢跟朋友吃好的。。 有一次买了一杯泰国的chendol,$3.80。。。 给你说了一正晚。。 八年后,吃也没有了~~朋友也没有了~~ 哈哈。。。在你通电话时,我会说korkor..失去你后,korkor总会提起你。。 哈哈。。 真得很好笑。。

Sunday, October 11, 2009

min in love le~~

wahahaaa... Surprising hor~~ i will put this title.. haha.. ya~~ i am in love...

hahaa.. hw true is that.. no lah~~ is not true at all.. maybe i am just too close with him...

hahahaa.. too close to be together.. time to give up~~ arbo i will be down again for another 7 years.. by then i will be lao ah ma liao~~ where gt chance to meet my prince charming~~ now hor~~ must look carefully~~~ hahaa.. "the one" most likely will be my the other half liao~~ hahahaaa.. slowly find and enjoy my singlehood now~~ lol.. :P

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Wahaha.. Min turning 25 soon!!!

Haha... Min this nickname comes from a big korkor.. Haha.. Ever since that day, this nick had followed me till now.. Wahahaa.. =p

Min 傻傻等的是你对我唱生日歌.. haha.. 可是你没次都不给我一点面子。。 你从来都没有记得这一天,应为你从来都没有在乎过我.. hahahaa.. do u know that every yr, tat day.. i am waiting for u to sing me a birthday song.. but hor~~ u purposely.. skipped that day... hahaa.. silly hor.. haha... 7 years ago.. u won't sing me a birthday song.. wat makes u think 7 yrs later u will sing for me... so fast hor~~ time passes so long le.. haha.. we all had our own lives.. hahaa.. big korkor.. no matter where u are now.. hopes that u are doing fine.. having a great life.. hahaa..

if one day, i met this da korkor on the streets.. i doubt that he can still recognize me nor i can recognize him.. hahaaa..

i wondering hw my birthday will be like this year? last year.. da jie they all keep me accompany.. then i went st james with my friends... hahaa.. my brother also pass me a phone.. cos my phone spolit le.. then followed by a bbq...

guess this year.. will be much more quiet ba... i dun have much friends.. whaahahaaa..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It had been so long ago

haha... It had been so long ago that i ever post here... Nt that recently i am extremely busy or wat had happened recently... After so many years, i had finally let go of the feelings i had for me.... Heeh.... I m so happy.... feel so gd to let go... But i still wish to have him as a friend... Cos he is my closest friend... 我们做不成情人也可以做朋友。

Haha. today i had a very bad backache... But i still insisted of going out with mum... This bad backache reminds me of nanny.. Haha... I always think he very naggy... Lol... :p i think i more naggy... Everything also wan to control... Hehe.. Last time when i bad backache... He is the one who accompany me see doctor... Haha.... While the other one only accompany me chat on phone.. haha.... Time flies... Each of us had our lives.. No point looking backward again... Just all these are very sweet memory..

我是一个很好骗的女人.. Haha...

Haha... My life nw involves work n study... As for relationship, is still empty... Asking whether wants to find one to occupate tat seat.. Haha... I wish but really depend on fate. crush... I gt leh... Lol.... At tat point of time, i really fall in love with him.. But looking back of my experience, i decide to move step backward... Just in case, we can't even b friends... Plus the type of gal he looking for confirm is nt me... Haha... Recently, i gt a lot of match make leh... Office one.. He is neighbour.. my gd friend said my brother.. Haha... My brother asked me go on diet... Haha... He scare 我嫁不出去...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Recently.. i am happy...

hahahaaa... recently... i had been quite happy.. hahahaa.. hw come arh~~ lol.. =p although seems like school stuffs still makes me quite sick... hahahaaa...

I am puzzled... i had been doing my part for tutorial.. i did one more extra questions... hahaa.. but seems like nobody willing to send me the latest copy of assignment which is link to exams~~ sad hor~~ maybe wo ren yuan bu hao~~ imagine~~ my friend 12 midnight then tell me.. can i help to do one part of the question.. first, i was very unwillingly.. cos i had been offering help each time.. but doesn't seems like other pple is helping me... haha.. in the end.. i still do it.. then now.. asking her to send me a file.. is like so hard... sian~~

haahahaa... recently been at work... erm.. i got a feeling.. my small boss had a this kind of feeling of dislike me.. erm.. or maybe i think too much.. or bcos i took over some stuffs that actually that belongs to him. If u asked me, what had happened? Seriously, i don't know what is happening. But no instructions from my big boss that i can return the stuffs back to my small boss even he is back. What should i do? In order not to offend my big boss, i am hugging the task. But doesn't seems to be my performance for that particular is good. Hahaha.. Next year performance bonus must be gone case. Erm.. Or maybe i should said, i don't even know whether next year, will i still be here or not? Currently, i still quite like my job, of cos there are down times also. But i really learn a lot of stuffs here. And i am trying to be sociable plus independent.. Trying to ignore all office politics.. wahahaa.. :P

opps.. one more thing..... singapore is really very small.... Mr I dunno's cousin became my colleague, furthermore he is in the same team as me. Wahahaa..... Small hor~~ I quit one and half years ago, yet now we are meeting in another place, furthermore under the same boss.

hahaahaa.... if i said i have a crush.. do u believe... hahaaha.. i am on leave today yet this person had been floating in my mind.. wahaha... does it means that i had a crush on him.. i sooooo0oo0o0o0o0o0ooooo long never had this kind of feelings... i am s00o00o0o0oo0oo0oo0oo0o0ooo00o happy.... alternatively, it means i am willing to let go of the past and start a brand new life.. lol... =p

wahahaa.. my gd friend.. she is giving birth in oct~~ hahaa.. a lot of things i dunno.. mainly is my childhood friend who told me these... hahaha... actually i think i am a failure friend.. no wonder.. i dun have true friends ard me...

times passes really fast.. last time me and my childhood friend dislike each other ba... hahahaa.. yet now we are close friends.. hahahaa... and he is going for exchange for four months.. i should get him a birthday gift before he leave hor~~ not when he comes back then i give him the birthday gift, right.. maybe by then, i am already broke...

recently not running frm anyone... sometimes.. really feel lazy to entertain pple.. sometimes.. is really too tired.. just wants to rest.. cos sometimes i do assignments.. until late nites... while the next day.. i still need to work.. just wants to rest... i am sorry.. if i haven been meeting/catching up with u.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

hahahaaha.. breakdown?

hahahaa.. recently been squeeze by work.. but studies also went really haywire..hahaa.. my grp not very united.. hahaa.. bcos of a book.. i also quarrelled with my friend.. hahahaa.. wah lah~~ i never attend first lecture for half an hour~~ hw i know need to buy book~~ =_____= she still keep saying.. u dunno meh~ he keeps mentioning~~ wah lau~~ wth.. i skipped half an hour~~ hw i know wat is happening? my fault meh!!! hahahaa. everytime not my fault~ also my fault~~ hahaaa.. sibei sian~~`

hahahaa.. just now on the way back hm~~ mummy said a topic~~ suddenly i feel a sharp pain in my heart~~ hahahaa.. guess tat topic is abt my wound.. opps.. i tot i had recoved frm that wound already.. hw come i still feel painful.. hahahaa.. am i really that stubborn...

hahahaa.. i tot i still told my friend i like someone.. hahaa.. he so cool.. sometimes so sweet.. hahaa.. but towards everyone he is also like that.. hahahaa.. see him.. makes me happier.. hhahahaa.. i think i need to brush up my communication skills.. but too bad~~ i too childish~~ hahaa.. min ah min~~ good guys are all attached le~~ wahahaa..

next month~~ i might be going chalet.. tmd~~ again go there be lightbulb ba~~ haiz~~ sian~~ guess i bring my ds lite go there play game~~ or dun stayed there overnite~~ hahaa.. i dun mind.. to get drunk if i can forget the past~~ especially the part tat hurt mt so badly.. hahaha.. really got so jialat mah~~ or i haven met the correct one~~ hahahaa...

surprisingly~ i had a dinner with my cousin~~ had some chat~~hopefully can slowly build our relationship ba~~

Sunday, July 12, 2009


hahhaaha... shifu~~ recently tot me some stuffs.. hahaaa.. i am trying to improve on it~~ based on her comments.. heheheee... see lah~~ her comments weight a lot to me~~ although she is not my reporting officer.

hahahaahaaaaa.. maybe is 我欠他的人情,所以我一直忘不了他。

Friday, June 19, 2009


哈哈!不知不觉, 我已经在我现在的公司做了一年多..

hahahaa.. . Realise that if i am type that in chinese, i will not be able to type finish this post in about 15 mins time. Wahahaaa.. :P

Last week, i did my performance review report. Hahhahaaa.. Guess what i get? Seriously i was hoping for a better grade, but it ended up having disappointment. Hahaha.. Recently, i been very close with my shifu. Sometimes i will just disturb her whenever i am in office. Heheheee.. Of cos she is like my da jiejie like that.. Hahaha.. She actually taught me a lot of stuffs but too bad last time in my ex-company, she only guide me a while. Of cos i am in deep trouble, she was the one who help me to tell others that. That is when my help came over to save me from that pile of shit. Instead of being pressure by a lot of people, i started to get attention from others that without help, i will die there. HAhahaa.. Pressure from users, bosses and dateline. Is a DAMN shitty job. But not to mention, maybe without encouragement from everyone, i doubt i can survive.. :P Hahahaa.. Shifu told me that my grade not too bad le, cos i am only being review for half a year. When i signed my letter, the lady already told me that everything will starts from when i signed that letter.

What my big boss told me was that i got what i had was because based on what i had contributed before i was being converted as well. Hahaha.. I saw my director comment. She said i need to build up my confident and i can try out others position. Does it means that if i show improvement, i will be promote one level up? Hahahaahaa.. Guess i must be dreaming right. Furthermore, my boss said that i dunno how to articulate things that i want to said. That is true. Seriously, i am not a person who are good at words. Normally i will just provoke people ba. Hahahaa.. Tat's why i dun have a lot of friends?

Hahahaa.. Last tuesday, i was very pissed off that my big boss only praise my colleague for the work that she put in to get things done. Hahahaa.. Then i went over to server room to hide.. wahahaa.. Opps.. Sounds like i am showing attitude, but of cos i got stuffs to do, that's why i go over, just that i go over earilier.. =p

Opps.. This coming Sat, my gd friend going aus for a month le~~ opps.. Without her.. can i still survive.. Normally i will sms her to complain/grumble~~ but hor~~ nvm~~ still got two persons.. Although both of them are attached, they will be there for me de hor~~ ahahaa

Last wk, i saw korkor's blog.. Erm.. Seriously, he had been very different since i know him when i am sec 1. Hahahaa.. Time Files~~ We used to be very closed but of cos now we are still good friends. Hahaha.. Korkor scold me before. When i need him, i will wish that he be there for me. When he needs me, he also cannot find me. Guess i am a selfish freak~~ Seriously, korkor.. You had been there for me whenever i am really down. Without you, that time i had already collaspe, would not move to be what i am now. I still remember, there is one night.. HAhaahaa.. Some stuffs happened.. I said i dun want to be friends with you. You call me immediately asked me what had happened.. Hahaha.. Tat day, u hear me cried like siao~~ hahahaa.. Before you go back, u handed me a packet of sweets telling me work hard for your o level, ok.. dun think too much..Hahahaaa.. What happened that day arh.. that makes me cry like mad.. Hahahaa.. Of cos is bcos of adults~~~ hahaahaa...

hahahaa.. Very Ridiculously hor~~ is when Korkor burst my voicemail, is when i met him. Wahahaha... These two nan ren arh~~ haiz~~ one of them i had lose him le~~ i should try to keep the other one hor~~ arbo, lose both of them.. How...

hahaahaa.. seriously i think i very thick-skinned leh~~ Min arh min.. He never loves you before.. When you had such a strong feelings with him, even now you still hopes to have him as a friend.. Yet pple is still so scare of you.. Hahaa.. Min, i thinks you are just being silly. When you had feelings with someone who don't loves you at all. Hahaahaa.. I also dunno why leh~~ is had bcome of habit or ? Haahahaa.. Erm, seriously now hor~~ i just wants to be friend with you. I just dun want to lose a good friend. I know both of us will not be together but i really wish to be friends with you. Bcos i feel that u are the person that i get opened up to talk with. Hahaaha.. You know lah.. Min dun have a lot of friends.. I just wants a few friends that are close can le~~ Hopes we still have a chance to be friends..

Oppss.. Min arh Min.. You are really damn thick-skinned leh~~ hahaahaa.. Is ok lah.. He will never know all these.. To him, i am just a passby person.. HAhaaa.. I scold you before~~ is my fault~~ Maybe.. Opps.. Should not said maybe.. Should said is i am the one being rude, tat's why i had lose this friendship~~ Hahaaa.. When we had our cold war, i never feel that pain.. Hahahaa.. Just like what jil said.. When u are away for one month, i cried one month.. HAahaa.. How come i dunno that u are so impt to me.. WHen i totally lose you, i feel so pain~~ You know why.. Let me tell you ba~~


Korkor pull me out from O level. You had also heard me cried when i quarrel with him when i just met you. Hahaa.. You told me.. Dun cry le~~ everything will be ok de.. Hahaah... You two hor are the most important persons in my life leh~~ hahahaa.. Everytime helped me yet dun let me do something for both of you to express my gratitude.. Hahaahaa.. But as time goes, i had bcome closer with you than korkor.. Hahaha, i also dunno when i had fallen for you.. Wahahahaa.. The only time when my hp bill burst is becos of u lah... Hahaha.. I miss those simple days.. Maybe just like what brother told me.. You hor~~ belong to stupid woman where guys won't like de.. HAhahaaa.. =p

I scold you before yet i wish to be friend with you.. Very confusing right.. Hahahaa.. Maybe i am just trying to make myself feel better.. HAahhaa.. I dunno leh is because i dunno the reason why we were being apart for so far or ?

HAhaahaa.. 我讨厌你们lah.. 每一次,让我想起你们曾经为我这个傻瓜的事, 我都会哭了。。我真的很想念那段日子。。 可是一切都过去了。。 我还有korkor在。。 =)

HAhaahaa... Tell u all a truth ba~~ Hahahaaa.. I told jil before that i had forgotten about you. Hahahaa.. Maybe i am lying to myself ba~~ bcos you had a placed inside me le~~ hahahaa.. I know why i lose you.. Bcos i am just a wildful person.. A person who is extremely selfish.. Who scares to lose.. Who throws temper on you.. Who scold you when i dun need you.. who dun wants to change.. who is extremely selfish~ 6 years ago, i told u i want to go diet.. diet until dunno where le~~ even my the other gd friend slim down le~~ yet i did nothing.. Just like wat da jie said, i dun have any reputation.. What i said are always lies~~ Such a failure.... 我哪里配得起你这个朋友。。 你是一个笨笨的朋友。。 朋友有事,你一定会帮他。我知道那时你帮我是你相信我。可是你不知道应为这样,我也慢慢的爱上你了。我从小到大,我知道我是一支丑小鸭。我也没想过会有一个人会对我那么好。。 也应为这样,我在那里时,我好想您。哈哈。。 笨笨的。。 我以为丑小鸭终于有人要了,没想到适应为你对每个人都一样好。 我就那么笨的以为你就是我的真名天子了。。 哈哈。。 从失去你到现在,我以定要find一个比你好的男人。这样才对的起我自己吗。。 =)

Monday, June 08, 2009

a old friend came over...

hahahaaa..ever since after my poly days... my old friend so long never find me~~
hahahaa.. recently.. it came back~~ hahahaa.. omg~~

dunno leh..recently work been very tie up with me~~ everyday kana squeeze the brain juice~~ i am tired~~ but i am still happy.. hahaha.. being contented with life? hahaha.. no lah...

erm~~ seriously.. recently, my feelings went haywire again~~ hahahaa.. i saw a guy who looks like him~~ hahaha.. but i know is not him~~ wahahaa.. stupid right.. just had a very weird feelings towards this guy.. dunno why.. is it bcos he looks like him~~ hahahaa..

recently.. i got a feeling of stepping into a relationship~~ but hor~~ nobody wants.. wahahahaaa.. wo tui ran xiang jia~~ mayb that's why nowadays pple called me ah siao~~~ :P

hahaaaa.. recently been really guai~~ never touch alcholic drinks at all wor.. ahhahaaa....

Monday, May 25, 2009

sad week..

hahahaahaa.. sad week for me last week.. hahahaa... why.. .

erm.. exams flunk~~ hahaha.. surprising hor~~ hahahaahaa.. so sad..
but wat can i do... fail le already fail le.. there is nothing i can do.. now is time to work harder and make sure i pass it with flying colours..

jia you jia you~~ min u are no longer that weak right.. :x

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

being dumb~~

hahahaa.. being dumb~ i dunno hw to differentiate wat is love and wat is friendship~~~ hahahaaaa.. but i am happy to be with him~~ hahahaa.. but of cos to maintain as per our current situation~~ hahaaaa.. as friends.. lol..... :P i miss the memories i had with him over there.. lol... :P dunno why leh~~~ but we fated not to be together.

haahahaa.. so overall.. i am still single... wahahahaa.. :P

Friday, May 01, 2009

歌手:林峰&泳儿 专辑:your love

林峰 泳儿-明天以后(国)
曲 词:伍仲衡 冯颖琪










I just simply fall in love with this song once my friend share it with me.. Why? hahahaa.. guess jil will know why.. wahahahaa.. :P

Monday, April 27, 2009



damn disappointed with the service tat they provided me.. hahaa.. is i understand the system works too well or is it bcos i am pissed off with the sum of amount that is being deducted. Hahahaa.. to be frank, i am just pissed off with the system on how it works. If you are telling me that, i had received a letter that the debts will be deducted through CPF. I will not be so pissed off. Hahaa.. What to do.. That's the way how government do things. Today morning i called in and talk to the officer. Haahaa.. She insisted that i had received the letter. The problem is hor~ Maybe she is too dumb or she pretended to be dumb, which a lot of people choose this method. Hahahaa.. :P If i had received the letter ages ago, why didn't i call in to ask about this matter or to clarify this method. Instead of now then i called in to ask about this matter. Haiz~~ I am utterly disappointed with the services that iras provides me. Are you trying to tell me there is a flaw in your system or CPF system or Sing Post, which lead us that we never received the letters from you? If you had tried to recovering the debts since 2006, why aren't we received any letters from any agencies regarding this matter? As stated inside IRAS website, the letter will only be send out to one owner even though the property is own by multiple owners. But the lady officer who i talk to said that we should received a remainder letter. Confusing right? Isn't there is a conflict between what you had said and with what you had indicated in your website?

First, i would like to said that this lady who i spoke to. Thinks that she is always right. How do i know that? I know you are sad that this sum of money is deducting from your dad's account. This is assumption, which is wrong. As a customer service officer, how can you make assumption? If what you said is correct, why i didn't i called in to iras since 2006, instead of wait until 2009? You said during these 3 years, IRAS had took multiple actions to recover the debts. But, it doesn't seems to work. It seems like IRAS is not reciprocate enough to recover the debts. Is only when CPF informed them, then they took the action to recover the sum money. CPF money is help Taxpayer or Singaporeans like us to tide through their retirement. Now it seems like CPF money is to repay other government agency, instead of for retirement.

For example, a poor guy worked for 55 years old. He only allowed to withdraw around 6k from his CPF account. Ended up, IRAS took 4.9k from him. Therefore he only left ard 1.1k. Is this enough for his retirement? Not at all. What about those people with bank account who are much more richer than him? The poor guy dun even had a bank account lor~~ hahaa... this poor guy destiny to be poor. Even government also dun let him off to have a little savings for his rainy days as he is getting older each year.

I am so disappointed rather than sad. So the customer officer, don't assume it when you don't know it. Don't act smart when you are not.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


haiz~~ recently met a dilemma problem.. haiz~~ this is a tackle problem.. which i dun even know how to solve.. haiz~~ quite useless hor~~ so old liao~ yet still cannot handle this kind of problem.. haiz~~ sian!!! is worst than my work.. hahaahaaa..

Friday, April 24, 2009


hahahaa.. Surprisingly... After one year plus hor~~ i had this kind of thinking..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


haiz~~~ sian~~ ytd just had my exams, what the hell.. This paper is damn screw up, i think i am gone for this paper... haiz~~ before my exams, i had a premonition that all my friends passed for this module and i am the only failure. haiz~~ guess this going to happen.. haiz~~ this paper is indeed a screw up for me sia~~ haiz~~ i always tot my maths is good.. BUT WAT THE HELL.. such a disappointment..i dunno how to do linear graph~~~ KILL ME BA~~ haiz~~ sian~~ had to face the facts.. 1.6k flyaway.. now still need to face the facts, i am going to fail.. haiz~~ sian~~ next time nobody accompany me to study le~~ haiz~~ so sian~~

min arh min.. U ARE SUCH A DISGRACE SIA!!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hahahaaaa.. After i had changed company for 1 years plus, i attended a company event today. Pretty Surprise? I feel home over here. Hahaa.. :P But i need to brush up my communication skills and confidence plus my connection.

Erm, any regrets of joining yr current company? or thinking to change of career path or thinking of looking for a new job opportunities. Hahaa... At the moment, i guess nope. I am contented with what i had now. Sometimes dun be greedy; when you asked for more, for me: i will always fall down and hurt myself. Wahahahaa.... Seems like very pessmistic. Life is like a roller coaster, there is always ups and down, otherwise u will NEVER learn to cherish or to be contented with what you had in life.

Of cos, in every job, there is politics, depends on whether is it obvious or not obvious. But i guess i choose to ignore it. As for currently, i just hopes to finish my studies co-currently doing at a moderate standard of my work. But of cos, is not easy to handle, especially based on my mischievous character. Sometimes work too hard, i would like to go for a break. But the leave that i took every month, is making damn pai sei.. I will try to compensate whenever i am not schooling. Maybe my boss do not knows that sometimes i tend to work late to get my things completed. Just like when you reach office early, everybody will knows. When you are last person to left the office, nobody will knows. But i think my immediate supervisor knows that, sometimes i will work until very late. There are times he told me, "Don't always work until so late." Erm, as for pple who knows me when i am working at my previous company. I had a sulken face each time i come out with my brothers, and each time, i will drag them to sit down to chat and complain as much as i can. But now i cut down on my complain. Haahahaa.. Sometimes when you been through the rainy days, you will learn to grow a bit. Each time a rainy day come, is a challenge. Once you overcome the challenge, you will become stronger each time. I am still trying to learn to be stronger and independent. I know this path is hard but i believe my hao jie mei and my brothers will be at my side when i need them? hahaahaa.. :P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Dream~~

Wahahahaa.. Korkor confirm will said me de.. u know hor~~ i dreamt of him calling me.. and in the end, i went to buy 4d.. TMD!!!!!! this 4 digits came out 1st price but i never strike~~ -_-''''' haiz~~~ cos the position incorrect.. haiz~~ no luck~~ is it bcos it will never happen to us.. he will nt call me.. whaahaha.. am i still missing him~~ or he had a placed in my heart.. maybe is used to have ba~~ now is no longer le~~

Let me dream of someone else better.. hahaa.. :P rather than "him"...

Erm.. one of my buddies having operation on monday~~ is a small operation.. everything will be fine~~ hopefully his feelings will be the same also ba~~

last wk, my colleague just had an operation.. now in the progress of recovering.. hehee.. she very sweet de.. sometimes she will make sushi and treat us eat.. but hor~~ she gt a lot of funny ideas~~ next time gt chance, take the photo of my plushies in office...

hahahaa.. of cos, exam is coming le~~ hopefully, i won't screw up this time~~ things will be better..

supposely, this weekend, i should be at KL!!!! my friend actually wanted to sponsor me air-tickets cum accomdation~~ hahaa..but hor~~ dunno.. just dun have the "trust" but hor~~ i should have trust her~~ erm.. actually maybe is nt abt trust ba~~ guess is bcos of my mum's hand~~ haiz~~ her hand getting worst~~~ maybe down the road, still haven recover~~ i will bring her to genting first~~ then persuade her to go for operation~~ cos... she can't hardly open her hand.. she can't take heavy stuffs~~ the doctor said is bcos of nerve.. is either go for operation or injection.. haiz~~ i actually also dun really know wat is happening~~ cos recently been busy with studies.. hadn't really spend time together with her and bring her to see doctor~~ haiz~~

Monday, April 06, 2009

My Good Friend...

hahaha.. I am happy for my good friend.. but luckily she never tell me on April Fool, otherwise i might take it as a joke. Hehee.. :P

Although i dun have siblings, dun have the joy to countdown to my baby niece or nephew.. But hor.. i will countdown to my gd friend's baby.. hahaha.. very dramatically, last time we are not so close.. ever since when we bcome so close arh.. hahaaha.. i also dunno leh.. :P

hahaa.. pple ard me are happily in relationship.. suddenly, i feel so lonely sia~~ hahaa.. maybe work and study can help me to wash away this feeling ba~~ maybe i really fated to be nun.. cos even now i am in a relationship hor~~ i also dunno hw to handle it.. most imptly.. my the other half must accept my brothers.. hahaa... they are my closest pals, include my this going to be mother.. :P

last weekend.. although i chionging my assignments, i still met up with my brothers they all.. heheee.. just a relaxing weekend with them... we had ichiban sushi and after that we went down to minds cafe~~ hahaa.. this is the first time, i been there wor~~ heheee.. :P not bad~~ quite fun.. :P

i didn't know there is an escalator near the museum there.. surprising right.. haahahaaa.. :P i realise that a lot of couples like to go museum to pa toh.. why arh? hahaa.. i am not there to pa toh..just happen to pass by there.....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

hahaha.. the past~~

wow.. indeed, i took a long way to walk out the maze. Amazingly, i manage to get my way out. Wishing him with all the happiness and happily ever after with his the other half. I guess now he should be married le ba~~ whaahaa.. i am still in love with this married guy? hahaha.. no lah.. just a memories~~ i read thru my old blog~~ hahahahaaa... i didn't know that i wrote so many parts that i will break down when me and him are aparted.. hahaha... i really break down le~~ and this breakdown took me more than 3 years to recover back~~ hahaha.. so short only~~ i still tot is very long ago~~~ hahaha... time passes so fast~~~ omg~~

What if i said.. now i am in love with my gd friend.. hahahaa... to protect myself from getting hurt.. i decided to step out... No ending de~~ i dun want to have something that happened again.. u know hor~~ is very painful lor~ tat cut is damn bad~~ tmd... wrote so many post that i must fade away the crush.. hw can standby someone for so long yet no status.. STUPID arh~~ hopefully, now i am better..

hahahaa... now everyone treats me like an ah siao~~ i prefer to stay on as ah siao~~ i think is happier... hahaha.. life is so short... wat if one day, i land in hospital~~ hahaahaa.. or if one day, i walked off from this world.. will anyone miss me~~ haha.. i hopes i will go off later than my grandma... i dun want her to cry for me~~ hahhaa.. is it bcome my time is up~~ tat's why i am so happy... hahaha.. so energetic in things that i do.. or i am happy from the bottom of my heart~~ hahahahah... sounds so sad here sia~~ haahaha.. i haven go for medical checkup yet.. haha.. based on woman's instinct.. i can sense some parts of my body or health had gone haywire le~~ hahahaa.. or i think too much~~ tat's why i started my diet~~ hopefully this will makes me lead a healthier life~~

dear friends.. i am ok~~ jus think tat my cholestral is damn high~~ guess is the frequent of seafood and meat.. frm a kid.. i had nvr like vegetables~ now trying to love to eat salad.. and sashimi~~ whaahahaa...sashimi should not be fat right.. hahaha.. Time to do exercise~~ :P

but most likely, this yr or next yr, i will be going for operation.. should i pick an auspicious date.. hahaha... definitely is not bcos after watching perfect and perfect 2, i am thinking of getting myself plastic surgery to do liposuction.. hahaha.. is time for me to pluck my wisdom tooth.. so sad sia~~ i no wisdom.. nw going to pluck away my wisdom tooh.. guess is going to be worst~~ i think my iq is less than 50 sia~~

time to sleep le~~ nite nite.. :)

Friday, March 06, 2009

1 year... Time files~~~

Hahaha.. So fast, i am with my current company for one year already. Wahahaa.. From a subContract to perm. So called waited for so many years, after i graduate, i finally get myself a perm job. Omg~~~ I had waited for 2 years plus..

This year, of cos, i hopes that my diet will have effect.. Instead of growing horizontally.... i would wish it to be reducing from horizontally.. haha.. When pple gets old, u will start to feel emptiness? haha.. but at the moment, i won't feel in this way.. Every week, i had to study 4 days, time passes very fast for me. Hopefully, one year later, i will said i had graduate and get myself a degree. Hehehee... :P Hopefully, my parents will feel glad. From young till now, they dun give me any burden nor any stress. Unlike other kids, i dun have the stress or pressure from parents regarding studies. They dun decide which path should i take nor which way should i take. They let me decide my own path.

Seriously, from a rebellious kid when i am young till now. I doubt i got a lot of changes? Haha.. In life, of cos there will be ups and down. I used to take it very seriously but it doesn't seems to be the correct approach. But i admit is my fault. In a friendship, it is not a must that the other party need to be reciprocal in the same way. There was a time tat i can't differentiate friendship and relationship well. Hopefully in the future, i can see it clearly. Hahaaaa.. As for my love life hor, is still empty.. hehee.. Oppss, seems that it had been emptied for quite a long period of time le~~ haha.. maybe forever? I start to love single life.. hehee.. but of cos, there are times that i will feel emptiness and hopes to have someone to care for me.. But i think nobody can replace the love from my parents.

Hahahaaa.. They are always that protective towards me, although they give me a lot of freedom. Opps, this sounds like confusing. Maybe that is the culture from my parents or maybe bcos i am the only one. Normally the "one" is always very precious. Your love will all pay towards him/her. Just like when you love someone. Tat someone bcome the "one", you will try not to hurt him/her indirectly.

Recently, i had bcome closed with my friend's gf.. OMG!!! is this correct? Hahaha.. U know.. Is hard to believe sia... I am not sociable yet i can be friends with my friend's partner. Hahaa.. WORST!!! one is my brother's gf. Erm.. Not to said being betray whoever, so i will stay at a position of "I dunno anything". Listen and forget... Sometimes, i really very scare i said the wrong thing bcos sometimes i dun my brain dun process wat i said, which means is "人头猪brain".

Situation 1 :
Your bf going to share a room with one of his female friends. Will you mind?

Hahaha.. Seriously, if i really love him. I will mind. When he is away, i will keep think of what is going to happen there. Maybe i belong to possessive type ba.. But you know woman always have this kind of feelings especially pple like me who dun have confident in myself. Haha.. I tried before to break up bcos i dun have confident in myself. haha.. or maybe so called i dunno wat is love ba or i trying to protect myself not to get hurt.. haha.. but ended up, i still got hurt.. which then, my door is closed.. :X i am waiting for the correct person who holds the key for my door... =p

Normally the guy will said, u should trust me. Both of us had been together for so long and etc............ The problem is nobody dares to make promises time cannot change anything.

Situation 2
So called "Yr gd friend" stepped into a third party relationship. Haha.. Isn't tat normal? Nowadays so many relationship being broken up bcos there is a third party. What if you know both gals? Relationship is not strong enough to encounter the blow. From an outsider view is, the earlier you let go, is better for you. You know hor.. If the relationship had already being fade away, no matter hw you fix it. It will still occurs again? Once bitten, twice shy. Or so called when both of you quarrel, you will still bring back the past (provided u are a person who keep looking backwards, just like me.. =x), then ended up each time quarrel will get worst. Ending is still break up.

Situation 3
What if your bf had a very close gal friend? Hahahaa.. Most imptly, see hw the gal looks first.. --> hahah.. this is wat my guy friend told me de.. haha.. or see hw close they are.. If they are buddies le.. then should be ok ba~~ cos yr bf sure treat that gal as guy liao.. Personal opinion.. When a guy and a girl had bcome good friends for very long, i doubt that there will be sparks. Will you want someone who know deep inside u? haha... Woman arh.. HArd to understand creatures sia~~ At one moment, you would wish to have a bf who knows u deep inside, at another moment, u desire a bf who dunno u tat well.. Haha.. Time to work smart.... When u know her too well, act that u dunno her well.. When is time to show her concern or shower her with gifts.. Then u should know her well.. Which means.. When she is down... is time to show that u understand her well.. When she is ok.. then is time to act stupid.. dun everything also said "Ok.. i know.." Ended up, no surprises.. hw to maintan a relationship?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

First Day of Diet is my first day of diet..
if within 3 mths, i manage to get results.. i am going to get myself a gucci small pouch. :P

Friday, February 20, 2009

guess i make a right choice?

hahaa.. Recently is the time for apparsial but hor~~ till now i haven do it, yet the dateline is on the coming Monday which is an important day for me. Why? It is because i will be having exams on that day. Wahahahaa.. How my company works? If your apparsial fall into average, u will get an average bonus plus 13th month for the year. Otherwise, it will be one month bonus for the whole year. Currently economy is that at the downstream, i also dun dare to dream too much. Hopefully, i will get an average grade ba~~~ Life at work had been become harder, more and more things for me to deal with. Time to learn to work smart and study hard in the meantime.

Monday, i will be having my exams, haiz~~ hopefully this time round, i won't screw up the paper again.

Hahaha.. As a switch of company in a year ago, did i make the right choice? Erm.. I guess i did, in a long term run, i believe this will be a better choice. My ex-colleague who join the same company earilier than me. He prefers to stay at the current company more than his ex-company. Erm.. Actually, i also not sure which one i prefer. Guess maybe i work for the sake for money, not for passion. Opps.. Sounds like i think no money, got passion also no use. At home, i still got two mouth to feed wor~ As times goes, i think my financial burden will be heavier. Time to wake up, gal. U no longer that pamper princess, u had grown up to be queen.. or so call slave for life. Work hard now, earn a higher pay, so you can provide your parents a much more comfortable life. Plus express your grattitude towards your aunties and uncles that helped you thru your 25 years of life.. If without them, i won't be able to enjoy life that much.. :P

thanx everyone~~~

Monday, February 09, 2009

Complex feelings~~~

Hahahaa.. I met my gd friend for a drink. Two crazy women bought 2 cans of beer go sit at the beach there and talk. Hahahaa.. She asked me about how's my relationship life. Erm.. this is a question that i dun really know how to answer. Not bcos i am in relationship that i dun dare to let pple know. Is i am in such a dilemma situation which i dun even know wat i really wants deep inside me. Of cos, we did talk abt the past that i had. Hahaha.. Surprising that i can be so opened. I guess i did change a bit? I reached home around 3am in the morning ba~~ I got another surprise was she gave me a guess bag for xmas exchange.. OMG!!!! no matter how much it is, guess is the tots that count ba~~ hahaha.. u know hor~~ she sometimes really very sweet..

sat, of cos i had a very shag look to go school, especially i slept at 4 plus, while i had to wake up at 9 to go for lesson. There are times that i struggled to go to school. In the end, i still drag myself to school. After my lesson, i went to parkway there to have lunch with my ex-colleague. Erm... Out of my surprise, i met nanny!!!! OMG!!!! i think hor, i had never met up with him about 2 years? hahaha.. i had a super shag look on my face.. that i just said a hi to him while we crossing the road. But i gave him a call to apologise to him, cos i am really tired. Furthermore, i am going jurong point at nite to meet my dearest brothers... haha.. i reached home ard 2plus but hor~~ i knocked out at 3 plus and i overslept~~ luckily one of my brothers going to be late.. :P otherwise i think i dun need to go le~~ they will come over to my house to wake me up.. haha.. we talked quite a bit~~ tat day was a treat from me to them.. haha.. :P although brother wanted to pay, in the end still i pay.. haha.. u know hor~~ we talked abt all sort of rubbish.. haha.. of cos talked abt my past also.. which makes me dreamt of him on tat nite.. So stupid sia~~ i was sad when i heard he and his gf had been together for one year.. OMG!!! i already let go, how come i still got this stupid dream.. :X

Sunday, my brothers they all came over to my house. Haha.. :P one left early bcos need to pick up his gf. While another one stayed until 6pm.. :P Ard 7pm, i went out with my parents to have dinner. Erm.. I treated them for dinner at xiao dian er, since they never been there before. How can daughter enjoy her life always? of cos once in a while need to share my parents right.. :P Act filial or really filial.. it is up to individual to think, as long as i know the answer myself can already.

haha.. during cny second day, my maternal grandmother asking me a question which i dunno how to answer leh.. :X erm.. she asked me to bring my bf and let her see. I said wait until i find one then i bring him and let her see. Her reply is damn cute.. "When you bring him back, i already eat salted egg." ....... "No lah~~ won't lah~~" haha... is she trying to hint me that my expectation is too high or i nobody wants~~ hahaha.. :P i dunno leh.. let fate decides for me ba~~ Erm.. if one day she really in a crucial state, guess i will ask someone to help me to solve this problem.. lie to her and make her goes happily? Am i being cruel? I just want to make a white lie and let her go happily.. Hopefully, someone will help me to do that.. haha.. who will be that someone.. i dunno sia~~ see, by then who will be my closest friend plus provided his gf won't mind.. .

recently i think i kana ban in someone's gf list. Opps.. I better stop message him, otherwise nextime we meet up for dinner.. it doesn't going to look good? haha.. my friend said... u lah.. always msg him.. erm.. no lah.. maybe once a wk? or nt even once a wk?

i like this weekend.. can hide away all unhappiness in work.. cos i feel happy that i still got friends ard me when i need them.. :P

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Screwed up at work~~

haiz~~ nowadays had been quite screwed up at work.. is either too careless or do something wrong.. hahahaa.. and i always go against my big boss.. Opps.. he will be the one who determine my bonus.. :X haiz~~ this year gt bonus or not also a big problem, since now everywhere is retrenching.. as long as i can keep my job, i should be happy, right... dun ask for too much... haiz~~

recently i got talked to him.. maybe i grumble a bit abt my work and studies.. haha.. dunno leh.. i think bcos he always reply me with caring.. makes me hor~~ so scare i will fall again.. haiz~~

work not doing well + studies not doing well + relationship also not handling in the correct way... haiz~~ i also dunno..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

tiring week~~~

Hahahaa.. What had i been doing for the past one whole week? Nowadays, i starts school le.. of cos i had become more and more busy. Furthermore this module is mainly on english~~ omg~~ tat is something i am damn weak at it, especially i still need to write essay for it. -_-'''' i hoped i can pass ba~~~

Last week, i did a lot of stupid stuff sia~~ I met up with korkor and his partner.. haha.. they brought me to mandarin oriental hotel lounge there for drinks.. haha.. damn high class hor? so unlike me sia~~ such high class places not really suit me ba~~ maybe based of my character, furthermore i am so clumsy..

Sat, i went out with my mum n my friend to buy cny's clothes. Something weird happened on tat day. Someone sms me to ask for a loan, furthermore the loan that she requested from me is consider quite a big sum of money for me. Erm, i just make payments for my school fees, how to provide loan for others? Guess she really look for the wrong person. How come she come and borrow money from a poor student? It is such a big joke sia. If i am so rich enough, i will not ought to study part-time. I will go for full-time studies. Cos currently seems like i am pretty screwed up in my studies and work. Hopefully, my boss not going to kill me soon ba~~ News everyday mentioning abt retrenchment.. Seriously, i start to scare whether will it happen to me or not. Time to make plans during rainy day ba~~~ my job won't be stable as wat others thing cos mainly it will be based on performance. Guess my performance is the bottom last, but i will try my best to muggle my studies and work.

At Night, i went out with friends. I met up with my friend at mustafa first bcos he wanted to get a new hp, samsung pixon. Wah lau.. he damn rich lor~~ keep changing phone.. :X heheheee.. finally persuade him not to eat sushi tei.. :P He met up with my another friend also.. hahah.. bcos i am meeting her for ktv.. :P it had been ages that i had been to ktv sia~~ luckily is cheap on that day.. :P haha.. my friend and her bf and brother came over to join us.. Wow~~ first time met her bf's brother sia~~ looks damn young lor~~ haha... later at nite, they send me home.. :P heng~~

Sunday, i went to do hair with my colleague~~ :P supposely to meet up with brothers they all.. but ended up.. i am really too tired...

haha.. today got someone msg me.. abt him and his gf.. haha.. surprisingly.. i dun feel anything when he told me wat happened.. hopefully both of them will be ok~~ dun think so much..

Sunday, January 11, 2009



第六十五簽下簽卯宮 古人孫濱困龐涓


hahaaha.. wat does it means...

Sunday, January 04, 2009


这几天我过着一个很平静,也想了很多。。 如果人生能这么简单该多好,可是往往都不会是这样的。。 在星期五,我拿了一天的假期, 去了马拉西亚走了一回。我好久都没有陪妈妈出去走一走。。我知道从下星期开始,我又要过着一个忙碌的一年了。 休息了三个礼拜,又是开学的时候了。

心理有点痛痛的。。 哈哈。。 我想到好多以前的事情。。 其实hor.. 可能我真的喜欢他那么深,只是我有一点放不下吧。。他很疼我,每天都听我唠叨,诉苦,所以让我习惯的被人疼得感觉,可是一切并没有持续很久。好像一切都是我一厢情愿的吧。其实对感情这回事,我已经不想去想了。有了好,没有也算了吧!

在这新的一年,我希望能减肥成功,并不是为了要赢我的好友。。 只是我觉得我堕落了好久,是时候为自己做一点事。 我好像从来都没有为我自己打算以下。。 不应该这么stubborn.

这几年我也想清楚,有一段时间我真的很气他,一切都过去了。。你hor, 让我学会了很多事情,我也学会坚强了许都。。谢谢您。。 :)

我也学会了一件事,不要爱上你的好朋友。我因为爱上我的好朋友而失去了一个很要好的好朋友。 如果每有他,我相信有很多难关我都挨不下去。 其实你离开了我也是一间好事,让我有一个理由难过伤心,也有个机会让我自己知道自己的酒量到底有多好。哈哈!! 从以前开始我说过我要学会珍惜身边的一切, 可是那一次和他分开后,我并没有应为那时的事情而变得成熟,而却是应为你我学会了珍惜。

哈哈!! 真好笑, 这几年我都过着一个很愚蠢的生活,希望新的一年我会学的变得更聪明,在事业与学业能够兼顾的好。不要向以前一样,胡里胡涂的过日子。

在这一年,我希望我不要依赖brothers们那么多。以一个woman的直觉,每有一个woman希望自己的男朋友和他的好朋友那么好吧。。 谁不会吃醋的阿!! 哈哈!! 这证明了一样事,我是一个醋坛子。 :)