Friday, December 08, 2006

Guess nowadays i seems to lose my mind, been going gym and doing some exercises with colleagues or friends. But it doesn't seem to stop my eating habit.

Nowadays been always have a kind of hurting feeling, or i may hide inside room and cried. Guess maybe this is PMS? or should i have put in a phase that i am emotionally unstable? I got a kind of feeling that suddenly i missed him so much that i really wish to grab him and don't want to let go. This is a WRONG FEELING which i must not make the same mistake again. Not to deny, i might be starting a relationship which is long-distance relationship. But first of all i must step out of my door. For those that know me for sometime, you should know who i referring to. I really wish to get him out of mind. Missing him is a wrong feeling that i am giving myself. He might not be the one for me but i confirm tat i am not the one for him.

Being apart for about 2 years or more than 2 years? We dragged a friendship that between us for about 3 years. Sometimes i really don't understand why i had fallen inside the trap. I am not those type of very sociable yet i got a few buddies around me which is i am very glad. Some of my good friends are guys and furthermore we had know each other for like more than 8 years or even like my korkor, i know him for about 10 years. Yet i don't fall for him, i fell in love with someone who like is my friend for 3 years? Min, i guess u are CRAZY. You are also so selfish, do things when you had set your mind and changes my mindset. Min, why are you so selfish. You are not the one for me. STOP BOTHERING ME CAN!!!!!

Think i need to get this MIN out, so that all my friends will be able to see a brand new MIN aka LIMIN instead of someone who is keep thinking abt past and missing HIM.

Guess is time for me to take a break and leave SG. Go a short holiday with my mum and friends. Erm.. yy and Justine korkor, anything that u all want me to get back for u? Pls sms me before christmas.

**I not revealing when i am going nor when i am coming back...
(Guess this is wat i learn from you.)

**Hope tat this is the last time i going to mention you in my blog. I believe that i will find someone better than you and lead a much more happier life without u in my mind.

K, i don't really hate you but i hate myself why i keep drilling down on the past which hurts me that badly. Seriously, i do wish to be like friends with you. Who dun want such a good friend. Is my lose that i didn't cherish our friendship. Is i am the one who being selfish who always keen to have an outcome. Is i am the one who is so stupid that there fairytale happening in this world. Or maybe fairytale does exist just that it don't happen on me. Feel a bit sad that i didn't receive any birthday wishes from you and jiefu.

Remember there was one year, i was waiting for your wishes. But it came quite late, and it had bcome belated wishes. Jiefu was on the phone with me hearing my sobbing. Never know that time passes that fast, now we were all separated.

Aunt coming back from Aus next week..

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Erm.. It had been almost a month that i ever do blogging. This one month it had been dramatically ups and downs.

24th oct..
met up with my cousins for gathering and went to watch a very boring show called the dalia..

25th oct..
i went out with nanny to watch the prestige.. and had japanese food.. lol.. :P
i was late.. nanny face was like damn black...

26th oct..
As for my birthday, i purely went to watch a movie with mummy.. and had a dinner with my parents.. Followed by meeting with my primary school friends, my friend bought a bottle of white wine, 6 cans of beer and we sat somewhere near Macdonald, splashing each other with beer. I remembered last year we were drinking vodka vanilla with coke. And we went for KTV session.

Seriously that month or maybe in early November,i had been to ktv like more than 4 times? All with different pple..


I went do downtown east chalet... I met kw at 4pm at Pasir Ris Mrt station, guess what? I am late again. We went to the chalet first and the rest will come down later. Erm.. the room was full with Halloween decoration.. We met yy and went to supermarket to get stuffs for chalet. We actually wanted to go there earlier therefore we can buy a cake for her to celebrate in advance. Ard 9 plus, we went chiong but we left the room around 10pm. Bulldog was at tiong bahru barking cos we were late. Furthermore, i instructed them to drop off at the wrong bus-stop. We had to walk down to zouk. Seriously i dun really like to go there, maybe it was too crowded over there or not used to go out with them? haha.. :P erm.. i went to eat prata ard 1plus and four of us left zouk ard 2 plus. From then, we walked to clarke quay, followed by liang court macdonald to have big breakfast and ard 5 plus, gary joined us to walk to city hall mrt station. Ard 6 plus, when i am on my way back to chalet.. someone called me and chat with me throughout the journey till my phone low batt, while all my friends were sleeping. Guess who is him?

when i reached chalet, i was the last one to pom pom. hai~~ i fell asleep ard 8plus or 9.. Shifu's phone rang ard 9 plus, woke all of us up, another phone call at 10 plus, third call at 11 plus.. omg, i was so sleepy..that i woke up and sleep again. can't deny tat my buddies are sweet. He actually give me the pillow and share with me the blanket.. hehee.. :P When i wake up is ard 1 plus, we went supermarket to buy food for bbq again. Cos my korkor(KL) going to cook nice food for us.. lol.. :P Therefore i said bbq must have KL!!!!! Without him, all of us will starve due to all of us are lazy to cook... :P

I had chocolate ham specially from korkor and i dipped my chicken wing inside the chocolate, in the end kana niao by everyone.. lol.. :P
Followed by i went to escape for fortune telling...

around 3 plus.. someone called me and talked to me till i fall asleep.. the next day morning, i wake up le.. faster take cab home and ZzzzzZZzzzzZZz...

30th.. to 3rd of Nov
back to work.. super sian.. received a flower and a card from my fellow team colleagues and got an e-greeting frm my ex-users.
Carried on with my jobs and work... so sian.. .

4th to 5th Nov..
erm.. i was sleeping for the whole day on sat..
as for sunday, i went out to meet with ester and ah ying for shopping session. We went for neoprints, drinking session and shopping..

6th nov to 9th nov
suppose to meet ah ying they all on monday but i was being call back to do my job even though i am on leave.. so sian.. hai~~ work and work... till friday.. took a half day off..

10th to 12th nov..
friday, i went to watch flushed away with my colleagues..
as for saturday, i went out with two couples plus one of my guy friends.. so weird sia.. two of us go out with two couples.. omg.. hai~~~ my friend was like asking me whether i envy or not.. i reply to him.. "No".. guess he was a bit stunned ba.. We went to watch final call.. He was liked bullying me throughout the show, trying to scare me.. haha.. but luckily.. that show wasn't tat scary..
Sunday.. family day..

13th nov to 17th..
i went to watch the texas chainsaw massacre with my two buddies and one colleagues.. Since she wanted to watch it so much, therefore i asked her to join me. it was pretty disgusting, till a point that i want to hide away.. I like the indonesian food over PS foodcourt.. delicious sia.. : P

as on the 17th of nov, i went out with my buddies to celebrate yy's belated birthday. We bought her a pants at red2. Jo, gary and me went to ben and jerry's ice-cream while they waiting for win to finish his dinner. After that we went to durleons, and take a look.. :)

18th nov to 19th nov

i went sentosa last sat.. once again, i went to play the luge and skyride again. guess no matter hw many time i played skyride, i still feel a bit scare.. haha.. we went to underwater world and dolphin lagoon. I finally had a chance to go dolphin lagoon. :) Plus we went all the way to golf club to withdraw money.. hehee.. :P no yandaos over there leh.. only got posh cars.. After that we went to chinatown to have dessert.. followed by a shopping spree at chinatown, bugis and mustafa.. reached home ard 2am.. is like i went out at 11am.. my legs was like extremely tired..

ytd.. i went out with korkor(KL) to buy satay and after that he let me alight at tampines to meet jo.. Heard the story between she and her bf and we do a shopping spree over at tampines. Met leo downstairs but i ran away.. After that we went to CA for dinner. I waited for abt nearly half an hour at fish & co for my sad.. after that korkor came over to join us, he treated us swensen ice-cream.. :)

fong korkor.. when are treating me to eat suki sushi/sakae buffet? hehee.. :P

Movies that i watched nowadays..
1) Death Note
2) Black Dahlie
3) The prestige
4) Rob-b-hood
5) Flushed away
6) Final call
7) The texas chainsaw massacre

erm.. a mth.. 7 movies? omg..

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Changi Airport is a place where i always tend to hide when i am down.. why? Nobody will knows why i loved that place so much..or either why i always want to go there. Nothing is special over there, nobody will wants to go unless he or she is leaving sg. Maybe since secondary school days, CA is a place where we always hangout. A place where most of us will celebrate our birthday. Last year, i went with nanny to celebrate my 21th birthday at T1 Swensen. T1 swensen had always been the one where we hang out frequently. It gives me ton of memories.

A few years ago, we belong to a group of carefree people. We not think about relationship just hanging around each other. As time passes, a few of us had entered relationship path, how many of us really maintain a relationship? how many of us make scarfices for his/her relationship. Wat it turn out to be? I am not a person good at talking but i am a person who is good at behave like kid. Not to deny, although i am turning 22 years old in a few days time, I still behave like a kid. I am an indecisive person, i may do this but i am thinking of something else. I tends to cry easily nowaday, due to stress or pressure from work? or due to a pain inside my heart. I couldn't find a way out.. Guess i am stuck.. Seriously, i dun even know wat i want for birthday present... hahaa.. i dun lack of anything, currently i am not going after for branded stuffs but i dare not said i will not go after it. hahaha... :P pple ard me are wearing/buying branded.. haha.. maybe one day, i can't stand tempation, i will go after it. guess i just want care from pple.. haha... maybe i too weak le...

As for relationship, i really envy or maybe jealous ba.. When u go on the streets, how many of the couples can last till forever? how many couples still hold hands like when they are ard 60s or older.. Maybe i do not have the confident of stepping into a relationship or maybe i am scare of getting hurt. Cos is really painful when u fall for someone yet mayb he/she nt the one meant for you or maybe it only last for a few years. I am not saying that nowadays no relationship will last forever. But is the way you see things.. If you can't cherish wat he/she is, there is no way things will last. As time passes, he/she will change. Can you still accept that she/he turns old or bcome bald or have a big tummy or thick makeups or fatter or etc........ Nowadays in this society, there are more than enuff tempations that who can promised that they will never go astray.. Can a relationship really last as long as wat the elders had ? Are our thinkings in sink with their thinkings? Guess nope...

Last Saturday, i went to attend wedding dinner at suntec convention centre. As usual, was a big of group of us but one person is missing tat is grandpa. He is no longer participating in any event/function with us, yet i still see a shadow of him ard us. Maybe i do not have enuff sleep, that's why i am dreaming ba. Everybody was stunned when they heard that sometimes i worked till 2 to 3am. The bridegroom is so how my relative, as the bride was someone from china? Erm.. As usual, we don't know anything abt her. Is only heard that they met in China and they are working in the same company. But to me, she looks like a singaporean more than from shanghai. After they get married, they will go back to shanghai to contiune to carry on with their fairytale. Maybe at the point of the moment, i got think that when is going to be my chance to pursue my fairytale to start. haha.. maybe there won't be any fairytale happening in my life.

As pple ard me of so called pple who can been with me walking thru my relationship life with me.. They tend to suffer a lot cos i changed my mind a lot. I may said i love you but in the end i want to break cos i thinking i am dun suit you. Or maybe u should derserve someone better than me or maybe we shouldn't drag things for so long. we should go seperate ways..i hurt myself too often till i tot i am numb, i no longer had any feeling... but when he left me.. i tot i am fine, i will be ok with it.. till now i still dun understand.. when i am watching a movie/drama and it tend to have a sad ending, the pain inside me grows and i burst into tears.. why? stress? or unhappiness abt work? or ???

Tomorrow, i had a date with my director.. sigh~~ can i control my emotions? Can i control my words? Those pple who knows me well should know that, i am not good at controlling words.. therefore.. a bit........... hai~~~~~~

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

hai~~ i dunno whether i am being too naive or maybe i too kpo.. guess this job doesn't suit me. being kind, i try to find the root of the problem. yet in the end, pple put words in my mouth said i said de.. i like very innocent.. somemore is saying my friend.. hai~~ i think gone case le.. i.. feel so sian~~ dunno.. which one is right.. which one is wrong.. i.. a bit give up... feel so guility now.. i...... feel so bad mood... why pple always take my kind acts as an advantage or i am being too kpo? next time i should said i dunno.. but i always cannot control my own act.. i......

Saturday, October 14, 2006

after struggling for two mths plus, guess is time for me to burst me out. everybody been forcing me with status status.. watever,i take it and ignore it but my boss DARE TO SAID I DID NOT PRODUCE ANYTHING FOR A MTH and my timeline is fixed by myself. No matter wat she said i take it and forget it. Guess this time she is overdoing, i am not taking any privileges that i got or watever. I know everybody been closing monitor my status and she even asked me to send my status to her yet she dare to said nobody is monitoring my status. WTF!!! Guess wednesday was the day for me to collaspe, do you know that i gt no window to run batch for the day yet she wants me to coordinate with other teams and make sure i can run my job on that nite. She can said at most you change your working time lor.. 4am wake up and run.. WTF!!! This is a damn shitty company.. with such a shitty boss!!! Sunday i wait till 3 plus to run my job, Monday.. I do my monthly job till 2 plus.. Tuesday.. i was in office at 1 plus to babysit my job.. Wednesday u ask me to look at the job from 12am to 6am arh? if run pass 5 plus, faster kill the job therefore i will not at 6am. Sometimes i wondering am i working 24hrs? or 6 days or even 7 days a week? The users are not rushing it? Why do you have to stress me till i burst it out? I had been tolerating everything without making a sound. You can said watever you want, i keep quiet and do my work, at most i complain to my friends. But damn sad that i burst out, don't think i can stay anymore. I got the guards to complain my boss in front of her boss. she will definitely take revenge on me. is either i leave or i go another team.

Ever since on the 16 July, i start to pick up bits and pieces of here and there. Fixed a few IRs but they are just minor problems here and there. Started to learn datastage on 29 of July which was on kaiwong's birthday. Seriously tat day i dun even want to go there, after one day of torturing, i feel damn tired.. do you know that only recently i can sit and laugh with other pple.. but she wants to make my life tough again which is impossible.. i didn't even rest after it then why should i torture myself work 24 hrs a day? do u think is funny? I AM JUST A SMALL FRY YET I WANT TO CLEAR SO MUCH RUBBISH!!! As on the start of August, there was a handover session, and i clearing shit for users in order for them to submit to the parent company. Is this consider my fault also? Only after 10 of August, i start to go into it and is only then two mths backlog is at my side. The is also my fault why i never do the monthly refresh? When i want to do, server went for some maintenance, my fault arh? Do you know all R3 dwer reports are under me? Not a lot of reports, only got 24 reports but they are killing me. They are so alien to me yet wat i can do, was to struggle and went pass it. Within these two mths plus, i had to went thru tuff training, learn how to fix, communicate with users, do monthly job and learn. Is this called a peaceful training? or i use to get a very good life? therefore now i had to know wat is suffer? Guess i am not those type of pple who never went thru tough situation. I worked before night shift from 9pm to 10am and 10-10 or even later, we can only left if amt is tally. I am not those type only get work 8 hours and go home slack. I worked before 12 hours or more lor. But guess is my boss who makes me sick and tired and lose my motivation to work there. Make me to lose patient to see wat my stuffs is going thru. My SA asked me if you want to clear long leave, then another person will have to suffer wat u go thru? No ma, since u all can throw me there alone for so long, what is the problem to let me go. Other pple got so many to guide thru and learnt from while me? have to carry all the mistake and faults. Are they really my fault? I also a noob? who is standing at my point to see situation? all of them are just standing aside and see how i am going to fall. ya.. i fall and i pick up and i learn. but this time round nt bcos of i fall that i burst into tears. is bcos of the environment. i had been ok for the past few weeks but u make me more demoralize by saying i didn't produce anything in front of so many pple.. hahaa.. wat is the backlog? since u dun appreciate wat i put in my time and effort to clear my backlog then forget it. why should i give u face for it? i can jolly well go at 6 plus.. and dun do anything, left everything for you to clear.

AM i finding a way for other pple to pity me? or said i am very poor thing? NO!! I am just finding justice for myself. U can send an email to your director telling her i have not catch up the PROD. U can send her another email that i bullying you that i complain to my manger and my SA tat causes u to have meeting with them. FINE! i am ok with it. U are my boss, u always have the power to do it. U can even said i never work at all, i always come in late. Anyway, still gt other pple know tat i got bully without i opening my mouth. Another release manager had asked me before this, dun worry me and another person will support you. Anything come down and find us to talk. Do you know why? Bcos someone told another person that i got bully upstair, by tat time i was so touched that someone still concern abt whether i die already or not. I was being quite motivated by that time. If your boss is not considerated and always behind you stabbing you. What is the point of carrying on with something tat nobody appreciate wat u put in and value you?

taken from MSN Career

10 Signs It's Time to Quit

By Kate Lorenz, Editor

"I like what I do. I just don't like where I work." Sound familiar?

From unbearable co-workers to depressing work environments, there are things that can make even the best job a living hell. Here are some signs it's time to look for a new job.

Sign No. 1: Your co-workers are annoying. --> ok only

Obnoxious people can invade your work life. Let's face it, not everyone gets along perfectly. But you need to have some sort of harmonious relationship with fellow employees to get the job done. How are you supposed to get any work done when these guys keep getting in the way? They are distracting and impede productivity. Most offices have a Gossip, that one person who has the "scoop" all the time and is not afraid to share it. Misery loves company, and finds it often in the Whiner, who isn't afraid to complain and bellyache. And everyone has the Neighbor whose noisy distractions include his cellular ringtone, speakerphone and radio.

Sign No. 2: The environment is toxic. --> First reason

Everyone experiences job highs and lows, but discontent could also be a sign of a chronically depressing work environment or even a company in peril. A bad work environment is reflective of the culture of an entire business. Do you work in a less-than-nurturing atmosphere? Is morale constantly low? Have you been complaining for two solid years? It could be an organizational problem that applying feng shui to your cube just won't fix.

Sign No. 3: You're mentally exhausted by the end of the day. Second Reason

Stress can cause low morale, decreased productivity and apathy towards work. Plus, it can spill into your personal life and even have a negative effect on your health. Today there are fewer people who are taking on more and more work. American workers experience burnout at an alarming rate. According to CareerBuilder, 68 percent of workers feel burnout at work, and 45 percent said their workloads are too heavy. Yes, we all have to pick up some slack and "take one for the team" from time to time. But if there's no end in sight, do yourself and your health a favor and dust off your résumé.

Sign No. 4: Your boss is a nightmare. Third Reason

Even though this person is your boss, it doesn't give him license to do anything he wants. If you have a lousy boss, even the best job in the world can make life a living hell. Your relationship with your supervisor plays a big role in your overall professional happiness and success. Fighting to have your boss removed or waiting for your boss to change or get fired are rarely successful tactics. If you are working for someone who is always absent, unavailable, self-absorbed or untrustworthy, it's time to look for a better supervisor and a better opportunity.

Sign No. 5: You're watching the clock... every 10 minutes. --> i dun have enuff time to slack... hai~~~~~

Though you might not like to work, it's even worse when you are bored while you're there. One can only watch so many videos on YouTube or bid on unneeded things on eBay. If you aren't feeling challenged, that's a sign that you need additional responsibilities or a change roles. And be warned, if you don't have any responsibility or find yourself with nothing to do, management might be trying to phase you out and you might be in danger of losing your job.

Sign No. 6: You get no respect. --> YES, TOTALLY NO RESPECT!!!

Does any of this sound familiar? Your ideas aren't taken seriously; there are no opportunities for advancement; the boss ignores you; co-workers alienate you; you're discouraged from improving skills with a course or seminar; you're passed over for a promotion -- again; or you're excluded from key projects and strategizing sessions. So why are you still giving this organization your time, energy and great ideas?

Sign No. 7: Your co-workers act like animals. --> Guess is i irritate them more than they irritate me.

They live for themselves and only themselves. They irritate you. They offend you. They have no manners or ethics. And you work with them all. There's the Office Thief who steals your ideas. The Shirker arrives late, leaves early and disappears whenever work is near. The Buck-passer unloads her work onto everyone else and blames others for her mistakes. The Procrastinator delays things until the last possible minute, slowing you down by not having the information you need to meet your deadlines. The Interrupter stops by your cubicle 10 times a day to chat about her latest boyfriend despite your ringing telephone and pressing deadlines. And don't forget the infamous Elevator Person who rides up only one floor instead of taking the stairs.

Sign No. 8: Nobody communicates. --> talk to friends lor...

Although we live in a world of e-mail, cell phones, instant messages, Blackberries, WiFi and, yes, even face-to-face conversation, there can still be a complete lack of communication. Whether it's a co-worker who's not returning your voice mail or the CEO not conveying a company's goals and accomplishments, the breakdown of communication can be frustrating and detrimental to your job. It can cost you an account, make you to miss a deadline, cause you to lose a client, and even get you fired.

Sign No. 9: You're not valued. --> Most IMPT REASON THAT it make me burst out.

Forty-three percent of workers do not feel appreciated, and one-fourth of workers feel that they are just a "number" within their organization. You need to realize that you deserve credit for your successes. Recognition is important, and good companies implement programs to let employees know they are valued. Is your company doing anything to reward your efforts? Do you ever receive bonuses, perks or positive feedback? If your boss has never heard of positive reinforcement verbal or otherwise, find a company that will value your talents.

Sign No. 10: You feel stifled. --> Exactly agree, this job makes me having less time with friends or even with family..

What kind of quality of life do you have? Is your 40-hour week turning into a 24/7 grind? While salary may seem like the end all and be all, your quality of life determines your overall happiness. How much time you spend on the job, working conditions, supervisors and subordinates can positively and negatively impact your job outlook. If you dread the time you spent at work, it should be a clear indicator that it's time to break free. A job shouldn't stifle you creatively, mentally or physically.

Bottom line: Considering what you don't like about your current situation should give you insight into what you are seeking in future endeavors. If you know what your priorities and preferences are and actively seek them, work can be an enjoyable experience.

In the end, wat do you think i should i choose? Stay/Quit?

Monday, October 09, 2006

erm.. it had been a long long time that i ever did a posting.. seriously.. dunno wat had changes my life.. which makes me put on weight tat terrible.. a heart tat is meant to be broken or things tat been changing ard or bcos too many things happen and i can't take it the blow or bcos i am having a gd life.. why no matter hw much pple take in.. they will nt grow in sideway.. haha.. guess i need to clear my mind le ba.. today went to meet korkor since it had been almost a year which i last since him.. haha.. :P of cos he comment a lot of things.. although.. it is a bit hurting, i know he is just to make me feel better.. ask me stop being despair..

hai~~ maybe it just remind me a past tat it shouldn't start.. if given a chance to choose again, guess i will not choose this way. i dun dare not said i was being very loyal towards him. since it is a relationship which it had never start before, why it hurts me tat deep? bcos i lose too much or bcos i can't get him? i know korkor didn't mean it to mention about him but he did.. mention him.. guess my parents knew that he and i belongs to different world, therefore mum did not mention abt anything him when i came hm. During afternoon, korkor called mummy and tell her i want a air ticket to shanghai as birthday present. i dun even know where are you, all you did was ignoring all my sms and calls.. tat was wat i did in the airport or whenever i had cold war with you.. u always tell me to go look for a bf, dun always stuck with u. therefore, i can tell you.. yeah.. i did.. but it did not turns out gd.. choose to give up in the end and return back to you.. or mayb i should said i turn back to rely on you.. or i just finding someone to cover and nt to let u discover tat i had fall for you...

these four years plus was a tuff challenge for me and for yourself ba... should said.. u been with me and let me walked thru my own door.. but do you know.. when u leave.. my door had been closing.. i dun have the courage to open my own door.. i lost myself.. i use laughter to numb myself.. i act as fool in front of everyone..agree to everything.. no tears were found in front of anyone.. guess today korkor force me too hard.. tears fall.. not bcos he suan me or critize me.. was bcos the pain kept in my heart.. i know.. i lose u nt long after my cousin passed away.. but i just dun want to admit it.. therefore we walked thru another one more year.. till u went to shanghai.. i know.. things are more worst.. jiefu.. knows i had crying almost every nite jus to get sleep.. guess my habit had gone.. when u come back.. i think i was half way with nanny ba.. i dunno why.. i.... think i step back cos i dunno wat i want le.. nanny hate me.. but he forgive me.. i know he treat me very good.. he been a very nice guy to me.. but.. i scare i will make the same mistake again.. i dun want to be hurt again.. do u know u hurt me very deep.. when my cousin passed away.. u are there.. but i hang up the calls and send stupid sms.. u will said. min arh.. pms again.. when can u tell min.. to forget u without such a painful method.. why whenever other pple mention abt u.. i feel so pain.. yet everyday i had to wear a mask.. to avoid dropping tears and the pain inside me..

on my 21th birthday, guess my parents been hoping tat u will be coming.. which is i never ask u at all cos u dun even bother abt my birthday.. and i know u won't come.. as for other pple, of cos want to see my korkor.. but he was away in indonesia.. you two are the closer pple to me but yet both of u hurts me tat deep.. one just leave whenever he like.. one just throw temper at me.. why dun both of u stand at my position once.. do u know i almost collaspe when i lose both of u.. whenever i lost, i cried.. two of you been walking with me so long.. yet now i still lose one..

i avoid going to tampines and i dun like to go to tampines.. why? i dunno hw would i react if i see u standing in front of me with your gf.. i dunno how am i going to react.. no matter is it liuying or not.. cos i dun even know.. why i feel so painful.. bcos tat i lose someone who pamper me tat much and care for me or bcos i am stubborn or bcos i fall in love with you or bcos of wat??

i lose jiefu too.. jiefu was such a nice guy who will always be at my side when i am down.. but something happened.. guess tat was the most dramatic point tat he changes to be tuff to protect himself from getting hurt.. he was badly hurt tat time.. from a rabbit i got for present to a broken vanilla vodka broken heart.. hahaha.. but i never take tat broken vanilla broken heart.. guess the faith for 4 of us had ended.. jiefu and jiejie end le.. me and him also end le.. maybe sometimes jiefu and jiejie still got contact.. sometimes me and jiejie still got talk.. sometimes jiefu and me still got talk.. (guess it was when my grandpa pass away ba.. ) as for u.. i dunno.. maybe u are in far far far away from me.. or u are so near yet so far away from me.. guess my eyes are swollen now.. cos i just finish crying.. again.. tears dropped down le..

let me face myself ba.. i know i had been hiding away frm myself... until nowaday pple telling me... limin.. u are getting worst.. pls control your diet.. hahaa... guess is time to face myself le.. dun hide le.. 1 year plus is enuff le.. watever u lose.. is over.. dun look back.. can go buffet but not trying to hide my feelings by eating.. guess i have to find some other ways to reveal stress le..

btw.. my job contract going to end abt one month time.. let me see hw ba.. today only want to post abt him.. and still him... dun want to talk abt my own personal life...

Saturday, September 23, 2006


a song recommend by someone..







Monday, September 18, 2006

erm.. dunno when.. my life start to get happening again.. dunno when.. i start to have the feeling tat is time to forget him.. dunno when.. i think i am getting on with me.. but guess i had for someone who i can't fall with.. or... maybe is a crush.. this kind of feeling will fade away very easily?

guess three weeks ago.. my life is revolving between work and still work.. currently i am back to the state tat on my desk, i am being piled up with tons and tons of work plus i had to deal with a two months backlog which was being accumlated before i took over from someone else. Guess from there onwards, my life had been really terrible and sad with these pile of work.. sigh~~ when can this all end? can i leave when contract ends? or whether i will renew? last time korkor kept complaining that it had been quite a while when i meet up with him.. is it bcos of this job, i lose this friend or bcos i dun make the effort to meet up with him? but i guess alot of pple i haven't meet up with or catch up with.. if pple ard me should understand well how my work does an impact to my social life. just like when my friend want to borrow a cd from me, she took months and months just to take the cd from me. And whenever she meet up with me for dinner.. she will be waiting for me at the mrt station for more than half an hour. guess almost everyone knew that i am a super workalcholic during weekdays and when it comes to weekend, sometimes i might be too lazy to go out and rot at hm for two days.. usually weekend is very short.. just to let my friends know.. my working hours had been hitting 16 hours a day which is causing me to lose contact with you all.. hopefully, you all will be able to forgive me for tat part..

More on my work.. When i start to join this company, they are in testing phase. And when it is moving towards production. Stuffs get harder and tougher, sort of like standby make sure things won't go wrong at the very last min when it is going to be on live.. As for now, being live, doesn't make me feel proud of anything due to i gt to do something which is very different with wat i does half year ago. Therefore, a big changes had come to life, furthermore i am dealing with live, if anything goes wrong i will have to responsible for it. Dun dare to deny, taking up this job i feel so stress that i burst into tears when i first took over from the guy. Do you know how tuff i feel?? I went to office at 9.30 and i left office at 3am in the morning.. hw i feel during the weekend? terrible till i dun feel like going anywhere, just to rot at home..

as for the last 3 weekend, once or twice in a week, i had been working for more than 12 hours.. it lead to my health a bit haywire.. furthermore, my boss tender.. i feel more stress.. cos i might land up with be the only to do support for 200 plus of reports which i dun even know the details for it.. sob sob.. ~~~ hopefully me and tat new guy can work out a way but we are doing different stuffs. As for datastage is a totally new program that i learn.. i dun even know how to debug, guess i am stuggling to survive in the swimming pool.. and complaning to my colleagues.. Normally, i won't be the only one to be in office till tat late.. always got one female colleague accompany... sometimes we did something funny is to call mac delivery at late nite.. hahaa.. :P

conclusion for last 3 weeks..
1) watched two movies - Devil wear prada with nanny.
John Tucker must die with yy, g, ant
2) Merchant court high tea with my poly friend
3) Agite and Thai Express with my colleagues
4) Bintain Trip with my ex-team mates.. hahaha.. i think i almost drunk.. imagine..
wednesday, i work till 3.. thursday, i work till 2.. and friday, i slept at 1 plus.. and sat, i woke up at 6.. i fell asleep on the sofa in bintain.. and sun, i woke up at 6 to catch the first ferry to come back to sg.. shag week~~~
5) A vegetarian restuarant - team lunch (is free~~~)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

My sentosa trip before i go genting and kl...


Scenery of Sentosa

Sentosa Tram

Sentosa Tram


Nothing to do while waiting for the guys to finish their skyride and lupe..


Saw this sandcastle before we going cannoing..

Chocolate pot1

Chocolate pot in tiong bahru after sentosa trip

chocolate pot2

Trying to melt the chocolate

Dessert-Durian ice-cream

Durian ice cream.. bagus!!! : )


yummy.. delicious.. :P
erm.. so fast.. another two weeks passed le, my contract going to end soon. will i be able to extend? or i be able to renew contract? Although i grumble a lot abt this job, i can admit that this job pay is quite high. I might not be able find this pay outside the market. Or either tat i might nt be able to go out with my colleagues after work? or nobody to accompany me for lunch time? As from long time ago, i knew that i am nt tat independent as wat other pple tot of. I can't do things alone, always want pple to accompany. No matter is shopping, gym, sports activities, oversea trip or even lunch. I just can't make myself to survive on my own. why? alone? lonely? Or maybe i feel that human tends to like to have a companion. Why does pple tend to or yearn to step into a relationship? For my opinion, bcos we all yearns to get protect or protect others to show that u are strong. When you are down, you will hope to find a hand reaching out there to hold you and make sure u won't get hurt. Humans are selfish, they want to find a shelter and someone who will be there when they need it. That's why pple wants to step into a relationship. Long long time ago when i am still studying sec 4 ba, i met D. He asked me a question, between friends and bf, who will you choose? My answer to him was FRIENDS!! Am i very silly to make this decision? As recalled back, i remember i asked my friend about this question. She answer me the same thing and she told me that the guy who she love, asked her the same thing. hai~~~maybe we scarficed our relationship to maintain a friendship but ended the friendship also turn sour and just that everyone is trying very hard to save it. Whether it can be save or not, all depend on the person herself.

My life seems to be only revolving between work, work and work.. I planned to work and study at the same time. Am i trying to be very silly? Maybe i just want to keep myself busy instead of give myself more free time to think of something else. My life is no longer that happening as wat was in the past. Last time, might go clubbing with ester they all or drinking session with some friends.. guess i had stopped drining for quite a while.. or maybe bcos pple ard me seldom drink, tat's why stopped me for drinking.. but i can't deny tat my friend, mr bulldog, asking me to join he and his friends for drinking session.. haha.. but i keep rejecting..

Last two weeks, nothing much happened at all. I did not meet nanny on his birthday due to i got a bad cold. I fall sick immediately after the last post. Took one day of mc and stopped all medication. Don't know how i recover from my illness by stopping eating medicine? Or maybe next time i should not eat medicine, therefore i can recovered faster?

Last wk, i got ard 6 birthdays.... Although i miss nanny birthday, sat i went for two birthday celebration. One was with my poly friends, it was at suntec city sizzler. My friend gave us a treat, from her, i get to know that one of my poly friend got married at the age of 24. Furthermore, he is a guy.. Can you believe it? His wedding was in indonesia and his wife is a bit older than him. Ard evening, i met my secondary friends. Sort of there are abt 3 birthday boys there and another birthday boy was in hospital. They went to swensen at marina square, i did not had another meal there but ate free ice-cream by my gd friend.. lol.. :P Sad to said that the two girls who i am close with are not there. I was sort like alone there, although there is another girl there, i am not very close with her. We did not even said hi.. see lah.. so jialat.. hai~~ but lucky.. my gay friends all there.. i tend to hide between g and anton.. lol.. : P They keep me accompany throughout the whole nite. When they go play game, me and g went for coffee. We had a short chat but i realised that i dun understand as wat i had for other.. He seems like changes a lot.. Just when we walking towards the train station, we all lost each other.. haha.. split into different grp.. When i preparing to board the train, kelvin stopped me and anton. Ended up, we did not went home. We went to cafe cartel, actually we want to go haagan daz, maybe bcos evening time i keep saying i want to go haagan daz but anton thinks that is too ex.. in the end, we went to cafe cartel to have another round of drink. From there i can see my friend happiness, haha.. yy.. in case u know.. i will keep as a secret.. will not mention i saw whose face having happiness.. bcos we promised watever was said at that nite will not go out of it.. he was happily on the phone while me and the guy walked aimlessly.. Now i finally understand last time i was on the phone with XX, while i left my friends walking aimlessly.. but lucky still got someone else accompany me.. From him, i saw the past of me, how happily i am to be with XX.. How i am being protected by him ba? We encouraged him to confess but he said maybe not. Guess maybe i got a very bad experience, tat's why i asked him to confess it rather than next time he might get hurt. As for the chalet, i challenged both of them to bring there gfs. Erm? Am i being very bad? Erm? Am i considered single now? I dunno whether i am being attached or i am single? So far yet so near? My relationship was in a mess. Of cos, they send me a challenge was to bring my bf there? hahaha.. :P Nanny asked me wat i wan for birthday. I had the same answer as i told yy. I want a DIAMOND.. i am being too gready le ba.. HAHAHA!~~! Seriously, i want nothing bcos most of the stuffs i can get by myself.. Or i just want a simple life? Saw how my colleagues was so happy in her relationship.. i am so happy for her.. and tat's why i yearn to have the same feeling also.. but guess till now i still can't accept any relationship.. cos.. i am still not very stable to accept it. I am utlimately sorry if i rejected anything.

As for the chalet, of cos my gd friend challenge me... He wants me to get drunk on tat day... haha.. i hopefully i will get drunk also.. and the pain inside me might just fade away.. and can accept reality and not keep staying in my neverland. Although i am yearn to go to the chalet, if i couldn't be normal tat day.. Guess the best is i will not attend it.. i dun wish to spolit the fun..

Anyway next weekend, i will be leaving singapore for a short trip again..

Saturday, August 19, 2006

i had been running away from everything except my work.. i know my mind is not in a stable mood again.. thinking of you, it hurts me much more.. ytd, i asked my colleague a question.. will you still be friend with your ex? she said yes but will not meet him again.. or maybe i seeing too many pple having their dar/dear/lao gong love them so much.. makes me of envy them? or maybe i dun have my luck to find someone who dotes me tat often.. who will listen to my grumble.. or i dun cherish things ard me.. last nite, i hid in my room as tears roll down again.. my emotion rushed down as fast as they can.. today when i am online, he chat with me..

xxx said :
Hey Hey

xxx said :
how's life?

min said :
ok lah

min said :
how abt you?

**waited for 15 mins.. no reply..
** another 5 mins... no reply..

min said :

xx can you leave me? i really feel very painful. i think i am a failure. you leave me so long yet i still couldn't forget. xx u hurt me damn painful or maybe i should said i hurt myself too deep. i pursue something which there is no feelings for me in the first place and just fall foolishly..

the end of the chat...

min dun be silly can.. some stuffs tat are over is already over.. nothing can twist it back.. once a person had changed or had a firm mind, nothing can changes.. you used to be so good to me.. who will hear my grumbles everyday.. said i dunno how to cook.. slowly.. i learn some my mum.. said i spendrift.. buy a $3 water chestnut drink.. u ask me wat.. i will be very honest and reply you.. i really dunno when i had fall for you.. when u might just treat me like a sister.. just like korkor want to protect me bcos i am very weak.. and it will reflect tat u are stronger than me. why? why is it me? if things had turned tat sour right at the beginning, i will not choose to contiune tat kind of feelings.. or relationship.. my cousin asked me.. you and him got no problems at all.. why didn't u all had started.. maybe she is wrong.. u dun have feelings for me.. tat's why we didn't start.. guess i need more time to forget you totally.. otherwise no matter i had stepped into how many relationships.. i still can't forget.. i always tend to compare pple with you..

this is song tat is descibing my feelings...

Monday, August 14, 2006

on the 9 of Aug...
Promised mum that i will take her out to shop.. We went to meet my auntie they all over at ikea but we did not went there for shopping cos mummy complaining too many pple.. Therefore we head queensway for shopping but also a lot of pple.. hai~~~ after tat we went to town for fireworks.. hai~~~ dunno why this year dun really feel like watching.. After tat we head home.. WAT!~~~~ i am being stuck in a traffic jam again.. hai~~~~~~ ~

on the 10 of Aug.. back to work.. of cos got to work OT again.. trying to pull out the data for the user and trying very hard to solve the issues.. changes a bit of attitude for my work.. but seriously i really feel stress and pressure... or i am a scary cat.. everything also scare or i am not courageous to take up the challenge.. i dun dare to promise i will not ruin the data. When i start to take up this job, everyone is telling me that this is a big project, you can participate is a good learning slope for you. I had overcome a challenge of the first part. Now another obstacle is here, it showing you that nothing will remain the same. As time passes, you had to face the challenge one by one..

on the 11 of Aug.. went to Aunt's house for a short stay... of cos i went to gym with my cousin.. and went jacuzzi.. i need a break otherwise i will collaspe very fast.. i realised that nowadays health is getting weaker and weaker.. i need to train up, otherwise i will faint down sooner or later..

on the 12 of Aug, my cousin woke me up ard 10plus.. Did a bit of brush up, we went to kbox at Jurong central... After tat we head to IMM to buy some snacks as lunch.. Ard 4 plus, i head home..

Conclusion for the month..
These few months, a lot of things happened.. i dun dare to ask anyone to stand in my position. Everyone tot tat i had recovered. I not a machine, every moment will be there crack a joke or trying to said something that will please you. I don't know how to explain how my dramatic mood happened. I dun know how to tell you how i feel about everything that occuring around me. Who can understand how i feel now? Guess nobody does that including myself. When grandpa passed away, i tot i can stand firm.. in the end, i can't even stand firm myself.. i collaspe in front of shifu and yiying and some of my gd friends.. Bulldog jio me go chiong bcos i want to go for a drink.. shifu received some weird msg from me.. What he and korkor does to me?? Neither a phonecall nor a msg. Seriously, this two persons used to be very closed with me, now all of us had bcome stranger. I dun even know how to face them.. not a single of courage. I can't deny, i cried for them before. How i met him? A phonecall when i cried.. that is how we started.. I still remembered that nite vividly.. korkor left me with 10 voicemail scolding me.. and i cried.. he is the one listening to me..

Nanny.. i dunno whether u still can remember that i watched the click.. i cried until very jialat. i did not tell you the truth.. i feel the pain inside my heart. i did not learn to cherish things in front of me often.. i feel really painful on that moment when i saw him passed away. These few years, i been seeing pple walking out of my life.. that day when mummy fell down at genting, i tot i will lose her too..

senior told me before when the moment u stop mentioning abt him.. is when u really forget him.. why?? it had been so long.. yet i still dun have the courage to let go? i been wondering if one day he and his gf standing in front of me, how would i feel? Can i face it? why i want to pursue something which dun have any ending...

Can i stop crying for friendship? I really tired le.. one is someone who i used to love.. one is someone who is very close to me.. both of them know me too well.. do you tat.. whenever i broke the friendship which either one of you.. i will cried like a mad woman.. do u know how often i drop my tears bcos of you all.. when i lose my kins.. where are you all? or maybe i just making up an excuses to make me feel better.. one will check my homework.. will be there for me when i dun cried..
another one is will be there for me and protect me.. yet i am hurt.. why?? bcos of someone who i love.. or bcos of someone who take care of me...

Everything is my fault!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

on the 22 of July, after checking to hotel we went over to TImes Square for shopping.. After that we realise that was not what we want, we went to Sugnoi Wang (erm.. i forget how to spell le.. ).. When we are trying the clothes and busy shopping, we realise that omg.. we are late.. ard 8.30, we called a friend of ours that we will be late.. Hahaha.. they are on time while we are late.. Luckily, i got a m'sia sim card.. furthermore is very cheap, only $10 and can call back sg. I bought a cardigan and a skirt.. lol.. : P We faster rushed back to hotel to meet my colleagues. Guess wat, we were pretty late and we are stuck in the carnival.. omg..
Two cars waiting for us, they brought us to a japanese restuarant called fireworks. The environment there is decorated by fireworks poster. Those pple who knoes should know i like to watch fireworks, i will normally ask pple out to watch fireworks. The food there was not bad too but i still prefer sun with moon. After that, we were planning to go for drinking session but guess it was pretty late and therefore we head back to hotel. Guess wat 3 girls does? They went upstairs and put down their stuffs and head down for shopping spree again. Haha. Again, i bought a bag over there too... Ard 12 plus, we went back to hotel and take a quick bath. While waiting for the hair to dry, we were doing some chats.. : ) Ard 2plus, three of us knocked out. As we slept opposite ways of wat other pple does due to some fatal objects might dropped down in any moment. We pull out the blankets and just cover our ankles. But as the night grows darker, we feel more and more cold.. I woke up due to i am too cold, therefore i start to pull up the blanket a bit n nt affecting others.. tick tock.... tick tock.... 6am in the morning.. haha.. two of them already pull the blanket extremely up.. while.. i am feeling terrible cold.. lol.. :P ard 7am.. i still lazing on the bed.. while one of my friend woke up and brush up, preparing to go down and had breakfast..

On the 23 of July..
7.30am - Breakfast
8.30am - Back to hotel room for ladies... hehehee.. : )
9.00am - Lobby... waiting for departure...
9.05am - Broad the bus ...
9.15am - Reached sultan's place and took a pic with the horse.. hheehe..
10 plus - We went to Central Market and we bought 6 bracelets..
11 plus - We went to Mid-Valley. Over there is like a typical Singapore Shopping centre but is much more bigger than wat we have over here. They have Carrefour, California Gym, donut, kenny rogers, watson, faceshop, bodyshop and etc..
2 plus - We went to Times Square for lunch at Chicken Hertz, everything chicken.. erm.. the food there are so-so only.. After that we went to take a look at the indoor theme park and head to sungei wang for shopping spree again.. :)
5pm - We went to Chinatown.. wahaha.. of cos, i, auntie know how to bargain, if we dun bargain, sure very logi.. lol.. From a 65rm bag bargain till 25rm.. haha.. Good right?? Bcos i like to go pasa malam but nowadayd seldom bargain le.. :P Bought two bags there.. :)
7 plus - We went to have dinner, omg we just had lunched at 2 plus.. we are just trying to eat some..
8 plus - We are back to hotel room, guess wat of cos me this naughty girl dun wish to stay in hotel room for the night. We went out for window shopping and i need to change for money cos i spent too much le.. : P
10 plus - we are back to hotel room.. Pom Pom time...
12 plus - All knocked out le, bcos everyone are really very tired...

24 of July..
6 plus - We had already wake up and lazing on the bed..
7 plus - We start to pack up our stuffs..
8 plus - We went for breakfast and took some pics ard the hotel..
10 - We went back to hotel room.. trying to squeeze everything inside my lugguage and watch tv.. : )
11am - Is time to check out.. and leave KL..
11.30am - We went to a chocolate outlet. Guess wat i like the chocolate there a lot.. And i bought a lot of chocolate back.. 2 packets of Durians chocolate, 3 boxes of coffee, 1 packet of tirumisu and 1 packet of dark chocolate almond shared with another 2 person.. Total Cost of chocolate cost me : 170+RM.
12 plus - We went to somewhere nearby to take the pic of KLCC due to we do not have enuff time to visit there. Somemore the mati asked us faster go away.. guess it was due to the asian minister meeting helding somewhere near there...
1 plus - We went to mid-valley for lunch and we did some shopping also... i bought another 2 tshirts from there... lol...:P
2 plus - We head back to Singapore...
5 plus - We stopped at native product shop to buy local products.. Guess wat my friends need to purchase 3 sets.. one for her family, one for her bf's family and one for her colleagues. Omg!!!! She need two baskets to put all her stuffs.. :) Even the guys over there are teasing her whether she need another basket or not.. hehehe.. :P
6pm - We stopped over at a canteen there for dinner.. While other pple went down for dinner, we were busy packeting our stuffs. i think we had four bags of food and chocolate each?
9pm - We reached RH.. My friend's dad send another girl who stayed nearby home. While me waiting alone at RH for my dad. When my dad saw me, he stunned.. I had 3 bags of food.. one luggage.. omg..... :P

on the 25 of July
Back to work and i am extreme tired due to the long journey i had ytd. Somemore i worked OT till 9.. sob sob..

on the 26 - 28 of July..
All abt work and work..
26 of July, i went to learn how to make chocolate ice cream cake.. hahahaa.. the lesson is so boring.. no hands on... sigh~~~~~~~

28 of July, i went to watched pirates of carribean with one of my friends.. hehee.. it was a pretty nice movie... :)

on the 29 of July..
The starting of my new lesson DATASTAGE!!!! omg!!!! i dun understand the logic.. this is where my stress and pressure start to build up le.. one of my colleagues gave me a treat at delifrance.. so nice of him.. :) Ard 5 plus, i went back home and i don't know there is a surcharge of $2.. Shit!!! but anyway i am already very tired.. once i reached home i already knocked out.. Supposing there is a gathering at nite.. And i did said i don't want to go.. But ever since i start telling my gd friend tat i dun want to go.. of cos he tell my lao po... and the story goes on and on... i start to receive msgs from 5 pple asking me why i dun want to go and etc.. but i did tell my shifu.. i nt going.. I was extremely tired.. i didn't know that i can wake up at 7pm.. In the end, i rushed down to meet them.. but i am being held up by the jam due to NDP Preview.. Omg!! When i reached there is already 8.30.. hai~~~` not my fault ma.. firstly i really extremely tired due to travel and brainstorming lesson in the morning.. and i am stuck in traffic jam.. When i reached there.. i was being questioning.. so late!!! why never reply my msg!! why bluff me tat u nt coming !! and etc.. hai~~~~~~~~~ after tat went to take food with my lao po and gd friend.. hehee.. in the end, we had a good time over there.. :) After that we were wishy-washy, dunno where to go.. birthday boy wanted to go chiong but after a few obstacles, he choose to go home.. hehee.. all of us head home that day...

on the 30 of July, a day for myself.. seriously.. extremely tired.. .

on the 31 of July to 4 of Aug.. i can said i almost worked OT everyday.. except 1 of Aug, i went to meet a friend for movie. We went to watch lake house.. of cos my friend is complaining that i had nt been meeting her for 3 mths.. sigh~~~ as for korkor.. he complained worst.. he said if i dun meet him on sunday.. he will cut of ties with me... guess.. hai~~~~~~ 4 of Aug.. i reached home ard 9 plus.. nanny called me.. asking me whether i still keen to watch the movie or not.. of cos i want.. i need to relieve stress.. we went to watch click.. after tat, we went to esplande there for a short chat.. : )

On the 5 of Aug, the first day of firework.. i missed it.. by watching half of it.. in the end, i was being stuck in the traffic jam...

on the 6 of Aug, went to cousin's house at bukit panjang.. never tot tat i will came back home that late.. in the end, i did not meet korkor.. guess he is extremely angry with me.. i did nt catch up with him in this one year ba.. hai~~~~

on the 7 of aug, i went back to work.. haha..i stress until i cried.. jialat...

on the 8 of aug, i went to bugis after work with my friends.. we went to have japanese food..

... to be contiuned...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I had not been updating my blog ever since one month ago till now.. that is pretty fast, neither that this one month, i been online tat often as i normally does. MIA for one month?? hahaa.. let me list out wat i had done for the past one month....

on the 10 of July, i went back to work.. As usual, i went back to work. Nothing changes, still back to my original position but i am requested to handover all my stuffs. I did a very simple handover documents bcos i bet tat my colleagues will read that. hahaa.. As simple as possible.. :)

on the 11 of July, i left singapore for Genting trip. Before i leave for a trip, i had to make a payment on the 12, in order to go for the KL trip which is being organised by my company. I left sg as early as 7am, board the bus to leave sg. As usual, i did something which he do to me often. A sms saying goodbye... I took a 7 and half hours to reach Genting. The bus journey was very long, and due to cable car is under maintenance, we managed to go to the top by coach. It had been a very long time that i ever been to there, a lot of thing changes. Just like what pple normally said pple also changes when times passes. I went this trip with my mum and her friends, of cos lah, i am the youngest.. and nobody to talk to... nobody to accompanied me to theme park.. the only place i can go is CASINO.. i went in and out of casino as often as anyone does, and everytimes i went in.. they tend to check my particulars.. hai~~~~~

on the 12 of July, we actually planning to go down to KL for shopping spree but mum's friend said that was dangerous to go over there now due to a robbery happened on the day before. Fine!! i am stuck in casino again.. hai~~ During evening time, mum fell down in the toliet.. hai~~~ she hurt her back badly.. Guess is a challenge that how i can react when emergency occurs.. i brought her back to hotel room to rest for a while.. she was in deep pain..

on the 13 of July, we trying to fly back to HOME!! BUT the receptionist very relunctant to help us to call the airlines to check the price of the airtickets. Mum endure the pain for 7 and half hours again, we took the coach back to SG.. Seriously, she is very brave... We check out at 11 plus, while the coach leave at 3 plus. In between, we planned to see doctor but the stairs leading the clinic makes her feel more terrible. Therefore she insists she is ok for not seeing a doctor .. I called back to singapore to ask for day off to look after her for the next day.. We reached singapore ard 11pm plus. I called daddy to come down and bring her to see doctor bcos i am carrying the lugguage and the goodies which i brought back from m'sia. The doctor said she hurt her last two ribs and is bent in a bit, it will took her abt a mth to recover..

on the 14 of July, i took a day off. Start to do all the household chores.. washed clothes.. sweep the floor... mop the floor... cook dinner... there go my one day..

on the 15 of July, auntie knows tat mum fell down in genting. She came over to see how's she and teaches me how to cook porridge... hahaaa... my cousin came over for a while too...

on the 16 of the morning, we went to potong pasir to bring mummy to see a very famous doctor.. He gave us a letter, in case she is still feel very pain, we need to send her to A&E... Actually i insist of going now but she don't want... hai~~~~~ doing household chores.. but this time round, we decided to go out to buy instead of i cook.. wahahaa.. :P

on the 17-21 of July.. back to work.. of course, i am being transfer to another team.. the stuffs that i am doing that time was pretty simple... Mummy is on the way of recovering...

on the 22 of July.. is time to leave singapore.. the nite before, i accidentally split the detergent water on the floor.. omg.. i took abt 2 hours to clean up the mess.. slept ard 2am plus, need to wake up at 6am in order to catch the bus at my company.. hai~~~ 4 hours of sleep again.. omg!!! haha.. my colleagues even more worst than me.. two of them suppose to meet at 6.45 at yishun mrt.. one girl haven even wake up at 6.45.. hehee.. :P of cos we are late.. but one couple is worst than us.. lol.. :P 22 of July is the first day of the MEGA SALE start!! wahaahaha... :P
We went to Putrojaya before we went to KL.. Putrojaya is very beatiful... When we checked in to the hotel, we feel a bit disappointed bcos of the environment there.. This is the first hotel in KL!!! omg.. it got more 30 years of history.. is very old although they did some upgrades beforehand..

.... to be contiuned... .

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Days had passed for this week... what have i been doing?

Monday, suppose to meet my gd friend for dinner and see how is she.. but.. see tat she is ok.. i had cancelled the dinner.. let me be very frank abt my words.. she choose the way.. we can only wished her good luck... touch wood.. if anything happened.. dun ask me wat should she do.. erm.. can i considered as very bad?? the day before tat nite, i talked to a friend on phone.. erm.. my friend asked me a question.. dun u think.. when u she gt problem.. she will always come and look for us.. when she is ok.. she seldom will find us.. i pondered for a while.. seems to agree with tat.. hai~~~ or maybe i should do reflection abt myself.. i duno.. just hope tat her decision is not wrong.. just like wat my gd friend said.. she is strong enuff... ended up.. i went out with my colleagues for a dinner at pepper lunch over shaw house and we went to catch superman...

Tuesday, i didn't went back home early.. i went to play captian ball with my colleagues.. seriously, i did enjoy myself a lot.. it is fun... :P

Wednesday, i met up with my cousin for dinner at centrepoint.. seriously i am damned piss off by work.. i dunno why the production guys will look for me... and asked me some question.. in the end, i still have to redirect to my colleague and she slammed the phone in front me.. one word is i really pissed off.. from tat moment onwards.. guess we can only talked abt work, nothing else.. am i very petty abt tat? Of cos when i met my cousin, i kept complaining abt my work and my tat colleague who i always helped her when she need help.. There is a restuarant over at centrepoint had very nice crab dumpling.. (must order wor.. )

Thursday, i went dinner with my shifu(my colleague).. hahaa.. :P of cos he brought me to a talk.. i am still considering it.. mum object me from joining.. as for nanny, he said if i join.. then dun ask him out for dinner.. lol.. :P considering is not confirm.. .

Friday, i went out with nanny... We went to tampines for dinner and movie.. Seriously i left work very early on that day, after i knew tat management had decided to transfer me to another team directly after my leave. I was very stunned about it. I don't know whether is that a opportunity for me a to learn more stuffs or i wouldn't like what i am doing. Been complaining nanny abt it during the whole nite.. at first, i really very keen to go changi airport to have dinner but NANNY said dun want.. ended up.. he drove me to tampines.. When we reached there, i realised sotong queen never bring her wallet out.. Alamak.. i am penniless.. but luckily nanny nt tat stingy.. willing to pay for me first.. hahaa.. :P we went to billy bombers for dinner.. try route 66, cheese fries and mocha milkshake.. considered as not bad..

Saturday, i woke up quite early. Don't want to let my colleagues to wait for too long at harbourfront.. hehee.. quite luckily.. i doesn't belong to tat team yet they invite me to go outing with them.. hehe.. :P We went to sentosa to play for one whole day.. We try the ludge and sky ride.. Seriously, i am quite afraid when i am taking the sky ride.. but the worst was.. THEY BOUGHT THE TICKETS FOR 3 LUDGE and 3 SKY RIDES.. OMG!!!! wat shall i do?? i didn't avoid taking the ride but i can tell u.. is like cable car but there is protector layer... only one safety bar.. i wondering.. if u take out the safety bar.. wat will happen?? First ludge was pretty slow.. was at the back waiting for my friend.. hehee.. :P then.. we went to took the sky ride.. i started to get scare but hai~~ time passes very fast.. we reached the terminal like 2 mins after it?? but the most funniest part was my friend who took the sky ride with me drop her slippers.. luckily, the caretaker saw it once she dropped it, and he managed to pass to our the other two guy friends.. But once we returned back to the 2nd time for ludge.. i had forgotten how to control it.. maybe i am too scare.. hahaa.. :P after tat we went to palawan beach to eat at the foodcourt.. then proceed to the beach to play volleyball.. hehe.. :P after tat, two of our friends are leaving... therefore we procced to take sky ride up again.. and tat two guys got another chance of playing ludge and sky ride while me and another girl wait for them at imbiah.. i wanted to try out the 4d movie but is too ex.. $16.. plus the queue is super long.. hai~~~ We went for the last ludge ride and we went to soliso beach for cannoeing.. hahaa.. girls vs guys again... we waited for 20 mins to cannoe.. guess wat we have been doing tat 20 mins.. they accompany me to walk to the nearest toliet to change.. hahaa.. :P seriously it had been ages tat i ever cannoe.. it is so fun.. that is where i found a stand for myself. i planning to tell my boss and ask whether is there another chance for me to fight back.. lol... :P haha... when i said it had been a long time tat i played splashing water.. i can sense tat it start to rain..cannot avoid it.. lol.. :P After tat.. of cos we going to take sky ride again... haha.. this time round, four of us share one... omg.. one of the guys know tat i am scare.. he shake it so violent... wow.. and i think i scream.. otherwise the guys in front of us will not look at us.. lol.. :P guess ndp is coming soon.. we saw the helicopter with the flag.. so near yet so far.. Guess is dinner time.. we been thinking of having steamboat... of cos.. piggy got a lot of good idea for food.. we went to tiong bahru for steamboat.. haha..
so shiok... we ate so much... and we even had ice-cream.. :P ard 10 plus.. we went back le.. i went to the nearby pasa malam to take a look at cute stuffs.. and wait for daddy to pick me up.. when i reached home is already 11.30.. and i really very shag le.. :P

should i email boss tonite or should i talk to him tomorrow? is tat going to be too late?

i am going on leave next week.. there will be a few days i nt in sg.. guess is a break for me... let me see who will i miss this time round, during my short trip.. haha..

i am going for chocolate ice-cream cake baking session with my cousin and her friend.. lol.. guess who will be the one eating the cake... dun need to said le.. nanny will be the one.. i will be going for cheese cake baking session also.. lol.. :P who will i bake for this time round... guess is myself.. :P maybe i will find myself a better guy during the bbq... wahahahaahaa.. :P

Sunday, July 02, 2006

erm.. guess this week, i had been very blur for a lot of things.. and a lot of things didn't manage to finish it on time.. hai~~ boss seems like pressing me for a lot of stuffs.. when i wanted to leave at 6plus.. he will start to ask tat i am going arh? erm.. hai~~~~ seriously a bit tired due to june been working too much of extra hours till midnight or after 9.. i tend to apply leave to avoid working hassle and out of singapore. so many things happened these few years, i really wish to have a break.. as for relationship, i heard of my friend problem last nite. seriously, a bit of change of my mind for relationship.. but i can see tat a lot of us care for her a lot.. been discussing hw should we help out.. planning to ask her out.. guess this are wat buddies called? maybe these few years had strengten the bond between all of us? when someone in trouble, there will be a few of us be there for each other? i rememebered last time when i am down.. shifu and yy are there for me.. while kelvin they all will asked me out for dinner and hear me crying? or eat sashimi with me? or bulldog asked me to go clubbing hoping to cheer me up?

if u asked me whether i had forgotten him? seriously i duno, the answer is not within myself.. last three years been dependent on him too much.. now without him, i had survived for a year but i realised that time passes very slow.. i tot it had been a long long time tat i ever lose him but i realised the answer is no.. he still live within me.. i dunno whether u will come to read my blog? or whether u still want to hear any news from me.. seriously, i do miss u.. i dunno why i had fallen tat deep for you.. i miss the times with you.. tat day when i am talking to my colleague... dunno why we jump to a topic called coooking... i recalled the times when we discussing cooking together.. u been very sacaristic abt i dunno how to wash the pig intestine.. i even had to ask mum abt it... seriously i dunno how jiejie or jiefu did to forget each other.. bcos they betray each other love beforehand? tat's why they can forget the times they spend together? hw u become so cruel to me? left me without saying anything? dun u know min is very weak? pple been asking me abt u? world cup start? i even bother u and your friend how to bet on soccer when the 4 years ago it starts.. i like soccer bcos of u ?? or my gd friend? i know all of them had bcome a memoery.. it will never return.. i should had forget abt it.. but i lose le..

2002 - 4 years ago world cup starts... u teached me hw to bet on soccer.. from there onwards.. sometimes i will watch soccer or even bet on it.. if i didn't remember wrongly, the first match i watch was turkey vs south korea.. i even complain to u ... i lose $5.. then no money to eat for tmr.. hw.. sob sob.. your reply is just.. hai~~ ask u dun bet le.. u still want to bet.. from there onwards, whenever my gd friend saw me she will asked me.. how soccer? how u and him? i been telling her.. we are nt together but dunno why she keep asking me abt u... during my 21th birthday.. u did not appear at all.. if i am not wrong, i didn't tell u abt tat.. even i tell u abt tat, u will nt appear cos u had already left me without saying a word.. seriously, i damn hurt abt it.. but wat i can do is to face the fact? korkor will tell me dun be silly.. i told u beforehand but u are the one who insist to let yourself fall inside the well.. jiefu always hear me cries when u are nt ard.. jiefu.. wo shi bu shi heng sha? guess is time to wake up right? u pass me the books tat i can read it as reference for my project.. we study our exams by holding on the phone..

2003 - i went to aus due to my auntie? before i leave, i was wondering.. can i adapt it? been sticking with u so frequently.. daily phonecalls.. go there.. no phonecall.. no online.. before i leave.. i used a lie.. been acting smart trying to test hw u feel for me.. silly gal.. she did a wrong thing again.. i told u i did nt get my pay before i leave singapore.. go there sure bcome begger.. a day before i leave.. u called me.. asked me hw much i need and u really transfer to me.. from tat moment.. min really fell herself deep le.. in the plane.. she been talking to her cousin of u.. when i hit turbolence.. i am really afarid.. i never been on the plane for 10 years.. i email u when i reached there.. but u refuse to pick up the phonecall when i leave sg bcos of wat? when i come back , i called u once when i reached the terminal.. but again u refused to pick up the call.. of cos i will grumble in front of jiefu.. slowly things getting better..

2004 - guess this was the time jiefu and jiejie relationship getting shaky while.. i lose my cousin.. there is a time when u called me.. and i hang up your phone when i am alone in the aiport.. i told myself i will nt turn back to something which there is going to be no ending.. i will work hard make sure i dun let him disappointed.. i choose to send u some msg tat u will always ignore and said i am silly.. u called me once u saw those msgs.. and i hang up the phone.. while i sit in the aiport crying alone.. i board the plane 1 year ago.. he was perfectly fine tat time but just feel very tired.. 8 months later, he passed away.. maybe to u.. u will think nothing cos he is so far away from me... but to u know tat.. my auntie been treating me very well since i am young. tat was the bonding they had for me.. when i am young, everyone tend to be ard to protect me no matter how wildful i am, how bad-tempered.. tat's why when i grow older i tend to have the bond with them.. guess tat was when we had a crack.. not long after tat.. u left sg and went to china for a mth.. u are a great lier.. very coincidently tat day when u msg me, i woke up very early.. u just said min take care.. i called u.. u deny tat u are at the airport and we chatted for a while before u board the plane.. u refuse to tell me when u come back also.. am i really tat annoying to u during tat time? why can't u be frank to me.. a few wks after u left, korkor admitted hospital.. korkor was annoyed tat i leave the hospital after 5 mins of appearance and before he went for operation.. seriously i am very scared.. i always so sha.. u will always tell min.. "min.. dun scare.. must steady.." korkor was so angry with me no matter hw many calls i call or hw many msg tat i send.. guess tat is also when korkor and my bond start to crack too.. tat was a period without both of u.. u all been with me walk thru so many obstacles yet at one time.. u all leave me subsequently..

2005- u are back and we do stil keep in contact but nt tat close.. during my fyp.. i admit is almost everyday? why? bcos u want to encourage me till the end of day when i am in nyp.. the last call from u was when i am at the last day at nyp.. and sometimes maybe u will reply my msg or sms me asking wat is the last bus in orchard.. during these period.. korkor still accept my apologies.. i found myself a job... we chatted online.. tat was when we reached a stage of cold war... from someone who i am knows to stranger guy.. u promise tat no matter wat happened, u will be there for me.. tat was a lied.. during october.. i avoid to meet korkor and his friend.. guess he was angried.. and is he turn to go to indonesia without saying goodbye.. during my birthday.. he did not appear also cos he was in indonesia... while my grandpa admitted to hospital.. a day before the celebration, i got to know he had contracted cancer and the cancer had grown to be too big tat doctor advised nt to go for operation.. hai~~~~ during december, u left sg again.. u went to taiwan to attend your gd friend wedding.. again.. u lied to me.. u sms me before u leave again.. min take care.. u willing to be so cold hearted to her.. why u still want to ask her to take care.. during tat time when she saw tat msg.. she tot is just a normal msg.. nothing special.. but a few days later.. she realised tat u had went to taiwan bcos u no longer online...

2006 - u let min see the pic tat u took with your gd friend and his finance.. this is the first time tat min saw your gd friend aka buddy who know since u are in sec.. guess 3 mths after tat... my grandpa passed away.. i told u once i heard the news.. u didn't mention anything.. u did not sms or call me neither and console... or u dunno wat to say? a few days after my grandpa passed away, it was your birthday.. i didn't went out for lunch.. i am alone in the office.. thinking wat should i do.. in the end.. i still bought a card... thinking wat to write.. standing outside the post office like a silly girl.. walking tro and fro, hesitating whether should she send the greeting to u or not.. in the end, she still send it out.. u just msn her saying thank you.. while she scold u back with a lot of stuffs.. u changed your tempered a lot since min know u in 2002.. u changed bcos of her? haha.. min.. dun be silly can? such a gd guy won't had fall in love with you.. he had never love u before, u are just falling in a one sided relationship am i right? u treat her so good bcos of sympathy right? can u tell me earilier.. but u broke my heart... i didn't realise tat u had bcome so impt in my life until i lose u...

hw can i pushed all the blames to u.. i had my faults too.. guess i still dun understand relationship well. i dunno hw to differentiatie dependent/love/responsibilities.. i dunno why i will write out this nonesense out.. but tat's was my feelings towards u.. now?? i really dunno.. i start to be lose again... nanny? piggy? u??

Sunday, June 25, 2006

List out a few brithdays tat who had close relationship with me or use to have a very close relationship with me or very conincidently both of them had the same birthday but different characters..

1)26/10 (myself)

2)7/3 (mummy)

3)10/5 (daddy)

4)19/1 (korkor but very conincidently someone had the same birthday as him)

5)30/3 (erm.. someone who changes my attitude, who guide me thru out my poly life..)

6)29/7 (jiefu and my shifu)

7)22/8 (L & nanny)

8)13/10 (jiejie)

**Note : A lot of pple who walk in my life tend to share the same date but i can tell u they don't share the same character.

For example, jiefu is very good at listening while shifu is much towards the extend of caring. hehe.. BUT both of them are very good.. :P

as for korkor and someone (will nt disclose until i think timing is ripe).. erm.. korkor is much more fierce.. :P omg.. korkor will kill me if he read this post...

as for L and nanny.. erm... Seriously i think L will be better cos he very sweet towards me ma and never scold me before.. lol.. :P While nanny, erm... seriously he is a very good guy also but sometimes he got a VERY NASTY TEMPER which i dun like.. i can't deny tat every person also got his/her temper or maybe i used to pamper more than scolding.. lol.. :P
wahaha.. Today i went out to have good food again, guess this is the my third time of stepping inside a restuarant for dinner. OMG!! Expenses is going higher and higher. I went out ard 4 plus with mummy to meet auntie and of cos they will ask me to eat something before i go meet my colleagues they all for dinner. I followed wat they said and i landed myself late when i went to orchard to meet them. As usual run thru and cut thru human walls to meet them at orchard mrt station. Guess one day i must find my buddies come out, so long never see theme le. My gd friend been sms me daily due to world cup 2006, she even offered to pick me up from work and meet up for dinner. Guess she did had a gd life, just like wat she said, you might be together long with someone but it can't gurantee anything cos anything will happen. She had been with her bf for 7 or more than 7 years. I met my korkor thru her also.

erm.... stopped all my past... let me tell u wat is nice.. wahahaa.. :P We actually had reservation at seoul garden but we changed to sanur at level 4 due to a lot of pple falling sick or sort of still on the way to recover.

1) prawn crackers

2) tahu-gole (egg tofu -- > bagus)

3) grilled squid (bagus)

4) ah-cha fish
5) chicken
6) kang kong
7) 2 jugs of lime juice
8) 10 plates of rice

Total bill : ard $200
(**did not take these pics myself, grab it online**)
Food : Overall was not bad, i planning to bring my parents to try it out one day.

hehe.. guess the pple waiting outside must be cursing, can u all hurry up stop taking pics. as this might be the last team outing cos both my bosses had roll off, this is a treat for them by us.. but in return, they treated us to ktv.

8.30pm - Party World at Orchard

Few songs that we had sang for the nite..
1) She Bangs
2) Beauty and the Beast
3) Zhui
4) My Heart will go on
5) Reflection
6) Macoroni
7) MaMamia
8) old macdonald had a farm

hehee.. is fun.. :P bcos all the above songs i quote out were like we had never sang them or heard them long long time ago.. lol.. :P After that my current boss sent me and my ex-boss home. Therefore he helps me to save my cabfare

**Rememeber to check your receipt carefully when u are using your credit/debit card to make payment. They had actually overcharged us by $200 for tips but luckily my boss saw it beforehand and never sign on the receipt.

Total bill : ard $217
Total pax : 11 (mixture of nationality, hehe.. :P we live in harmony.. )

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lobster and chicken


erm.. ytd i went to marina square for dinner with my colleagues.. guess nowadays i tend to hang with my colleagues pretty often.. or maybe bcos on 1st of july, we will know where will we post to. OMG!!! PRODUCTION!!! But everything is not confirm due to everything might change in the very last minute. Tat's were wat we ordered for ytd dinner, as for UOB credit/debit card, u will be entitle for 15% discount. Therefore ME(Miss Kaisu) will grab the chance to save the service charge and gst, we just had to pay nett for wat we ate. After that we went to suntec carrefour, are we belong to housewives catergory? The answer will be NOPE!!! A few weeks ago, everyone received a free hamper from my company. Inside the hamper, it contain a few products tat were pretty unique. We want to find it out whether are we be able to purchase it.

Some of the items inside the hamper (*note: nt everyone of us have the same thing)

1) Otard

2)pepperidge farm - Double Chocolate Milano

when you open up, it looks like this...

**this is very nice....

3) Davidoff Coffee (very unique but very ex cos ard $9.85)

**very nice plus strong aroma...

Friday, June 23, 2006

hehee.. i tried a new japanese restuarant at wheelock place ytd.. guess after a few days of hard work, it is time to pamper myself. due to last two days been working ot.. of cos time for myself bcome lesser, due to OT and sometimes after work might go loitering ard with my colleagues... hopefully my relationship with my colleagues are getting better. sigh.. tmr i got a meeting with the user, boss keep scaring me tat i will have to present for it.. while i threaten him with a mc or leave.. lol.. :P guess not, he will face it himself instead of throwing me to face so many polices to question.. i will bcome a criminal..

Some pictures which i took over at the japanese restuarant.. btw i met my ex-boss(who rolled off 1 week ago) there, guess wat she said... "I know why u girls said that seoul garden got no standard, hahaha. I will call K(My Current Boss) telling him that.. " hehee.. we were so stunned bcos we never tot tat we will meet anyone there..

Oyster and Mushroom
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Guess this is the first unique dessert that i ever had till now....
bird in a cage

hehee.. is empty.. hw can it consider as a dessert right..

three forks with an empty plate

opps.. it seems to be empty again...

tofu cheese cake

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Guess is too long that i ever blog about my own life. How's am i going on with my life? How's eevrything? How's stuff going on my work?

Places which i went these few weeks

  • Plaza Singapura

  • Novena

  • Orchard

  • Tampines

  • Little India

  • Joo Chiat

  • Home

Where to makan

  • Coffeeshop

  • HongKong Cafe

  • Haagen Daz

  • NYDC

  • Seafood Restuarant

  • HongKong Street

Yesterday i went to catch two movies, guess i will post out more details when i come back home at night.

Cars was pretty not bad.. the animation was fantastic.. lighting mcqueen was on the way of going to california for treson cup challenge.. uncle mac miss him during their the journey.. this is where lighting mcqueen met his lover at route 66. It is just a small town where everyone waiting for their customer. pple over there tends to enjoy their life and not rushing at all. the rest... find it yourselves when u go watch the movie ba..

rating: 4/5

Slient Hill was gore and disgusting..Can you imagine u see pieces of flashy on the floor and someone being tied to death.. hai~~ guess nowadays pple tend to be more tense up, tat's why they choose to go watch this kind of movie. being as a bunch of very gentleman. they actually can choose to escape from the cab fare but they had actually waited for me to catch the 9plus movie. Win told me actually SY want to scold me for tat late.. hehe.. but luckily he never scold me.. lol.. :P but i made another mistake was to mistaken sweden and england match. hai~~ but he said nvm.. guess i will make repay to him.. if he win lesser money..

friday, actually had met up sy, ant, win, and bulldog for dinner and soccer match. Actually i planned to have a dinner at fish and co to catch the match, but when i reached there i realised there wasn't any match at all. Therefore we went to coffeeshop to watch. Couldn't believe my eyes tat Argentina vs Dunno watever country.. 6-0.. Erm.. someone lose money..

It had been quite some time that i met this bunch of friends. Erm.. Not much changes, just tat kel went for wisdom tooth extraction and he show us his tooth but i never took any pic for tat. Then as for sy, he hurt his right hand wrist during his basketball match. Hurt tat my shifu hurt his leg too.. miss shifu sia.. always let me bully and sometimes he teaches me something in life...

The past few weeks been working OT at least 4 times out 5 weekdays. Skips a lot of chances to go out during weekday and have lesser time to spend with friends or family. but i spent quite a long time with my colleagues. My two bosses are rolling off from this project, they will be having a feast during next weekend. Guess i will have to cancel any dates and go there. Not to mention tat during my hardest period, they gave me all their support by delay my dateline and give me a long rest even though the mangement might nt approved to that long leave due to the urgent of finishing the task.

As for family, last sat i went for a family dinner. Sort of not long after tat my grandpa's death, tat's was our family reniuon due to grandma's birthday. Not to be surprised, everything is the same but the only thing is someone is missing. Seriously, i do miss him although i might nt be very close with him or maybe i am not his favourite grand-daughter. Miss him for the care he had towards the family, whenever there is something happened he will nt mention a thing. He will just kept everything inside. Guess all of us got inheirt from him about this bad habit. but everything is over, nothing will bcome the same again.

Uncle came back from australia and went to china for a trip with his family. Auntie again asked uncle to give hongbaos to ah-ma and mummy. Hai~~ my auntie always dote us a lot.. Seriously, i miss her a lot.. She is very strong even though she lose a son, she still fight on to take care of daughter and concern for everyone ard her. Mummy used the money auntie gave her and buy back gifts for them..

As for relationship, ytd i heard a ringtone in the cinema when i am watching slient hill. i wondering will tat be louis bcos both of us like that song quite a lot. The song was in hokkien, it had been a long time tat i ever saw him. We had no more feelings toward each other. Erm.. Seriously, i dun like to go Tampines. It had been a place with full of memories and quite a lot of pple who i used to love live there. Guess two persons are enuff for me to escape from there. I used to work there, i used to have gathering with my buddies there, i used to go there bcos of someone. Seriously if u asked me whether am i in a relationship or not, i don't know how to answer you. I might be a kind of person who will fall in love easily and get out from it easily. Erm... am i really tat strong? A past means ia a past, there nothing can make past to turn to present. There is someone who i can lean on when i need him or he really love me or he is really loyal to me. But someone who is still living inside my heart.. maybe bcos too many pple knows u, and they had been keep asking me abt u. how can i answer for tat? bcos u leave me without saying anything.. u had been trying so hard to avoid me, then no way.. no matter hw hard i fall now.. no matter hw pain i am in now.. no matter hw happy i am now.. i must control myself nt to msg u or call u bcos there won't be any reply or maybe u will hate me deeper? i seems like a prisoner who dunno wat she had done anything wrong.

Prisoner might land in a relationship now, she will nt have any reply abt tat. When she found herself much more stable in a relationship, she will nt be tat selfish to keep that again.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Green!

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Monday, May 22, 2006

ytd.. my aunts they all came to my a fillal or act fillal grand daughter... i accompany them througout the whole day.. wash plates .. cut fruits.. take things which they bought at giant.. ard 9 plus i went to watch movie with nanny.. it had been a long time tat we spent such a good time together.. sort of.. he never scold me?? haha.. or considered i am good girl.. i been waiting for him to come over.. wahahaaa..:P we catched 11.50 show.. hahaa.. used the gv vouchers which i got.. therefore i only left with 2 more.. lol.. of cos.. i won't miss to have my japanese ice-cream since i am at marina.. and i owe him too.. due to being a nice guy of him.. he helped me to call hm and inform my parents i will be late.. hehee.. nanny said tat i am using him.. erm... i dunno.. nanny.. am i really tat selfish towards u?? guess a bit.. hai~~~ or i duno.. we had a chat over at esplande before we went back to marina to catch the movie..

when we were at esplande.. one of my friends called me at the wrong timing.. i am eating my ice-cream.. and it spill all over me.. due to my phone is going to spolit.. sob sob.. i didn't realise it only till i reached marina giant.. guess i am really a kiddy..

over the hedge was considered nt bad.. i like it.. it is much more funnier than chicken little.. somemore it helped me to relieve stress.. felt a bit gulity.. bcos nanny suppose to meet his gd friends for supper but ended up watching movie with me.. sob sob.. sorry.. and somemore i need nanny to send me home also..

today back in office.. been sitting here since 3.. watching ICE AGE in office.. eat pizzas.. and eat... and drink... hai~~~ yawns~~~ my eyes are closing soon le.. when can i go home... sob sob...